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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 196
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Chapter 196

It was true that she did not love him, but it was still considered a betrayal. What person in their right mind

would be able to accept this? Neither of them would.

“That was just a misunderstanding. It’s up to you to believe it or not.” Margaret’s voice was weak. She

had already given her first time to Christopher. Had he not known it? I’U bet he’s slept with more women

than just Megan. For someone who’s slept with countless other people, how can he not tell the


“Sure. A misunderstanding! Are you telling me you weren’t lying in Jenson’s bed then? That you didn’t

wear his clothes home the next day? What exactly am I misunderstanding? Don’t tell me you two laid

down naked in bed and did nothing?” Christopher stood up and flipped over a small table. The tableware

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and books on top came crashing down and caused a huge ruckus.

Margaret stood frozen to her spot, and her body stiffened as she quivered her lips. She said nothing. He

had completely wiped out everything she wanted to say. She wished to explain that all she and Jenson

had done that night was sleep together in the same bed. They had not taken off their clothes nor done

anything else. The thought of it was ridiculous.

Seeing her keep quiet, the fire in Christopher’s eyes grew bigger. “Nothing more to say? You left work

early to go see him just so I wouldn’t find out, right? Can you at least try to be a little smarter? The least

you could do is hide it from me better!”

Margaret bit down hard on her lip until it almost bled. Her heart felt like it had been pierced through and

stomped under his feet, and she struggled to breathe.

“It’s not like I wanted to hide it from you, but I knew you would lose your temper at me. We have the rest

of our lives for you to torture me. You don’t have to keep harping on this same issue. It’s so odd. There

are many other things you can take out on me. Why do you keep focusing on these tiny little details to try

and prove that I’m cheating? It’s not at all like us. Anyway, it’s not like it matters to you. You’re just trying

to find excuses, aren’t you?” Margaret simply could not understand why he was getting so triggered,

“Odd? Not like us? Then, tell me. How do you think we should be?” he asked coldly,

“You don’t love me, and I don’t love you. If this is all for revenge, then it shouldn’t involve feelings. To me,

you’re my only family. No matter how far you take things, I’ll always remember the good in you. I’ll never

forget how you took me in for over ten years and gave me a home.” She poured her heart out to him

honestly about how she

viewed their relationship. To her surprise, this only seemed to anger him even more.

He reached out and pinched her chin. With a mocking stare, he uttered, “I have never once treated you

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like family. Even as a child, I wanted to exact my revenge. Every time I saw you, I had the strongest urge

to kill you. When we were teenagers, I realized you had grown up and that you were starting to become

a woman. Do you see where I’m going with this? When you turned 18, I didn’t even get to have you

before Jenson got to you first. You are mine, but someone else has gotten their hands on you. What do

you think my response would be to that?”

He scoffed and continued, “Why would you treat me as family? I’m nothing more than someone who

owns you. I keep you for my entertainment. Do you now understand why I can’t let you have any sort of

relations with another man? Because you are mine. I don’t like other people touching my things. Yes, it’s

true that I don’t love you. I never will. I definitely don’t care if you love me. So stop bringing up how I took

care of you for ten years. It’s meaningless.”

Staring at the man in front of her, Margaret was in disbelief. Did he really just say all that? She always

knew he was cold and distant. Sometimes, he could even be fierce. But now, she saw a darker side to

him. His words shot through her like arrows. It turned out that the relationship she treasured with him

was nothing more than a joke in his eyes. The man she had spent more than ten years with had treated

her as a mere plaything.