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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 235
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Chapter 235


I had never expected the condition to be so dangerous for me. Of course, expectation was one thing

and reality was another.

I stared down at the killer whose throat had just been slitted. He was the third killer we’d been forced to

take the life of this week. Though these would-be assassins were not very skilled, they all seemed to

be loyal to their master. None of them had said who sent them here to kill the king before their deaths,

but Kane and Silas had their theories. My stepbrother thought it could be just about anyone, but the

Beta assumed the man who hired these assassins was his own father.

Though Oliver was the most suspected of the bunch, Kane suggested that it wasn’t just him who

wanted to use this chance to take the crown.

The second and third killers came only half a day apart, which meant our whereabouts had been

exposed. It came as no surprise to me that our route had been compromised. Since we had taken

command of the Myriad and taken a few elite soldiers with us, Oliver must have gotten the news from

his spies. The old Beta had eyes everywhere in Wegalla. As much at I hated to admit it, we were never

truly safe from his watchful gaze.

If only I’d known that Oliver Moses was so wicked before all of this had gotten so out of hand. I would

have dismissed him from my court much earlier bamshed him and his villainous family to the


All except Silas, of course. The youngest son of Moses had been a worthy ally and I was grateful to

have him at my

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“Til be sure to ensure that our soldiers are extra vigilant from here on out, Silas swore. his golden eyes

fixed intensely on the body of the assassin’on the ground.

“That’s not enough” Kane remarked, his face worried. The more Packs we visit, the more people will

know what situation their Alpha King is m. It might incur more and more killers from different parts of

the country.

“Then what do you suggest we do?” I wondered as frustration swelled within me. “Do you have a plan?”

My stepbrother ran his hand through his hair and then nodded. Sort of. What we need to do is figure

out which Packs are ging to fight for the Alpha King once this war begins We need to know who is

going to have your back once things in Wegalla escalate. That being said, we need to keep you hidden

away for now. Allow me to present myself and do the talkin Sala presence will also show them the

king’s authority

kid want ine to remain in the shado “I cut him off as my eyebrows creased together

“Yes and no Kai teplied gently “The Alpha King doesn’t need to be present during this campaign of

ours, but that doesn’t (rated to remata is the `stay at one of nns when we meet with the Alphas of the

differem Packs

“What do you man and It was clear that my stepbrother had a plan in mut, but I wasn’t following it


“Tuned dogue younette capitained aid he stepped away for a moment and returned with medium sized


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Take (pards.

Chapter 235

A fake king? An imposter?

I wasn’t sure how to feel about this plan.

“Do you intend for one of the soldiers to pose as me?” I asked him

He shook his head. “A soldier wouldn’t work Warriors of the Myriad have all gone through intense

training. They’re too hardened to pass as a king and have no experience or opportunities to witness

how a royal is meant to behave.”

I stared at Kane for a moment and then understood what his brother truly meant. It was a crazy idea,

one I didn’t with

I began to speak. “Do you intend-”

“Yes,” he said with a nod. “We need to change clothes. You will disguise yourself as a soldier, and I’ll-”

quite agree

I shook my head before he could finish his sentence. “This is too dangerous, Kane. You’re too

important to risk. You’re the brains of this operation.”

“Tll take that as a compliment, Kane said with an amused smirk. “But that’s precisely why I need to take

the job. I know how to act since I’ve been living in the palace for so long. I’ve observed your father and

yourself for years. I know your mannerisms. your speech patterns, everything. We may not look much

alike, but I know how to conduct myself the way a king should.”

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“Be that as it may, I don’t think this is a good idea,” I insisted. “I appreciate that you’re willing to take

this risk for me, but this is a dangerous plan, Kane.”

“I know it’s dangerous, Asher,” Kane replied with a steady gaze. His violet eyes were even as they

stared into mine and he raised his chin slightly. “I know what I’m taking on in doing this

Silas and I exchanged a cautious glance with one another. The tall Beta didn’t seem too convinced of

this plan either, though he likely wouldn’t speak much on the matter. While Silas was intelligent, he had

a quiet disposition and usually allowed me to make the decision rather than offering his opinion. That

said, I knew if I asked him directly, he would speak his mind.

I didn’t want to offend Kane, but as a headache bloomed within me, I found myself at odds with his

daring plan.


“Asher, you have to let me do this.” Kane pressed, and he took a step toward me. “I don’t see any other

option here.”

“And what happens if you die?” I blurted out. “What do we do if one of the assassins gets ahold of you

and attacks you, thinking you’re the Alpha King? I cannot ask you to make that sacrifice for me, nor

would I ever want to..

Kane remained silent for a moment, and we stared at each other for what felt like an eternity until he

spoke again.

“My death would be better than yours, Asher,” he said firmly, his tone full of resolve. “I’m replaceable.

You, however, are not. You have a duty to Wegalla, and you need to follow through and remain safe. I

will take your place.”