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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2214
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"Kid, you've certainly surprisedwith your skills," Garrett admitted as he stood up slowly.

He continued, "But that doesn't justify your boldness in my presence with your limited skills." As he spoke, an

imposing energy surged from within him.

The martial artists felt the air grow heavy, and each breath beca struggle.

"This grandmaster's strength is no laughing matter! Is this what Elder Mason is capable of?"

They couldn't help feeling a mix of awe and apprehension. Just a mere display of power had them rooted in

place. After all, that was the might of a grandmaster martial artist.

Despite the tension in the air, Dustin stayed composed. His eyes locked on Garrett's with unwavering resolve.

"You've got talent, kid." Garrett stood with his hands clasped behind his back.

He added arrogantly, "I'm willing to offer you another chance. I'll let this incident slide if you swallow your pride

and apologize. | might even make an exception and take you under my wing."

"What? Take him as a disciple?"

The others exchanged bewildered glances.

"How on earth did this kid manage to impress Elder Mason?"

"With Elder Mason as his mentor, this kid might start acting like he's above everyone else in the martial world."

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"Too bad I didn't luck into that golden opportunity."

Murmurs filled the room. It was thick with envy and bitterness as everyone looked at Dustin.

Garrett Mason was one of the infamous Cosmos Demons and a grandmaster martial artist with unrivaled

strength. His ncommanded respect and fear in the martial world.

He had strict standards when it cto taking on disciples. Unexpectedly, he made a rare exception and offered

to mentor an inexperienced kid like Dustin.

"What are you waiting for, kid? Elder Mason's offering to take you as his disciple is a rare opportunity. Don't just

stand there. Show him your gratitude now," Lucian reminded Dustin.

Though Garrett's decision irked him, he dared not oppose it.

"Letclarify two things," Dustin said calmly. "Firstly, | haven't done anything wrong, so apologizing is out of

the question. And secondly, | have absolutely no interest in becoming anyone's disciple."

Huh?" Garrett's frown deepened, and his expression turned grim.

He had been sought after as a mentor for years but had never actively offered mentorship before. But when he

finally extended the offer, he never expected Dustin to reject it.

Naturally, Garrett felt irked by the unexpected refusal.

"Kid, do you have any idea what you're saying? Being chosen by Elder Mason is like hitting the jackpot. | didn't

expect you to be so ungrateful."

"Exactly! Getting the chance to be Elder Mason's disciple is something people would kill for. Who do you think

you are to refuse it?"

"Geez! You're sitting on a goldmine and don't even realize it!"

Seeing Garrett's displeasure, the others burst into angry reproaches. Their expressions twisted with a sense of

righteous indignation.

A grandmaster had extended the offer to take on a disciple, but it was turned down in front of everyone. If word

of this got out, it would undoubtedly beca subject of mockery.

Garrett began, "Do you have any idea who | am? People ctoall the tand beg to be my disciple, like

I'm a God. But I've never taken them seriously.

"Now, I'm offering you a chance to rise above the rest, but you're pushing it away. So, letask you one last

time. Do you want to be my disciple?"

His tone turned serious, and he gazed sharply at Dustin. As he spoke, the pressure emanating from him suddenly


The people nearby felt like they had been hit by lightning. Sweat dripped down their faces as they struggled to

catch their breath. Some, with weaker constitutions, trembled with fear.

The power of a grandmaster could cause havoc within arm's reach. Just the weight of this imposing presence

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was chilling.

"Whether others choose to be your disciple is up to them. But | have no interest in being one," Dustin replied


"Fine! You've gone too far now!" Garrett's expression darkened, and his eyes flashed with anger.

He continued, "You've turned to violence today, and | was willing to overlook it. But your lack of gratitude and

repeated refusals have changed my mind. Don't blme for showing you stough love!"

Then, he stomped the ground with force. It caused cracks to spiderweb out across the floor. Simultaneously, a

surge of powerful internal energy erupted from within him.

The force threw those nearby off balance. Swere sent flying, and their wailing echoed in the air.

When Garrett's internal energy collided with Dustin, it was deflected by an unseen force. Hence, Dustin was

protected from harm.

"Elder Mason, I'd advise against getting physical. Let's not escalate things unnecessarily. It wouldn't reflect well

on you," Dustin warned calmly.

He preferred to keep the situation from spiraling out of control. But if Garrett insisted on confrontation, Dustin

was ready to stand his ground.

"Arrogant brat! I'll teach you smanners!" Enraged by Dustin's defiance, Garrett unleashed his internal

energy and struck Dustin from above.