Chapter 20 Chapter 20 79% Plus the Alpha really hated when his sleep was disturbed. If it wasn't an emergency that directly affected him then he wanted. to be left alone, Jessy missing was an emergency for me, the biggest emergency could ever have but that wasn't the Alpha's problem, it wasn't an emergency to him.
I didn't understand the Alpha in the least but he didn't look like someone that would jump out of his bed and run out of his room, sacrificing his rest for the sake of one of his slaves.
With that thought in mind I went back down the stairs and headed in the direction of the kitchen.
There was no tto pause to think. The longer I stayed without Jessy, the worse her situation could get. I didn't kn where she was but I knew that I did not have a lot of ton my hands.
If she had been taken by Matthew then I had even less time, The kitchen held a door that led out into the garden at the back of the house. We were usually allowed to use it, since we had to pick vegetables from the garden to prepare the meals so there were no guards stationed outside there.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtBeyond the garden though was a path that led into the woods. I wasn't sure where the woods led to or what could be lurking around in it. We were warned about ever using it but that was my first and only option of leaving the mansion.
The moment I got closer to the line of trees that led into the woods the familiar scent of my daughter settled in the air aroundand although it was fading off, like it had been a while that she had been there, I could still pick up on it.
And with hope filling me. I dashed into the woods, running as fast as my legs could carry me.
The wind made it more difficult to pick out the exact direction that Jessy had gone through but I kept following where her scent was strongest and it leddeeper and deeper into the woods.
It was weird that I couldn't pick out any other scent except my daughter's. I knew that there was no way that Jessy would have left the house by herself and cthis far into the woods, but the deeper I went the more I could scent her.
Only her.
Thankfully the moon was full and it lit my path for me. I was scared and the fact that I had already cso far into the woods with no sign of my daughter and no sign of an exit from the woods bothered me.
I was already panting in exhaustion and the dizzy spells I felt weren't helping in the least. They both weren't enough to deterand I kept going.
The woods only seemed to go deeper and deeper with no end in sight and no signs of my daughter and that frustrated me.
Then I saw it up ahead.
The figure of my daughter and she seemed to be tied to a tree.
That gavethe boost I needed and in a few seconds flat I was beside my daughter, kneeling to observe the situation that surrounded her.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Jessy!" I called out but got no response.
12/31/ Thu, Jan 23 GO.
Chapter 20 279%a
Jessy's head was hung low awkwardly and at first glance she looked to be sleeping. began to try to loosen the ropes that bound her and at the stime, try to get her to open her eyes
It becevident soon that my daughter wasn't sleeping and was m rather unconscious because after ttempts to rouse her, she several remained unmoving, which was very unlike her.
The ropes had been tied in a complex I kriot and I struggled for awhile trying to get it to capart. The more I tried to loosen it the more it tangled.
Theard a branch break just behindand I whipped my head in its direction It happened so fast.
One moment I was trying to turn my head and in the next a searing pain was wracking into it, knockingunconscious.
The last thing I saw was the large looming figure above me.