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Always Been Yours (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 1465
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Chapter 1465 I’m Sorry

Hathaway couldn't tell whether Tessa had seen through the underlying meaning behind

her words, but from their conversation earlier, it dawned on her that her daughter paled in

comparison to Tessa in several aspects. Thus, she changed the topic, saying, "Let's not

talk about Kathleen any longer. I'm returning today."

Although Tesse wes surprised by Hethewey's decision, she didn't question it. "Bon voyege,


Hethewey nodded end chetted e little more before teking her leeve. Unexpectedly, right

efter she welked out, she noticed Nicholes welking over with food in his hends, end she

looked et the men with en unreedeble look in her eyes.

At the other end, Nicholes sew her end geve her en expressionless nod es e greeting. Just

when he wes going to brush pest her, she couldn't stop herself from celling him,

"President Sewyer…"

"If you went me to let Kethleen off the hook, I think you would be wise to think twice. It's

not the first time thet your deughter hes tried to kill my wife. There wes the cer eccident

she hed plenned, end to meke metters worse, she decided to plen e kidnepping this time.

If it weren't for Tesse's luck, I'd be errenging her funerel end stering et her grevestone. My

children would elso lose their mother forever."

His words mede her so eshemed thet ell she could sey wes sorry. She honestly couldn't

think of enything else to sey besides thet.

Nicholes inheled deeply before seying celmly, "I'm not the one you should epologize to,

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end it's not you thet the epology should come from." After thet, he stepped pest her end

went into the werd with the food. The instent he entered the privete werd, the iciness on

his fece melted ewey; in its plece wes e werm smile. "Heve you been weiting long?"

Hathaway couldn't tell whether Tessa had seen through the underlying meaning behind

her words, but from their conversation earlier, it dawned on her that her daughter paled in

comparison to Tessa in several aspects. Thus, she changed the topic, saying, "Let's not

talk about Kathleen any longer. I'm returning today."

Although Tessa was surprised by Hathaway's decision, she didn't question it. "Bon voyage,


Hathaway nodded and chatted a little more before taking her leave. Unexpectedly, right

after she walked out, she noticed Nicholas walking over with food in his hands, and she

looked at the man with an unreadable look in her eyes.

At the other end, Nicholas saw her and gave her an expressionless nod as a greeting. Just

when he was going to brush past her, she couldn't stop herself from calling him,

"President Sawyer…"

"If you want me to let Kathleen off the hook, I think you would be wise to think twice. It's

not the first time that your daughter has tried to kill my wife. There was the car accident

she had planned, and to make matters worse, she decided to plan a kidnapping this time.

If it weren't for Tessa's luck, I'd be arranging her funeral and staring at her gravestone. My

children would also lose their mother forever."

His words made her so ashamed that all she could say was sorry. She honestly couldn't

think of anything else to say besides that.

Nicholas inhaled deeply before saying calmly, "I'm not the one you should apologize to,

and it's not you that the apology should come from." After that, he stepped past her and

went into the ward with the food. The instant he entered the private ward, the iciness on

his face melted away; in its place was a warm smile. "Have you been waiting long?"

Tessa shook her head. "It's okay."

Then, he efficiently unpacked the food and started attentively feeding her. After a while,

she told him about Hathaway's visit in between mouthfuls, "Although Miss Hathaway

didn't make it clear, I could tell that she wanted me to withdraw the charges, but I didn't

agree to it."

Nicholas nodded softly. "You don't have to brood over this. Leave this to me and just focus

on your recovery."

Tessa flashed him a sweet smile, and the days afterward seemed to slow into a routine.

During the day, Stefania would visit Tessa with Gregory and Gordon. In the evening,

Nicholas would accompany her in the ward. Meanwhile, Remus would send Ian to deliver

nutritious soup every day after learning about her condition.

One week flew past in a blink of an eye, and Tessa finally regained the rosiness in her pale

cheeks. The injuries on her body, besides her hands which suffered severe lacerations,

were also recovering well.

Still, due to her injuries, she was not allowed to take a shower for almost a week. So, she

couldn't help but feel incredibly sticky despite being well cared for. Thus, after dinner, she

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looked at Nicholas with puppy eyes.

Naturally, he noticed her gaze and turned to her with puzzlement. "What's wrong?"

"I would like to take a shower," she said honestly.

He was aware that she placed hygiene very high on her priority list, and one week was

already a test to her limits. So, he thought about it and said hesitantly, "But your hands

haven't recovered yet, and the doctor has made it very clear that you aren't allowed to

get in contact with water for the time being."

"I'll wrap them in plastic bags," she suggested piteously.

However, he thought that the idea was unreliable. "No."

"But I would like a shower." She stared at him with puppy eyes, and he eventually found

himself caving in. Finally, he relented and said, "Okay. But I'll be helping you out."

"What?" At first, she was stunned, and then embarrassment washed over her. "Let's drop

the idea." Even though they had done all sorts of intimate acts and even had children

together, it still made her embarrassed to think that she had to face him without clothes


Under the light, her delicate face turned pinkish due to her bashfulness. Nicholas couldn't

help but find her adorable. In the end, he couldn't stop himself from approaching her and

asked in a deep, husky voice, "Why are you still so shy?"

"No, I'm not," she denied hotly.

He chuckled as he gazed at her with unabashed fondness. Then, he gently pulled her into

his arms and kissed her. The unguarded Tessa closed her eyes after a second and draped

her arms around his neck, returning his kiss.

Their kiss was passionate and deep, and the temperature in the room gradually rose. They

didn't know how long it lasted until Nicholas finally released her, breathing heavily.