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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 2246
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These people were burly, holding long knives, and had extraordinary auras. They were obviously not good people.

Especially the leader, who was nearly two meters tall, covered in flesh and sinister, and looked like a bandit.

“Hey! Aren't those people from Blizzard Villa? They seem to be coming towards us.” Xu Yang quickly discovered something was wrong.

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“Blizzard Villa? Is it very powerful?” Liu Hongxue was a little confused.

“In the northwest region, it can be regarded as one of the top powers.” Xu Yang touched his chin and said thoughtfully: “But | heard that the old owner of Blizzard Villa died suddenly and mysteriously stago. Their funeral has just been completed, and | didn’t expect that they would also cto participate in the martial arts competition.” As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people from Blizzard Villa had already walked up to him.

“Witch! You are indeed here!” The leading strong man suddenly pointed at Huang Yinyin and said angrily: “There is a road to heaven but you don’t take it. Hell has no door and you break in. Today, | will avenge my father!” “Um?” Huang Yinyin raised her eyebrows, looking like an idiot: “Who are you? Do | know you?” “I am the young master of Blizzard Villa, Lu Heng!” The strong man Lu Heng glared and said fiercely: “My father Lu Sanfang suddenly died suddenly at the front of the house, officially at the hands of your Witch Gu Cult! As a witch of the Witch Gu Cult, you must pay the price with blood!” a “Blizzard Villa?” Huang Yinyin’s face grew colder, and she said indifferently: “Your father is dead, what does it have to do with me? Whoever killed your father, who do you want to go to?” “Hmph! Stop making excuses! None of you Wu Gu Cult disciples are good, they are all evil-doing, unscrupulous monsters! Today |, Lu Heng, encountered me, | will avenge my father and do justice for God!" Lu Heng is righteous! Ling Ran shouted.

“Walking for justice? Ha... That's nice to say.” Huang Yinyin laughed mockingly: “How many of you so-called decent people from famous families are righteous? They are just a group of hypocrites who hide their knives in their smiles and pretend to be righteous. They claim to be righteous, but they do dirty things. It's disgusting to watch! “ “That's nonsense!” Lu Heng glared: “Witch! It’s useless even if you talk about breaking the sky today. If you know what's going on, I'll arrest you immediately. Otherwise, don’t blme for going on a killing spree!” “If you're not afraid of death, just give it a try. | won't mind destroying your Blizzard Villa.” Huang Yinyin said with an indifferent expression.

Compared with her innocence when she faced Dustin, at this moment, she showed a bit of the majesty and ruthlessness of the Holy Girl of the Witch Gu Sect.

“Bold witch! Today | will destroy your soul! Chere! Kill me!” Lu Heng was so angry that he directly issued a kill order.

“kilt” Afterwards, the disciples of Blizzard Villa drew their swords one after another.

“stop!” Just when a battle was about to break out between the two sides, a loud shout suddenly exploded out of thin air.

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The roar of shouts clike thunder, causing everyone present to tremble and freeze instantly.

Especially the disciples of Blizzard Villa who were just about to take action were as if they were struck by lightning and could not move.

At the stas the shouts rang out, a middle-aged Taoist priest con the wind and landed lightly between the two parties.

Taoist priests are plainly dressed and unremarkable in appearance, but their strength is unfathomable.

The aura emanating from his body was like a huge mountain, weighing heavily on everyone's shoulders.

No one dared to move.