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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140

Raina’s temper flared. “I thought you didn’t care about me? Since you don’t care, I’ll take care of myself. I

came out to eat and play poker. I’m going to play through the night, so I’m not going home. Mind your

own business, and leave me alone!”

When the call ended, Jodie felt the urge to scream to vent her frustration. If she were not worried about

being complained about by her neighbors, she could have gone on for ten minutes. I can’t go on like this.

Sooner or later, I might go crazy!

Three days later, Margaret was discharged and returned to the Lewis residence.

According to Fredrick, Christopher had not returned home for the past three days.

*As she wanted to know about the current situation of the car accident, she asked,

“What about the car accident? How did he handle it?”

Fredrick replied honestly, “The person who caused the car accident was the driver of the Jenkins family.

He said it was an accident, so they settled it privately. I heard it was Mrs. Jenkins who came forward to

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deal with it.”

Margaret was stunned. A second later, she gritted her teeth and snarled, “What did you say? Are… Are

you sure it was Hannah who came forth to settle things? Christopher dealt with everything in my place.

Did he not investigate this matter properly?”

Or could it be that they know the truth but choose to keep quiet to protect Megan?

A sigh fell from Fredrick’s lips. “That’s right. It was Mrs. Jenkins. I’m afraid you will need to ask Mr. Lewis

for further information.”

He’s right! I should look for Christopher! Despite her frail body, Margaret rushed out of the house.

Seeing her action, Elizabeth ran after her in an attempt to stop her. “What are you doing, Meg? Can’t you

wait for Mr. Lewis to come back? The doctor said you need to be on bed rest for the next few days!”

Meanwhile, Fredrick hastened to get the car from the garage. “Mrs. Lewis! Since you want to meet Mr.

Lewis, I’ll bring you to him. You have to be mindful of your health right now.”

Margaret did not reject his offer and opened the door to get into the car.

Elizabeth sighed in relief. “Fredrick, I won’t follow you both, so please take good care of her!”

Fredrick gave an affirmative response and drove toward Lewis Corporation.

Half an hour later, he parked the car in front of the building. Margaret immediately got out of the vehicle

and rushed inside but was stopped by the receptionist. “What are you doing?”

Fredrick stepped forward with a grim expression and announced, “This is Mrs. Lewis!”

The receptionist’s eyes widened in shock, and she quickly hung her head and apologized to Margaret.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t recognize you. Mr. Lewis is upstairs. Do you need me to.”

Before she could finish her sentence, the latter had made her way toward the elevator.

Upon noticing that Margaret was moving in haste, the receptionist felt that something was amiss, so she

quickly picked up the phone and called Christopher’s secretary. “Emily, Mrs. Lewis is here. She’s on her

way up to Mr. Lewis’ office. But she looks furious… There’s also someone with her that I’ve never seen

before. He might be their butler or something.”

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Emily thanked the receptionist and hung up before knocking on Christopher’s door. “Mr. Lewis, Mrs.

Lewis is here to see you.”

“Mmh,” came his impassive reply from inside the office.

Soon, the elevator reached the forty-sixth floor. Emily was already standing outside the elevator to

welcome Margaret. When the latter walked out, she conducted herself professionally, smiling while

saying, “Mrs. Lewis, Mr. Lewis is in his office.”

Margaret glanced at Emily’s soft, fuzzy slippers, which were out of place with her working attire.

Suddenly, she remembered that Christopher did not wish to be interrupted while working. Hence, there

must be complete silence on that floor. The last time she came, she had walked into his office barefoot.

That time around, however, she did not take off her shoes and immediately pushed open the door to his

office. “Did you investigate the car accident properly, Christopher Lewis? Why did you settle it privately

without asking for my opinion first?”

Christopher’s gaze never left the document in front of him as he replied, “You don’t need to make the

decision for this kind of matter. Didn’t you also never give me a chance to decide on our child? Wait, you

didn’t even give me the right to know about it.”

Margaret clenched her fists in anger. “Fine, let’s put those aside for now. What if I . told you it was Megan

who crashed into me with her car? In that kind of situation, it’s obvious that she did it on purpose! How

can it be an accident?”