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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 2264
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Chapter 2264 Xu Yang began to spread the science carefully: “This man is born with supernatural powers, and he practices physical training. He is made of copper skin and iron bones, and is invulnerable to swords and guns. Even if | play, | may not win. If you bet on him, you are picking up the pieces.” Money!” “So powerful?” Liu Hongxue’s eyes lit up.

Today is a duel in Group C, and Xu Yang is a player in Group B, who is much better than the players in Group C.

Player No. 68 can bear such a high evaluation from Xu Yang, which shows his extraordinary strength.

“Of course it’s awesome! Trust me, | guarantee there will be no problem this time!” Xu Yang said, patting his chest.

“Okay! Then I'll bet No. 68!" Liu Hongxue was cruel and took out her sword and bet it: “Winning or losing depends on this one move!” “You have courage! You are worthy of my junior sister!” Xu Yang gave a thumbs up, and then did the sHe raised his sword and slapped it on the table, counting it as a bet.

Both of them are dark iron swords, of excellent quality, which can replace five spiritual stones. If they win the bet, they can redeem all the things they lost before.

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Of course, if you make the wrong choice, you will lose all your money.

Seeing the confident looks of the two of them, Liu Rushuang shook her head, feeling a little helpless.

But she did not dissuade him. Sometimes, no matter haggmany kind words you give, it is not as profound as a lesson.

This time, Liu Rushuang did not place any bets.

Mainly because there were too many people and she didn’t like to join in the fun.

On the contrary, Yan Bugi bet all the spiritual stones he had just obtained and chose player No. 36.

“Uncle, do you want to play a few more games? ” Huang Yinyin turned back and looked at Dustin.

“What? You even have to cut my leeks?” Dustin joked.

“Look at what you said, am | that kind of person? I'm all for your own good.” Huang Yinyin blinked her eyes, looking like | was very honest.

“Okay, I'll just play a few words. | want to see what kind of medicine you are selling in your gourd.” Dustin smiled, then took out all the spirit stones and bet them all on player No. 36.

Contestant No. 36 is a man in Tsing Yi. The man is tall and has thin cheeks. He exudes an icy aura.

The man in green used a long spear, the whole body of which was made of black iron, and the head of the spear was covered with a leather sheath.

The reason why Dustin defeated the man in green No. 36 was mainly because the opponent was really good.

The realm of innate Dzogchen is definitely among the best in Group C.

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In fact, with the strength of the man in Tsing Yi, he can definitely be promoted to Group B.

Now staying in Group C is a downgrade to most warriors.

Because many of the players in Group C are in the early stage of innateness, as well as in the middle stage of innateness, and there are relatively few in the late stage of innateness, not to mention the more powerful innate Dzogchen.

“Okay, okay, the gis about to start, everyone has decided to leave and can’t play!” After all the players con stage, Huang Yinyin shouted a few times, and then decisively closed the game.

To show fairness, no one can bet once the gstarts.

As for the final result, winning or losing depends entirely on eyesight and luck.

Normally, the bookmaker that opens the market cannot get any advantage.

Dustin was very curious, what method did Huang Yinyin use to ensure that she would make a profit without losing money?