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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2230
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Chapter 2230 The Revivex dissolved in Alicia's mouth. Its golden liquid smoothly slid down her throat.

A surge of vitality coursed through her body and reached every cell. Her heart, which had stopped, gradually resumed beating.

With each heartbeat, Alicia's chest rose and fell gently as her breathing returned to normal.

"She's breathing! Alicia's breathing!" Brian exclaimed happily.

"This is amazing! My sister is alive again!" Tears of happiness streamed down Aurora's cheek.

Kenan breathed a sigh of relief. He was grateful for the miraculous effect of the legendary Revivex tablet that revived Alicia.

Without it, his reputation would have been at risk. Though using such a precious tablet caused him sdiscomfort, the outcjustified it.

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"No wonder they call it Revivex," Brian marveled.

The ability to revive someone from the brink of death indeed demonstrated Revivex's extraordinary nature.

"Though it was a bit of a rollercoaster, thankfully, everything turned out okay." Kenan forced a smile, though sweat dampened his back.

He still couldn't understand why the Enigma Mist and Styx Passage technique had no effect on Alicia. In fact, they exacerbated her condition.

It was just a case of mild poisoning, yet why was it so challenging to treat? What went wrong? "Dr. Quake, something's not right," Aurora remarked and frowned. "My sister's breathing is getting weaker." 1 "What? How is that possible?" Kenan rushed over to check Alicia's pulse, and his face turned grim.

Just as Aurora had observed, Alicia's pulse was weakening again despite her earlier revival.

It seemed that Revivex's effects had only offered a fleeting spark of life. At this rate, Alicia would be gone within half an hour.

"Dr. Quake, what are we going to do now? You need to figure something out fast," Aurora urged anxiously. "I... I..." Kenan hesitated and was unsure of howto respond.

He had used the Enigma Mist for detoxification and tried the Styx Passage acupuncture for purging toxins. Plus, he even turned to his last resort, the Revivex pill, in a desperate bid to save Alicia's life.

But despite exhausting all his methods, there was no improvement. What had begun as a minor illness had only worsened with each treatment attempt.

He was at a loss.

"Dr. Quake! Why are you just standing there? Save her!" Aurora raised her voice.

Kenan sighed. "The patient's condition is just too strange. The illness is unlike anything I've encountered in all my years of practice. I'm afraid there's nothing more I can do." His face was clouded with shand helplessness.

"What do you mean, nothing you can do?" Aurora immediately grew agitated.

She spat, "You were so confident earlier and promised to cure Alicia. And now you're saying you can't do anything? You're a fucking skilled doctor, for goodness sake!" "I..." He was speechless under her reproach.

"Dr. Quake, do you have any other miracle cures? Bring them out, no matter the cost, as long as they can save Alicia," Brian urged.

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"It's useless." Kenan shook his head, and his face turned grim. 1 He went on, "I've tried everything I could think of, and I've exhausted all my resources, including the Revivex tablet.

"Yet, the patient's condition shows no signs of improvement. It seems seems like there's nothing more I can do for her. I You! you should prepare yourselves for the worst." "Stop your mourning nonsense!" Aurora fumed.

She grabbed Kenan by the collar and roared, "You quack doctor! You've turned my sister Alicia tothis mess.

vel And now you think a few words will absolve you of responsibility? If my sister doesn't make it today, every single one of you will pay the price!" "Ms. Marshall, you... you're being unreasonable," Kenan stammered. He looked desperate.

"I don't care about that. Today, you must cure my sister," she roared.

"Aurora, calm down. Let's think this through. We'll find a way to save Alicia, " Brian reassured her.

"Save? This quack doctor pulled out the silver needles, and now her condition had worsened. How the hell are we supposed to save her now?"

As she yelled, Aurora seemed to have a sudden realization. "Wait a second! Dr. Rhys had stabilized Alicia's condition before. If we bring him back, maybe there's a chance after all." "Even Dr. Quake couldn't do anything. You think that kid can?" Brian responded skeptically.

"We have to try," Aurora said firmly. "Martha, get in touch with Faith and ask her to bring Dr. Rhys back to save Alicia!" She was at her wit's end and resorted to desperate measures by bringing Dustin back to cure Alicia. Though the odds were slim, there remained a glimmer of hope. 3 What if a miracle were to occur?