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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3263
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Chapter: 3263

“These damn beasts! How dare you steal our things? Kill them all!” Uncle Wang cursed


After receiving the order, the members of the escort team took out their weapons and

began to hunt the gerbils without caring about anything else.

With the sound of gunfire and slashing, one after another, the gerbils fell into a pool of


Seemingly frightened, the group of gerbils that had been robbing them violently before

finally began to flee in all directions.

After a while, it disappeared without a trace, leaving only hundreds of gerbil corpses.

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However, to the gerbil group, this loss is nothing.

Because of the gunfire, everyone in the camp had been awakened.

Everyone’s faces were particularly ugly when they saw the mess on the ground.

Along the way, they also experienced a lot of troubles, such as sandstorms, quicksand

areas, poisonous snakes and scorpions.

But there were all near misses, and with adequate preparation, nothing was lost.

However, now, a sudden rat plague has destroyed most of their supplies.

This is undoubtedly bad news from heaven.

“Miss Li! How could this happen? Where did these gerbils come from?” Xue Feng stepped

forward and asked.

“Captain Xue, should I ask you this question?”

Li Qingcheng said in an indifferent tone: “You have been to the Death Desert many times

and know the environment here very well. You also chose the camping site last night.

Don’t you know that there are gerbils in this place?”

“Ms. Li, I really didn’t expect this to happen.”

Xue Feng quickly explained: “Normally speaking, the gerbil group will only appear on the

edge of the dead desert, and there will be a fixed area of activity. However, the location

we selected is not within the activity range of the gerbil group at all. Should have been


“Miss Li, there are always accidents. When you enter the Desert of Death, you should be

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prepared to deal with various changes. Our captain has tried his best. No one expected

that there would be a group of gerbils here. If you want to blame, you can only blame it.

Can you blame me for not taking good care of the supplies?” The short-haired woman

from the Black Scorpion team began to complain.

“That’s right!”

The bald man next to him echoed: “The people guarding the supplies are all your

subordinates. If something goes wrong, don’t blame us.”

“Uncle Wang, who are the people guarding the supplies? Call them all over.” Li Qingcheng

said coldly.


Uncle Wang responded and left quickly.