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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 1468
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Chapter 1468 Let’s Get Them Out

But at this time, Tessa heard Gregory's surprised gasp, saying, "Mommy, come quick!

Gordon can roll over now!"

The instant she heard that she jerked her head to him in surprise and happened to see

Gordon rolling over while kicking his chubby little legs.

Gregory crouched next to the baby and watched unblinkingly. "Gordon is so cute."

Tessa totally agreed with him on this and saw that Gordon seemed to be celebrating after

successfully making his first flip, waving and kicking his tiny hands and feet gleefully, his

lips letting out peels of delighted giggles.

That night when Nicholas came home, she immediately shared with him what happened

during the day. "Gordon has already learned to roll over," she said, wildly gesturing with

her hands as she described the scene to him.

He had a slight smile on his face as he listened patiently and started feeling curious about

how Gordon rolled himself over. Hence, he couldn't stop himself from picking the sleepy

Gordon out of the baby crib and placing him on the blankets.

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The scene amused Tessa, and she said, "Why are you tormenting Gordon like this?"

"Even though this isn't the first time Gordon rolled over, I would still like to witness it." The

look in his eyes turned soft, and he didn't want to miss any second of his child growing up.

She huffed in amusement and said, "There's nothing to witness. It's the same as Greg

when he learned to roll over."

"But I've never seen Greg roll over," he said, and his voice turned sad. "I wasn't around

when Greg was born, and by the time I returned from the military, he was already three

years old. I wasn't there to see any of his milestones when he was young."

At that time, he didn't know how to communicate with a child, and his relationship with

Gregory was rather strained. Afterward, it took him a lot of effort to get Gregory to

familiarize himself with him.

For Tessa, this was the first time she heard Nicholas speak about the relationship he

shared with Gregory, and it broke her heart. But at the same time, she was curious

because she hadn't heard him mention anything that happened when Gregory was a baby.

Eventually, she couldn't suppress her curiosity and asked tentatively, "May I ask about

Greg's mother?"

He was stunned by the question as he stared at her and was at a loss for words. On the

other hand, she misunderstood the look on his face and hurriedly said, "It's fine if you

don't want to speak about it. We can forget I ever asked that question."

Although she said that, she couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes, and he

tightened his arms around her. Then, he kissed her on the forehead and assured her, "It's

not that I don't want to speak about it, but now is not a good time. If you trust me, I'll tell

you once the time is right." He looked deeply into her eyes, trying to convey his genuine

sincerity over the matter.

Although she could feel he was hiding something from her, she didn't want to pry it out of

him if he wasn't willing to share it with her. Nevertheless, that didn't matter because she

trusted him.

Meanwhile, after Zachary and the others were arrested as they had their hands in the

kidnapping incident, their families were thrown into disarray. Furthermore, Nicholas had

already made it very clear to the police that he wasn't interested in meeting their families

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either. So, their families couldn't even meet them, no matter what means they resorted to.

Tonight, those left behind gathered for a meeting. As the elder in the group, Madeline

spoke before anyone else could, "Now, Zachary and the other decision-makers in our

families have been sent to the police station by Nicholas. In my personal opinion, I think

we should negotiate with him tomorrow in order to get them out of that cell. Even if it

means that we have to use all our assets in exchange for their release."

After she said that, everyone broke into a clamor, "If we hand over all our assets to

Nicholas, we'll be in no position to ever voice our objections in the Sawyer Family!"

"Exactly. More importantly, will Nicholas let us off because of these assets?"

"Moreover, how will we live if we give them away?"

Everyone had their own opinions, but in reality, they couldn't bear to part with their

assets. Madeline realized this but still said indifferently, "I know that none of you are eager

to give up your assets on a silver platter, but without Zachary and the others, we don't

even know if we can hold on to the assets in our hands. I'm sure all of you know this pretty

well without me having to make it this clear. So, we might as well use these assets to

exchange for their freedom rather than risk losing everything without gaining anything in

the end. Once they're out, I'm sure we'll be able to get them back."