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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 He’s drunk


I was half-asleep when I heard a loud knock on the door. Startled, I sat straight up in bed and caught

my breath.

My eyes flew to the clock. It was nearly three in the morning.

Who was at my door this late?

“Who’s there?” I called out just loud enough to not wake Finnick. Luckily, my boy fast asleep and

snoring lightly.

was f

When I didn’t get an answer, I pulled myself out of bed and headed toward the door. I was nearly

halfway there when I heard another series of knocks. They were more forceful than the first and I felt a

mixture of fear and irritation.

I opened the door and when I did, my lips parted in surprise.

It was Asher.

I was about to ask what he was doing here at this hour, but before the words could escape me, the

Alpha King rushed into the room, closed the door, and then cornered me against the wall. His steel

gray eyes bore into mine with intensity and his breath was hot against my face.

He smelled heavily like liquor.

“Are you drunk?” I asked as my body trembled.

He’simply stared back at me. “What do you care?”

Frustration bloomed within me and I broke eye contact for a moment to collect


“I don’t,” I blurted out bravely. “But consuming any bit of alcohol, especially in excess, will only further

your disease-”

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“My disease,” Asher repeated back in a mocking tone and then he chuckled and stared back down at

me. He leaned in even closer. “I don’t care about any of that anymore. If I’m doomed to perish from it.”

He steadied himself against the wall and turned away slightly.

“In fact…” he murmured. “I wish it would take me… so I could see my Cora


It took all of my effort to keep from uttering a sound. No… he couldn’t mean that, could he? Was he

really so willing to die, even when he had a family, a wife, a child? I knew that Marco wasn’t his

biologically, but did he really care so little about the boy that he was willing to leave him fatherless?

Asher turned back to me and narrowed his eyes.

“Did you know Cora?” he uttered, and before I could say a word, he pressed further. “You must know

her. I can see it in your eyes, Ca ssandra. You know more than you’re letting on. Tell me the truth.”


His tone shifted and became almost cruel, dangerous. He wasn’t Asher Collins, not right now. He was

the Alpha King and he was giving an order to a lowly subject.

“Everyone knew Cora,” I managed to say quietly. “All-of Wegalla knew of her. She’s infamous-”

“You’re lying,” Asher cut me off. “I know you are. You know far too much about her than anyone else. I

keep finding you in the same places she lingered in, in the same clothes… something isn’t adding up


I stood there, frozen. I hadn’t been careful enough, it seemed. Asher was beyond suspicious of me and

my recent actions, and his drunkenness had only furthered his boldness. I knew he wouldn’t stop

questioning me until I came up with an explanation.


I was trapped.

“Why do you care so much about her?” I shifted the subject from myself. “Coral Felix died five years

ago. Why can’t you let her go-”

“So you do know Cora,” he cut me off, ignoring half of my statement. My frustration grew exponentially,

but before I could utter another word, the Alpha King pressed his lips firmly against mine.

The motion was so forceful that it took me by surprise. I struggled underneath him and tried to push

him away, but Asher’s strength was far greater than mine.

My legs quivered and my body shook.

The Alpha King leaned in and kissed my ear.

“Tell me the truth,” he whispered, and a chill ran through me.

“Please stop,” I begged timidly. “Please.”

Asher pulled away for a moment but maintained his hold on me.

“Is this not what you wanted, Ca ssandra?” he asked in a tone that was both terrifying and utterly

sensual, and he lessened the space between us. “I can tell by your heartbeat and the look on your face

that you want me. And I want you too.”.

The Alpha King wasn’t wrong by any means. I wanted him more than words. could express, but not like

this, not when he was so inebriated and intense. This

was wrong in so many ways.

Asher leaned in to kiss me again, but before he could press his lips against. mine, a high-pitched voice

called out from behind us.

“Let my mommy go!”

Asher whipped around instantly, and once he was out of the way, I could see Finnick standing there in

his pajamas. His hands were curled into tiny fists at his sides and he glared at the Alpha King as if he

were much older than his five years.

Asher chuckled at the boy and released his hold on me. As I rushed away from the wall and headed

toward Finnick, my cheeks heated with embarrassment. No. part of me wanted my son to see me like

this, in this kind of position.

“I’m okay, honey,” I assured him quietly when I reached his side. “I promise-”

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“He looked like he was hurting you, Mommy,” Finnick insisted and his lower lip trembled with fear.

Footsteps rang out behind us, and I turned to see Asher with a strange expression on his face.

“Listen-” the Alpha King began to say, but Finnick didn’t let him say another


“Don’t worry, Mommy,” he said and he stepped in front of me “I’ll protect you.”

As Asher laughed, I reached out and gently touched Finnick’s arm.

“I appreciate it, baby, but everything’s alright,” I lied to him. “The Alpha King and -I were just talking,

that’s all.”

Finnick’s gray eyes were full of tears when he turned to look at me. I knew he didn’t believe me, but I

had to do something to diffuse the situation. After a moment or two, he eased up and his body

language softened.

“How about I tuck you in?” I suggested. “The king and I will go to another room so we don’t wake you

up again. How does that sound?”

Finnick glanced over at Asher and then back at me. He contemplated my words for a second and then

nodded slowly.

“Okay, Mommy,” he said quietly.

Without another word, I took his hand in mine and started to lead him back over to the bed. It took all of

my effort to keep from shaking. All I wanted was to climb in bed with him, close my eyes, and pretend

this entire night and the encounter with Asher Collins had never happened.

I helped Finnick back into bed and once he was situated with his favorite. stuffed bear, I tucked the

comforters tightly around him.

“Sleep tight,” I said gently, and then I kissed his forehead. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he whispered, and when I stood back up, he closed his eyes.

Asher stood by the door, his arms crossed. His expression was almost sheepish, like he was

embarrassed by his actions. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could come out, a

scream rang out.

We both jumped in surprise and Asher’s face went stark white.

“It’s Adalyn.”