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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95 Becky’s concern


“You look really nice today, Ca ssy,” Becky remarked as I stepped foot in the lab, and her dark eyes

trailed over me. “You’re practically glowing. Did something good

happen to you or something?”

Heat spread to my cheeks and I tucked my hair behind my ear. I’d taken a little extra time to apply

some makeup and my wavy hair was cooperating for once, but

there was more to it than that.

Thoughts and images of last night danced in my mind, and I started to smile, but I shoved the

memories aside and made up an excuse.

“I think I’m just happy that the imposter was finally caught,” I said. There was some truth to my

statement, but it certainly wasn’t the only reason.

“Me too,” Becky agreed, and she set down the stack of papers in her hand. “It’s brilliant news.

Hopefully, the man will confess quickly so we can start identifying the venoms. This whole thing has

been so awful.”

I nodded. “Definitely.”

As I walked over to my desk and set my backpack down, I thought more about the situation at hand.

Once we were able to get the vipers sorted out, I could get back to researching the mysterious disease

that plagued Wegalla.

But what would happen after that?

I didn’t have a clue.

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Though I hadn’t admitted outright to Asher that I was Cora, nothing would stop the Alpha King from

believing it. He could always get proof if he really wanted to. He had all of the resources available to

test my hair, my nails, or anything else that could prove once and for all that I was his former mate.

All I could do was put my head down and hope for the best.

As I rested on the desk, I thought again of last night, particularly of one moment. Just after we’d made

love, right before we fell asleep in one another’s arms, Asher had told me that if I truly insisted on

leaving, he’d give up everything.

and leave with me.

He’d been half asleep when the words had left his mouth, so I wasn’t sure if there was any truth to

them, but I couldn’t help but think about it anyway. Did he mean it? Would Asher Collins give up his

throne, his very birthright, and his Pack just to leave with me?

It was highly unlikely for that to happen. I knew that. But what he wasn’t kidding?

Could we really leave Anemond behind?

“Ca ssandra?” Becky’s voice pulled me back into reality. I turned my attention back to her.

“Sorry,” I apologized. “I got a little lost in thought.”

“It’s okay,” she said, and after a brief pause, she started to mess with one of her bracelets. “So, there’s

been something I wanted to ask you. I don’t know if it would be possible. But when we get this situation

with the vipers under control… could I take a few days off?”

Distress suddenly painted her features, and I granted her my full attention.

“Is something wrong, Becky?” I asked.

She seemed hesitant to answer, but then she took a deep breath and nodded.

“It’s my mother,” she began, and her eyes fell to the ground. “She hasn’t been feeling too well these

days. I’d like to take some time off to look after her.”

“Of course,” I said gently, and I gave her a reassuring smile. “That’s no problem at all. Family is so

important. Take the time you need to care for her, and be sure to

take some time to look after yourself. This viper thing has been taking over everything. I’m sure you’re

super burnt out. You deserve some good rest.”

Becky shook her head and then crossed her arms.

“Truthfully, I’m not feeling burnt out,” she admitted. “In fact the lab is the only place where I can find

some peace.”

My assistant sat down in the nearest chair and then wheeled it closer to me.

“I really love my mother,” she continued, and she began to mess with her bracelet again. “But

sometimes she can be… unreasonable, you know? She wants me to marry a man from a wealthier

family, someone who can ‘take care of me. But I don’t want that.”

“What do you want?” I asked gently.

She paused for a moment and then smiled.

“I want to wait for my mate,” she said, and her cheeks started to flush bright pink. “I know that sounds

silly. My mother says I’m foolish because a true, fated mate is so rare. She says such a thing never

happens to common girls like me.”

Becky took a deep breath.

“I don’t blame her for being like this,” she sighed. “My mother had a hard time raising me. My dad died

when I was very young.”

“I’m so sorry,” I offered.

“Thank you,” she replied, and then she pushed her glasses further up her nose.”It hasn’t been the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

same since he passed. I have two older sisters and they ended up choosing their mates. Once they got

married, my mother was pretty obsessed with the idea of me doing the same. But I didn’t want that.’

“Which is totally understandable,” I interjected. “Finding a mate isn’t something you should take lightly.””

“I know,” she agreed. “My mother tried setting me up with a man, but honestly, it’s wasn’t a good match.

He was unpleasant, to say the least, and he wanted me to give up my dream of being a royal healer.

He wanted a woman who would just stay in the house and be an obedient wife, which sounded like an

absolute nightmare. So, I turned him down.”

She shook her head again. “I don’t know. Maybe it was dumb to reject him, but I know what I want, and

I’m not about to give up my dreams just to make my mother happy. It’s probably silly, but I want to find

my fated mate. Besides, I just passed my eighteenth birthday. I’m in no rush.”

My heart ached as I studied Becky’s face. I felt sorry for her. As much as I wanted to tell her it could

happen for her, the truth of the matter was that fated mates were rare. Every werewolf in Wegalla knew

that. Fated mates were considered a blessing from the moon.

Rumor and legend said that the blessing would only be granted to werewolves who were gifted and

strong. I knew this to be true because Asher and I had been fated mates. It was the only reason I

hadn’t been sentenced to death immediately after my father had been imprisoned, but it was also the

reason the soldiers had come to Rosepetal.

The king couldn’t marry another woman unless his mate was dead.

I shoved my feelings aside and reached out and took Becky’s hands in mine.

“You’re incredibly gifted Becky,” I assured her. “Not to mention, you’re one of the kindest and most

wonderful people I’ve ever known. I know it seems impossible, but don’t let go of your dreams. Your

true mate is out there, and I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll find him.”


My assistant’s eyes spilled over with tears and she leaned forward and hugged

“Thank you, Ca ssy,” she whispered. “Thank you.”