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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 2284
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Chapter 2284 “Brother Johnny, don’t worry. We can use people’s money to prevent disasters from occurring. Since you invited us, we will naturally help you solve your problems.” “You're right, just rest nearby and watch how we two brothers slay demons!” The twins spoke to each other as if they were confident of winning.

“W!tch! Do you hear that? If you tell me, you will be captured immediately; otherwise, today will be the day of your death!” Johnny shouted with a glare.

“Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you want to fight, just fight. | even rushed upstairs to eat.” Abigail was a little impatient.

“Arrogant!” “Let's see how we deal with you!” The twins were instantly enraged. Without saying a word, they immediately picked up their weapons and charged towards him.

The weapons of the two were very strange; one was a judge’s pen, and the other was an iron abacus.

They saw the iron abacus flicker, and a large number of abacus beads shot out like hidden weapons, overwhelming Abigail.

While the abacus bead was attacking from a distance, the judge pen also stabbed forward like a spear.

The two cooperated very well and had hidden murderous intentions.

Firstly, they used a large number of abacus beads to attract attention, and then they used the judge pen to kill with one blow.

If it were an ordinary warrior, protecting it would be impossible.

But who is Abigail? As a saint of the Mystic Arts Order and the second-most powerful person on the list of geniuses, she naturally did not take the attacks of the twin brothers seriously.

“Little tricks.” Abigail snorted coldly and raised her hand.

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A violent force of energy burst out instantly, like a raging wave, knocking directly at the incoming abacus beads.

For a moment, there was a crackling sound, like hail falling all around.

“Go to h-e-I-[!" The twin brothers, holding the judge’s pen, took advantage of Abigail’s distraction and stabbed her in the chest.

Seeing this, Abigail had no expression on her face. She just stretched out two fingers and gently held the judge’s pen.

The eldest brother of the twin brothers shrank his pupils with a look of horror on his face.

Unexpectedly, the killing move that the twin brothers had trained for a long tcould be broken so easily.

“Is this your strength?” Abigail looked like a lazy person.

“W!tch! You've fallen into a trap!” The eldest brother of the twin brothers suddenly laughed ferociously and then suddenly pressed the hidden weapon switch of the judgment pen.

“call out!” The next second, an ice needle suddenly shot out of the tip of the judgment pen.

The Ice Divine Needle was one of the top ten hidden weapons, specifically designed to break the body's protective energy while also having a strong freezing effect.

As long as the ice needle hits a critical point, it will be useless.

For the twin brothers, this ice-divine needle was a life-saving move. The twin brothers would never use them lightly unless absolutely necessary.

Just now, the eldest brother of the twin brothers felt the threat of death, so he chose to use his killing move directly.

At such a close distance, it was impossible for the opponent to dodge.

“Hmph! Let's see if you're still alive now!” Abigail abruptly opened her mouth and bit the Ice Needle with her teeth, just as the twin brothers thought the situation was over.

“What? How is that possible?!” The faces of the twin brothers changed drastically. Before they could react, Abigail suddenly took a deep breath and then spit out the ice needle in her mouth.

“call out!” The ice needle shot out backwards and penetrated directly into the throat of the eldest brother of the twin brothers.

AE bocass™ The twin brothers’ eldest brother froze and stood motionless, his eyes widening in disbelief.

The next second, his body quickly froze, and in just two breaths, he completely turned into an iceman.

Then he fell into the sky, falling to pieces with a “clang” sound.

In death, there was no whole body.

“Brother!” When he saw the broken corpses on the ground, the younger brother of the twin brothers was shocked and angry.

Despite their obvious preparation, they didn’t anticipate that the sneak attack would fail and result in their deaths.

“Dare to kill my eldest brother? | will fight with you!” The younger brother of the twin brothers’s eyes were about to burst, and the iron abacus suddenly swung. All the abacus beads inside tilted out at the stand shot towards Abigail.

Abigail stood motionless, just raised her hand, and suddenly waved her sleeve.

“Boom~1" The violent grandmaster’s energy suddenly erupted, carrying a huge force and blowing all the abacus beads backwards.

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“Bang...” There was an explosion, and a large number of abacus beads penetrated the younger brother's body like bullets, shooting him directly into a hornet’s nest.

The younger brother of the twins spat out a mouthful of blood, collapsed to his knees, and lost all breath.

From beginning to end, the two sides exchanged no more than three moves.

“Dead...dead?” Seeing the two mutilated corpses on the ground, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

They thought that the Mystic Arts Order taught the w!tches only by using powerful poisons, and the twin brothers, who were immune to all poisons, happened to be the w!tches’ nemesis.

Unexpectedly, after just one meeting, the twin brothers died, leaving no room for resistance.

The strength of both sides was not at the slevel at all.

“What twin brothers? D*mn! They are just two losers!” Johnny spat on the ground with great disdain.

He thought the two of them were skind of masters, but in the end, they couldn't even survive W!Abigail’s three moves. They were so rubbish.

“Who else wants to cup and die?” Abigail stood quietly, her eyes terrifyingly cold.

In the past, she would have gone on a killing spree and wouldn't talk nonsense at all. This, however, was the Sacred Wyrm Summit. She has continued to open the market for the past few days. If she killed too many people, it would inevitably affect the business.

It was precisely because of this that she didn’t want to make the matter too big.

Unfortunately, although she had a forgiving heart, others might not be willing to give up.

“Let us, the Four Tigers, kill her!” At this time, four more people cout from behind Johnny.

These four people were tall, short, fat, and thin, with different shapes. When they got together, they were quite powerful.

Abigail said with a look of disdain, “In my opinion, you should ctogether and fight with me. Don’t waste time. I'm in a hurry.”