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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68

It was already eight in the evening when she arrived in Horington. Margaret had a good sleep at the

hotel, and it was three in the morning when she woke up. She took out a magazine about the art

exhibition and made a basic itinerary. The art exhibition would also be exhibiting works by her favorite

painter. She had made the decision to resign on impulse, as she wanted to start doing things that she

was interested in. Life was too short for one to ponder on the same thing for too long. Hence, she

thought she should be living as she wished before it was too late.

The next morning, Margaret went to the art exhibition directly and stayed there for the whole day. She

could feel her passion for drawing burning like wildfire again.

Horington was different from Dellmoor. Horington did not snow and the temperature there was slightly

higher. Moreover, the streets were often bustling with people at night. It was almost eleven o‘clock when

she finally returned to the hotel after strolling around.

Back in the hotel room, she instantly felt an overwhelming sense of fatigue.

Despite that, she still dragged her exhausted body to take a bath out of habit. Suddenly, she heard a

knock on the door shortly after she lay down. It sounded more like someone bumping instead of

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knocking on the door.

Margaret was startled. Still, she gathered herself and tiptoed to the door. She then asked softly, “Who is


There was no response from the other side of the door. Then, she took out her phone and turned it on,

preparing to call the police at any time. However, countless missed calls from Christopher appeared on

the screen as soon as the phone was switched on.

Margaret did not expect that he would be looking for her. Feeling bewildered, she called the number

back. A familiar ringtone suddenly rang out from outside. It‘s Christopher‘s phone ringtone!

She opened the door stiflly as she prepared herself for the storm. However, to her surprise, Christopher

hugged her tightly as soon as the door was opened. She could feel the warmth of his body and the

sense of helplessness from his action.

“You... Do you think I can‘t find you?” he questioned in a sickly tone. He no longer sounded as

domineering as usual.

“What‘s wrong with you?” Margaret was struggling to withstand his weight, and she could hardly keep

her balance.

He did not respond to her as his arms gradually slid down from her body.

Faced with that unexpected situation, Margaret fell into a panic. Gritting her teeth, she tried to move him

to the bed. As his weight was too much for her to bear, she staggered all the way. Just as she was about

to reach the bed, she finally lost her balance and fell onto the bed with him.

Before she came back to her senses, Christopher had already gotten on top of her and kissed her on the

lips. Then, a slightly hoarse voice sounded in the room. “I didn‘t allow it. You‘re not allowed to go! No way

you can stay out of my sight!”

Margaret wanted to explain that she only came out to watch the exhibition and take a break. However, he

did not give her any chance to do so. The tip of his tongue stopped her from saying anything.

She could feel that Christopher was very sick.

Although it seemed like he was barely conscious, his body seemed to tell otherwise. He pinned her down

under him, and she was left with no room to resist or escape. He finally moved his lips to her neck when

she was about to suffocate.

Panting and breathing unsteadily, she pleaded, “Christopher, you‘re sick. Let‘s go to the hospital. Don‘t

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do this.”

He paid no heed to her as if he could not hear her words. Then, he ripped off her bathrobe before

removing his own clothes.

At that moment, Margaret’s face turned pale in pain as her mind went blank. He still sleeps with me in the end... Will he think that I‘m a filthy woman when he wakes up later?

After a long, passionate night, Christopher finally fell asleep while maintaining the position on top of her.

Margaret could hardly breathe. She felt that her body was going to fall apart, especially her lower body.

After she regained some strength, she pushed him away from her body carefully and adjusted his

sleeping posture so that he would feel more comfortable.

Meanwhile, Christopher‘s high fever had not subsided. Hence, Margaret took the medicine out of her

suitcase. His cheeks were burning. She took a look at him before

she put the medicine into her mouth and fed it to him. Then, she fed him some water using the same way

as well.

Upon confirming that he had swallowed everything, she forced herself up to clean the room even though

she was feeling extremely uncomfortable. When she saw a red stain on the sheets, her mind went blank.

Oh yeah, I didn‘t feel anything when I slept with Jenson three years ago. And what happened today felt

so different as compared to that night. Does this mean that nothing happened between me and Jenson? I was too young to know about all these back then.

She had a hard time figuring out what she was feeling at that point. In the end, she still lost her virginity

to Christopher.