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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 2244
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“Anything is fine, preferably something special.” Liu Hongxue said happily.

“Special?” Huang Yinyin raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled: “Okay, then | will perform for you, but | need two people to cooperate with me, preferably a man and a woman.” ” Countin, as for the other well.” Liu Hongxue said, looking at Xu Yang: “Brother, it’s you, please cooperate with me, Sister Yinyin.” “Ah? Me?” Xu Yang's face froze, a little unexpected.

Why is it so easy to get him involved? “Senior brother, this kind of opportunity is rare to experience. Please helpand letsatisfy my curiosity.” Liu Hongxue’s face was filled with anticipation.

“This...isn’t there any danger?” Xu Yang's eyelids twitched and he hesitated.

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Who doesn’t know that the poisonous insects of the Witchcraft and Gu Cult are terrifying? What if he tries to poison himself? He didn’t dare to gamble with his life.

“Don’t worry, you won't die.” Huang Yinyin comforted.

But these words are obviously not convincing.

“Senior brother, you are so wise and powerful, don’t you even have the courage to do so?” Seeing that Xu Yang was still hesitant, Liu Hongxue immEhtely used the provoking method.

“Who said | don’t have the guts? | just want to cooperate? Con, con, try. If | blink, | won't be a hero!” Xu Yang puffed up his chest, looking like he was ready to die.

As a man, at this moment, he naturally cannot give in.

“Okay, then I'll get started.” Huang Yinyin smiled slightly, then stretched out her hand to wipe it on her waist. When she stretched it out again, there were already two more pills in her palm.

One is black and one is white.

The two pills were only about the size of mung beans. They looked ordinary and nothing special.

“Here, this pill is yours, this pill is yours.” Huang Yinyin handed the black pill and the white pill to Xu Yang and Liu Hongxue respectively.

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“Sister Yinyin, what is this?” Liu Hongxue asked curiously.

“Eat them, I'm telling you.” Huang Yinyin smiled.

“Okay.” Liu Hongxue nodded and swallowed the white pill directly.

As for Xu Yang, he looked at the black pills in his hand with shesitation.

“Senior brother, what are you doing standing still? Eat!” Liu Hongxue began to urge.

Xu Yang took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and finally swallowed the black pill.

“Sister Yinyin, can you tell us what this is now?” Liu Hongxue looked forward to it.

“This is called Twin Gu, also known as Yin and Yang Gu. If you eat them, your two lives will be tied together.” Huang Yinyin explained with a smile: “From now on, you two will live and die together, regardless of your differences.” Each other.” “Live and die together? What does this mean?” Xu Yang was stunned.

“Literally.” Huang Yinyin opened a lollipop and put it in her mouth, saying vaguely: “To put it simply, you two share the slife now. As long as one of you dies, the other will also die. .” As soon as these words cout, everyone's expressions changed.