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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 233
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Chapter 233


As my head began to pound from the influx of this new information, I stared off in the far corners of the


I saw movement in my peripheral vision, and then I felt Kaleb sit on the couch beside me. I glanced

briefly in his direction, and he held a tissue out to me. Though my cheeks were stained with tears, I

didn’t take it. I knew this was all by design. Every step he took was deliberate, and today’s conversation

was no exception. He allowed me to listen to what Raven was going to say and then watched me break


Though I wanted to continue crying and dissolve into my sadness, I took a few deep breaths and

calmed myself. Ronald was right. There was no way I could fight against Kaleh, at least not directly:

Eneeded to be cunning and brave if I wanted to take the king of Yurene down

So, I forced myself to look into his dark blue eyes,

“Are there truly 50,000 people in Wild Crawler who have caught the disease?” I asked him quietly.

Kaleh didn’t answer directly. Instead, he slightly raised his eyebrow and clenched his jaw before


“The longer you drag out giving me an answer the more the number will increase” he said, his tone

calm but also somewhat threatening

I gulped down the lump that had formed in my throat and summoned all of my courage. I wasn’t certain

how this was going to play out, but I couldn’t wait any longer. No one else would die because of my


“I will marry you,” I decided. “And I’ll do anything you want to help find the magic that Emmett hid within

me. But I have some conditions. If you want to make use of me completely, you’ll need my full

willingness to cooperate.”

The Northern king seemed surprised by my statement and nodded for a second.

“What do you want?” he asked softly as his eyebrows crinkled together. I hesitated and then put

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forward my conditions.

“First, a cure needs to be sent to Wild Crawler,” I stated. “Before our wedding even takes place.”

Kaleb nodded. “That can be done. I promised as much would happen.”

“I hope you’re the kind of person who would keep your promises,” I replied, and the king of Yurene’s

expression grew solemn

“Of course,” he insisted. “That’s why I never swear them easily. My morals may not align with others

too often, but I’m a man of my word, Cas sandra. Now, what else do you want?”

“Well, secondly, I want Raven to create the cure to Inferno,” I answered without missing a beat.

Kaleb lifted a brow and didn’t answer immediately. He must have known it was for Asher, but his

handsome face didn’t betray that at all. He ran his hand through his long golden-brown hair and after a

brief moment of hesitation, he nodded his head

“I will allow Raven to give it a try, he remarked. “But I want you to know upfront that she could very

easily fail. She’s talented but there’s a possibility she cannot crack at

Ewanted to fire back and tell him that it was non negotiable, but simply nodded back and then

summoned the courage to make

supposed what he was saying held some merit. So, 1

last request.

“And last trailed off and after a moment of pause. I straightened up “I don’t want Asher to find out about



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Chapter 233

Kaleb smirked. “I doubt that it could be kept from him. News of our engagement is going to reach th if I

tried my da mndest to ensure that no one tells him, the king of Wegalla would likely find out fro

“I know,” I sighed as my stomach twisted into anxious knots. “But I want to keep it a secret at least ut


The king of

Yimene narrowed his eyes and studied for a moment. Then, yet another smirk formed on his

“You love your mate, he assessed, and when I parsed my lips, he laughed lightly. “Alright. I’ll help you

save Asher and allow the naive king to remain oblivious.


I thought he would have much more to say on the matter, but to my surprise, he didn’t continue.

Instead, he rose from the couch and then walked over to the door. He lingered in the doorway as he

exchanged a few words with the guard stationed outside of the room, and then he turned back to face


“Helene’s maid is waiting for you,” he announced, and I was nearly startled by his words. Like Ronald’s

fiancee said, Kaleb surely kept an eye on whatever I was doing. But still, it chilled me. I wasn’t sure if

Kaleb knew I had agreed to be Ronald’s informant. He probably wasn’t, of course, but I was particularly

on edge.

I forced myself to smile through my stress and nodded politely

“I’ll walk you out myself,” Kaleb said as I stood up. “I have a few friends to visit, so it’ll be

I swallowed hard and then nodded again

be on my way.

You and Helene must have a lot in common to talk about. he remarked as I crossed the room to join

him. “You’re both from the South, after all. I suppose that’s why you’ve visited her so often lately.”

His voice was placid, yet his eyes were as sharp as ever. I had the sense that he was suspicious, but I

remained calm and even-faced.

“Indeed.” I replied, and I offered him a small smile, “Helene is very kind. I’ve enjoyed her company


I must have managed to not appear panicked or suspicious because Kaleb simply nodded in response.

He held the door open for me and we stepped out into the hall. We continued our walk in silence, and

when we turned the corner, we spotted Alana, Helene’s maid.

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Alana’s eyes widened when she caught sight of Kalebs, and she immediately bowed her head.

“Hello, Your Majesty, she uttered politely as her cheeks flushed scarlet.

Kaleb didn’t address her. Instead, he reached out and took my hand in his. My heart began to race as I

tried to make sense o what was happening, and then the king pressed his lips against thy hand gently

Have a good day, Cassandra,” he said, and after he dropped my arm, he left. I tried to catch my breath.

It was just a kiss on the hund, but it was more than I’d expected

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Chapter 233

When lunch was finished, Helene smiled at me and gently tour hed my arm.

“I want to give you a present.” she announced, and then she withdrew her hand and unfastened her

necklace. When she handed it to me, I was completely surprised.

“Oh, Helene, I couldn’t accept this. I objected, but she shook her head.

“You must,” she insisted, and when we stood up, she then she hugged me. Before I could break the

embrace, she whispered. in my car. “You must take it.”

Before I could question it further, I felt Helene place something in my pocket.

My lips parted in surprise, but when I glanced at Ronald’s hancee, she shook her head.

“Wait until you get back to your chamber,” she whispered.

It was a warning, and it sent a chill down my spine:

What had I set in-motion?