Chapter 14 He didn't stop until he got to the bottom of the sheet and giving once over to whatever he had written on it he hummed in satisfaction, tucking the paper into an open file before shutting the file and putting it aside.
He raised his eyes for the first tto address us and when he caught sight of Emilia's hair a frown cupon his face and he glared hard in her direction making the other girl cower from the intensity.
"The next tthat I catch sight of your hair like this, in my home, I don't care what tof the day it is. You'll be going bald the very next minute, He threatened with a low growl and Emilia trembled.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtShe quickly put her hair into a ponytail and used loose hair to wrap around it. The result wasn't perfect but at least it satisfied the Alpha who cut her a dirty look once more before clearing his throat.
"There are several rules that apply to working in this hand expect them to be followed with precision. The punishments that cwith breaking any of these rules are grave." The Alpha paused, alternating between staring at myself and Emilia "General rules: I should always be addressed as Master. It is a no brainer that you are not allowed to step a foot outside of these premises, don't even try to think of running away, you wouldn't get very far and once you're returned here, I'll make sure that you're unable to move without help, do you understand me?" "Yes Master." Emilia and I responded in sync and the Alpha hummed, pleased.
"Next, I always demand peace and quiet in my home! I don't care what is happening around you, I don't want to be disturbed by it. Also, In case you haven't noticed, my maids take great care of their appearance. Which means neat uniforms, neat fingernails and neat hair." He said once more, giving a pointed look to Emilia, who buried her head in shame.
Now for specific duties. Emilia, you're to report to Zoe. She's head of the maids and she will give you a new chore every week. I expect that they are executed to the best of your abilities, and by that I mean, I expect them to be done perfectly. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes Master." Emilia said.
"Freya, you'll be attending personally to me. Your duties include serving my food, cleaning only spaces that concern me; my office, room and that expands to whatever else I may need. Do you understand?" Yes I und what he had just said but No I couldn't understand why I had this role. Emilia looked more qualified to serve him, but I didn't dare voice out these thoughts, choosing to respond in the affirmative instead.
"Any questions?" He asked, leaning back in his seat with his eyes still fixed on our frame.
"M-my d-daughter will she s-serve too?" It was one question that had been on my mind since the Alpha had acquired us.
He furrowed his brows in thought before clicking his tongue.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"She's too young. The general rules apply to her and you're responsible for seeing that she lives by them, but she can't serve for now until she's much older." He said and I let out a breath of relief I hadn't realized I was holding.
"Yes Emilia?" The Alpha said, turning in the direction of the girl "Is there a reason she has to attend to you personally?" Emilia asked and I could hear the underlying anger in her words. "How dare you question me?" The coldness of the Alpha's tone set shivers down my spine and it wasn't even directed at 1/2 12.31 Thu, Jan 23 9 GR Chapter 14 me.
"I'll let you off the hook for the very last The content is!
lime. You've treading on thin ice here. One more time, and you'll be hanging upside down in a cell for however long it will take all the blood in your body to get to your head, with no food or drink."
Emilia gasped softly and I could see О the tears brimming in her eyes. "You're both dismissed." Comment