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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 177
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Chapter 177

Discerning the changes in Christopher‘s expression, Nina knew that she should stop talking and wisely

kept her mouth shut.

After dinner, Christopher went straight to the study. Bored, Nina went into the kitchen. “Elizabeth, I‘ve got

something to ask you.”

Elizabeth had a negative impression of her in the first place, so she continued with her work while

saying, “Go ahead.”

Pouting, Nina queried, “I‘d like to know how Christopher got together with Margaret. You‘ve worked for

the Lewis family for a long time, so I‘m sure you know about it.”

Elizabeth cleared her throat and declared, “Of course, it was because he loves her! What other reason

could there be? Mr. Lewis‘ parents are deceased, and he has full

control over his marriage, so he‘ll undoubtedly marry someone he loves. The Lewis family is vast and

influential, so there‘s no need for a political marriage. Don‘t you think your question is rather idiotic?

They‘ve been together for over ten years, so their relationship is superb with them interacting every day.”

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Nina then took out a bottle of iced fruit juice from the refrigerator. “Hey! Do you think I‘m a three–year–old

kid? Even if they do interact daily, can an enemy turn into a lover?”

In response, Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the woman. “Even if Mrs. Lewis‘ father made a mistake, what

has that got to do with her? They‘re dead, so shouldn‘t the matter be put to rest? Mr. Lewis isn‘t the kind

of person who‘d hold a grudge against a little girl. Anyway, what exactly are your motives that you‘re

asking about this? They‘ve been married for three years, so don‘t tell me that you‘re still thinking of

getting together with him?”

Nina‘s lips curved into a meaningful smile. “I don‘t mind that he was married. When I like someone, I‘ll

definitely fight for him. I‘ll leave you to your work, Elizabeth. I‘m going on a walk.”

Meanwhile, Margaret was rather bored in the bedroom. Recently, she was either at the hospital or at

home and had nothing to do. Verily, she felt as though she was going to go out of her mind with


She had also been eating mild food these days, so she had long since grown sick of it.

When she caught a whiff of the delicious aroma, especially, she found it all the more difficult to stomach

her bland food.

Aware that Christopher was in the study, a bold idea occurred to her—to sneak down to the kitchen and

secretly eat something tasty. Even if it was just a bite, it could at least stimulate her taste buds.

Cradling Tabby in her arms, she crept to the kitchen. When she saw that Elizabeth was still bustling

about, she didn‘t dare make a move. “Elizabeth, you‘re almost

finished here, right?”

Mistakenly assuming that she wanted to help out again, Elizabeth hastily shooed her away. “Go, go. If

you‘re bored, go and have a walk. Do you not have anything better to do? Why did you come in here


Exasperation flooded Margaret. Seeing the few dishes on the countertop that appeared untouched, she

couldn‘t help gulping. “I‘m just walking around. Elizabeth, could you please go and see whether there‘s

still water in Tabby‘s water bowl? Add some if there‘s none left. I‘m worried that it‘ll be thirsty.”

Elizabeth wiped her hands before she spun around and walked out. “Don‘t lift a finger to do any of the

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chores in the kitchen. If I catch you when I return in a while, I‘ll tell Mr. Lewis!”

Margaret agreed with a smile. Only when she had ascertained that there was no one in the kitchen did

she extend her grabby hands at the food.

At the thought that Nina ordered them specially made for Christopher, the urge to clean the plate gripped


When she took the first bite, she felt her tastebuds finally coming to life. It was just a bit spicy.

At the second bite, however, she started inhaling sharply. Oh God, this is too spicy! Does Nina have a problem with her tastebuds? Is this even edible? No wonder it all looks untouched!

“Meg, if you‘ve got nothing to do, brew Mr. Lewis a cup of tea.”

Hearing Elizabeth‘s approaching footsteps, Margaret hurriedly pretended as though nothing had

happened. She slipped out of the kitchen, exclaiming, “Sure, sure! I‘ll do it right away!”

When Elizabeth saw her sprinting away, she chastised, “Slow down! Be careful that you don’t fall down!”

How would I dare slow down? My tongue is burning so much that it has almost gone numb! I need water!

The instant she returned to her room, she guzzled a whole glass of water. Then, she even drank a carton

of milk before the spiciness in her mouth abated slightly.