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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 2241
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“l...did I read that correctly? The saint of the Witch Gu Sect actually fell into the arms of another man?” “It is rumored that the Saint of the Witch Gu Cult kills people like crazy and is cold-blooded. Why does it look different now than in the rumors?” “What's that guy’s background? He can actually make the Holy Girl of Witch Gu Cult fall into his arms. Is he skind of big shot?” The sudden change caused everyone present to whisper and point.

They didn’t expect that the notorious saint of the Witch Gu Cult would actually have such an innocent and lovely side.

She looks no different from an ordinary little girl.

If there weren't several guardians of the Witch Gu Sect standing behind Huang Yinyin, they would all doubt the authenticity of the other party’s identity.

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“Um?” Not only the onlookers, but also Dustin were shocked by Huang Yinyin’s behavior.

You know, he has been disguised now, and he looks completely different from before.

He didn’t understand, how Huang Yinyin recognized it at first sight? “Uncle, what's wrong? Are you not happy to see me?” Huang Yinyin tilted her head and looked at Dustin with a sweet smile.

“That's not to say, | just think it’s a bit surprising.” Dustin touched his face to make sure that there was no Ux | in the disguise technique, and he was even more confused.

“Uncle, there's no need to touch it. | don’t even need to see it with my eyes. | can tell it's you just by smelling it with my nose.” Huang Yinyin pointed to her nose: “The smell on your body is very special. | can smell it from a long distance away. How about it? | have a great nose, right?” “Of course it’s awesome, better than a dog.” Dustin praised with a smile.

“Uncle, are you praisingor hurting me?” Huang Yinyin rolled her eyes.

“Just kidding.” Dustin smiled and said, “You cto Longhu Mountain to participate in the martial arts competition?” “For the competition held at Longhu Mountain, we, the Wu Gu Sect, naturally have to cto support us and at the strecruit stalented newcomers.” Huang Yinyin replied truthfully.

“This competition has so many winners and masters. It is indeed a good opportunity to recruit talents.” Dustin nodded.

“Uncle, what about you? You shouldn't be here just for fame, right?” Huang Yinyin asked with a smile.

“On the one hand, I'm joining in the fun, and on the other hand, I'm entrusted by my friends to cover and do serrands.” Dustin didn’t hide it.

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“I understand, the secret must not be leaked!” Huang Yinyin winked playfully.

As smart as she is, she naturally understands that Dustin's visit to Longhu Mountain this tis not just for the martial arts competition, otherwise, he would not be disguised.

“Uncle, are these all your friends?” As Huang Yinyin spoke, she turned her eyes and looked at Yan Bugi and the others.

“Yes, they are all new friends | met at Longhu Mountain. Letintroduce them to you.” Dustin stretched out his hand and introduced one by one: “This is Young Master Yan Bugi, the young master of Yama Luo Palace. He is both civil and military, knowledgeable and talented, and he is very enthusiastic.” “Hello, Mr. Yan.” Huang Yinyin smiled slightly.

“Brother Dustin, that’s ridiculous. I'm just a commoner. | can’t reach the realm of elegance.” Yan Bugi cupped his fists in return, but he couldn't help but feel a little surprised in his heart.

Because he did not confess his identity as the young master of Yama Palace, but Dustin revealed the mystery with one word, and it was obvious that he had seen through it long ago.

“These three are all elite disciples of the Sword Sect, with extraordinary talents and extraordinary skills.” Dustin continued to introduce: “This is Senior Sister Liu Rushuang, this is Second Senior Brother Xu Yang, and this is Junior Sister Liu Hongxue.”