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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 8
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Margaret frowned and touched her neck. She could recall Christopher kissing her neck, and he must

have left a hickey on her neck. She blushed upon thinking that, but Elizabeth still seemed excited as

she said, “Meg, if Mr. Lewis really likes you, why don’t you consider getting together with him? He can

give you a comfortable life, and he is a fine young man. I’m sure he is handsome in your eyes too. After

all, the two of you have already known each other for ten years.” Refusing to dwell on this topic, she

interrupted Elizabeth by saying, “Elizabeth, I’ll be late to class. I have to go now.” As she finished, she

ran out of the house like she was running for her life. Get together with Christopher? It’s not like I’m sick of living. After arriving at school, Jodie went up to her and fiddled with the scarf. “Babe, what’s with

your unique fashion sense? Since when are you so interested in the vintage style? But then, Meg, I

have to say you do look good in anything, even if you were to wear the janitor’s uniform. Just your eyes

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alone are seductive enough.” Eyes? Christopher did mention my eyes last night too. Margaret was a

little triggered at that. “Stop messing around.” Suddenly, a phone ringtone could be heard. Margaret

and Jodie exchanged a look. Jodie shrugged. “It’s not mine. The ringtone is just not my style.” Margaret

listened carefully and noticed the ringtone seemed to be from inside her bag. She opened her

backpack and saw the latest model of a certain smartphone brand ringing inside her bag. She was a

little confused, and she took out the phone to see that it was a call from Christopher. When did he put this phone inside my bag? And look at him saving his number on the phone already. She felt uneasy

and glanced at Jodie before answering the call, “Hello?” Christopher’s attractive voice could be heard

from the other end of the phone, but there were no specific emotions in his tone as he said, “I’ve

transferred some money to your bank account. You’d better not act like I’m torturing you the next time I

return home. That ruins my appetite.” Appetite? He isn’t referring to the appetite to eat, is he? The call

ended just like that, and she received a notification of the money being transferred to her account.

Margaret turned off the phone and stuffed it inside the bag. Her hands trembled a little after touching

the bank card in her purse. She felt like the money she received was her reward from last night. It

made her feel very uncomfortable. Jodie asked, “Did your brother give you that phone? It’s worth more

than ten thousand. It seems like he doesn’t treat you that harshly after all.” Margaret nodded. “Let’s go.

It’s time for our class.” Perhaps Margaret’s stars were not aligned that day. Upon entering the studio,

she found out that the mentor was not in a great mood. The mentor said, “Today’s task is to draw your

most memorable person. There are no limits to your creativity. You may use pictures as your reference,

but there will be no template.” Jodie expressed great interest in that, and she stared at Margaret,

making Margaret a little embarrassed. She asked Jodie, “What are you thinking? We were told to draw

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the most memorable person.” Jodie chuckled. “You are my most memorable person. Ever since I met

you, I just can’t forget your face. You are so flawless. I’m sure if you were to join the entertainment

industry, none of those celebrities would be able to rival you. If I have to point out your flaws, I’d say

you’re too quiet, and you should put on some weight too.” Margaret did not say anything in response.

She was instead wondering who her most memorable person was. Was it her parents? Their faces had

already faded in time in her memories. Christopher was the first person who came into her mind, and

with his presence, she could vaguely remember Fredrick and Elizabeth’s faces. She refused to draw

Christopher, and she did not have a picture of him either. Nonetheless, even without a picture, she

could still recall his features clearly. Every slight movements and expression of his were fresh in her

mind. “Margaret, what are you doing? I know everything you own in this school is sponsored by

someone else, but you should not be slacking. Hurry up and start drawing,” the mentor reminded

Margaret while knocking on the canvas. Margaret focused her attention and started drawing on the

canvas. She wanted to draw Elizabeth since Elizabeth was the person who was the kindest to her after

her parents. However, as she started drawing, the portrait on her canvas was still Christopher.