Chapter 17 "No, no Master please. It was an accident, I swear. I didn't mean to do it. Please, I beg you." I pleaded as the guards heldtightly and began to dragout of the room.
The Alpha remained in his position and I could see the fumes of anger coff him in waves. Just before I was completely pulled out of the room I caught sight of Matthew's smirking face.
The look in it seemed to be tauntingand in that moment I would do anything to be able to wipe off the look, but I was being pulled out of the room.
1 thrashed in the guards arms the closer we got to the punishment room, I had never entered the room before but Zoe had pointed out it's door one twhen she had been showingaround the house And the way she had shivered when she had spoken about it and when she had warnedto do my best to not ever have to be taken to that room had chilledto my bones.
Now I was about to be taken to that very room. The guards threwinto the room and with a stern warning they lockedinside it.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtMy heart stopped the moment my eyes landed on the punishment tools in the room.
There were chains and shackles strung all around the room and whips of different types were hung around the wall. One particular whip stood out to me, it had little spikes surrounding its edges and I cried even louder when my eyes landed on it. There was also a metal pole in the middle of the room, I couldn be sure what it was used for but the entire room reeked of evil so it couldn't spell anything good.
The room held no windows, only one door and the dim lights in the room casted a creepy glow in the room. Surprisingly the walls were painted a pure white, contrasting the eeriness of the room.
I heard heavy footsteps from outside the door and it could only belong to one person.
The Alpha.
The tears fell faster down my cheeks, this evening was supposed to be simple. All I had to do was go in with the drinks, serve them and get out of there. How this simple plan had escalated was beyond me.
I heard the click of the door and then it was pushed open and he was entering the room. I didn't dare try to raise my eyes to his and kept my head bowed but this way I could see that he had changed his pants.
I was on my knees on the floor and at this point all I wanted was to enter the ground. "P-please Master. It was a mistake. I swear. I didn't mean to do it I tried once more.. "Silence Freya!" He replied, moving to the row of whips, My entire frtrembled as 1 heard his shoes against the hardwood and the shuffling of the hangers as he pulled whip after whip, cracking each in his hands until he was satisfied with an exact one, Finally he was back at my side again.
"Hold the pole and do not let go until I'm done. If at any point you let go of this pole, I will start over again and add two to your initial lashes. And court, for every tthat you fail to court fast enough, that will be two extra lashes." 12-31 Thu Jan 23 s G Chapter 17 I swallowed heavily and reached for the pole holding it tightly in my arms. The first lash on my back, sent an excruciating pain searing through my back and I let out a loud cry.
"Count Freya, I won't remind you again." "One." I croaked out.
By the third lash I let go of the pole writhing on the floor.
"I'm pretty sure you heardthe first time, Freya. I don't mind doing this all night, so you could always givea reason to start over again." as
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmAt fifteen, I had lost my voice and my hands were slipping from the pole I but the last thing I wanted was for this punishment to be restarted so I held onto the one as tightly as my sweaty hands allowed.
"Twenty Two." I squeezed out barely and the Alpha let the whip, fall from his hands onto the floor. He walked to my front and stood aboveto spare down atfor a second.
"I don't care what your excuse is Freya. You don't get to embarrassin front of my officials.
He said, squatting in front ofuntil he was eye level with
"You're to scrub every bathroom in this house before 10pm tomorrow. If I inspect the job and I'm not satisfied with a single bathroom, best believe that you'll be doing every single one from the start till I am satisfied with what you have done and I don't care how long it takes." I nodded my head mutely but he remained in front ofstill observing me.
He finally clicked his tongue before standing up and exiting the room.