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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I asked him once, but all he said was that he was

visiting some patients in other Packs. There were letters and papers he held on to for those patients,

but since my house in Wild Crawler had been burnt down… the records are gone.”

With everything going on in Anemond, I’d completely forgotten about the fire. frowned as I thought

about it again.

“Was the arsonist ever found?” I wondered.

and then c

Asher shook his head “Lancel found someone suspicious, he disappeared during the chase before he

could be apprehended and brought in for questioning.”

“Disappeared?” I repeated back, completely puzzled.

He nodded. “That’s why I’m wondering if Emmett could be related to all of this sorcery. I had talked to

Sp ik e about it in the dungeon, and he mentioned that some sorcerors were able to teleport with

talismans. So, I’m wondering if the arsonist was

a sorcerer.”

I nodded as I considered this new idea.

Asher’s theories and suspicions were valid and reasonable, but it was nearly impossible to confirm if

they were true, since Emmett was dead.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I know this is a lot to consider. I don’t war think ill of Emmett or anything, or

think I’m saying all of this because I’m j just trying to determine if these things are related or not. This is

all a hug puzzle, and it seems like it’s only growing more complicated with each pass.

“I understand,” I said. “I feel the same way.”

We fell into silence again, until I realized that Asher had nothing else to say. To be honest, I didn’t

either. There were a lot of things to consider, and tensions were high.

I got my medical kit back out and prepared to take Asher’s blood.


Shortly after I finished the king’s health check, there was a knock on the

chamber door.

Who is it,” Asher called out, his tone dripping with irritation. “I told you that ! will not be disturbed today.”

“My apologies, Your Majesty,” the guard on the other side of the door replied, his low voice mu ffled.

“The Beta Silas has arrived and wishes to speak with you.”


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

her belongings.

“I should take my leave,” she said quietly, and she nervously tucked her hair behind her ear. “We can

speak more later. Have a good night.”

“You too,” I said, and then I addressed the guard. “Send him in at once.”

The doors parted and in walked Silas Moses. My brother-in-law’s face was weary, and his eyes had

dark circles beneath them as if he hadn’t gotten much sleep. Not that I could blame him, of course. Last

night’s events had gone long into the night. The entire Pack had been so thrilled to see the Beta that

the celebration

had been drawn out.


Silas glanced at Cas sandra but didn’t say a word as the beautiful healer passed him. Instead, he

offered her a soft nod, which she returned in kind, and then he gave me a polite bow of respect.

“Good evening, Your Majesty,” he said formally in his calm, even voice. “I hope I’m not interrupting


“No, not at all, Silas,” I said, and I gestured at the leather couch opposite mine. “Please, take a seat.

I’ve been wanting an audience with you anyway. This saves me the trouble of having to track you


“Yes, Your Majesty,” Silas said politely, and then he made his way over to me. I hadn’t had a great

opportunity to spend much time with the young man during the celebration party yesterday. There had

been a great deal of people, and my attention had been pulled in a million directions. But now, as I

studied Silas Moses, I found he was quite different than his father. Actually, unlike Adalyn, Silas

seemed to

be more like Linda than Oliver.



He shared my wife’s strange golden eyes, but his gaze was calmer, more steady. His dark hair was

neatly combed and his appearance was put together without trying too hard.

We spent a little time chatting about the festivities of the night before, and once the conversation

reached a natural, organic end, Silas shifted the subject and reported on his inspection of the military.

“The Myriad is in good function,” he explained, and he crossed his lon folded his hands in his lap. “And

so are the other troops. They underwen inspection, and everything is in great standing. Training and

logistics are ju optimal as ever and morale is good.”

“Good,” I said. “I’m glad to hear they’re up to code.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Silas replied. “They’re doing fine work. There is something on my mind, though, if

you don’t mind my bringing it up.”

“Of course,” I said with a gesture of my hand. “Please, go ahead.”

“Well, I was thinking on the subject, and I believe we should implement a change,” he began. “I think

the recruitment of the Myriad should be open to more ordinary werewolves in Wegalla rather than just

young werewolves from upper-class families.”


“Oh,” I remarked, and I was admittedly taken aback by this idea. This had my immediate interest

because most werewolves, especially the ones in Anemond, believed warriors in the Myriad should be

elites, and elites were the to only come from upper-class families.

“What made you think of this?” I wondered with a small smile.

Silas took a moment to gather his thoughts and then locked eyes with me.

“Upon my observation, there are no huge gaps in capabilities between ordinary wolves and so-called

‘prestigious’ werewolves,” he answered. “I’ve seen plenty of capable warriors from ordinary families

who outperformed warriors from families in Anemond. I think it’s classist and ridiculous to pretend

otherwise. A fighter is a




fighter. Why should one’s family name determine their skillset?”

I was in shock. I hadn’t expected such words from Oliver Moses’ son.

I nodded in agreement. “Well said, Silas. I agree with you completely. Honestly, I think that logic

shouldn’t just apply to warriors either. I think Wegalla should focus less on the pecking order and more

on ways to better ourselves and our country.”

“I agree, Your Majesty,” Silas replied, and he offered me a small smile.

“Please, it’s just you and me,” I said. “Not to mention I’m your brothe can just call me Asher.”

“Asher,” he repeated back. “Right.”

As we looked at one another, I remembered what Cas sandra had told me earlier and shifted the topic.

“Yesterday’s party,” I remarked. “I know it’s likely a tough subject, but I have to bring attention to it since

I have you here.”

“I figured as much,” Silas said quietly.

“Speaking as the Alpha King, I don’t think this incident was a mistake,” I noted. “Like your father noted.”

Silas’ body stiffened and then he nodded slowly.

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“I don’t think so either,” he admitted.

“Why didn’t you just speak the truth?” I wondered. “Why didn’t you announce the banquet hall that

Becky was your mate?

After a second of silence, Silas answered.

“It’s because of my father,” he explained. “I’m…. worried what he would do to Becky if I were to claim

her as my mate. He’s ruthless and callous, and I wouldn’t want him to bring her any harm. He doesn’t

think as we do. The class system of




Anemond suits his agenda, so he has no reason to question it.”

I was surprised again by the way he spoke. Not many talked against Oliver Moses. Silas was honest. I

liked that about him.

“So, it was out of protection?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied. “I know it sounds… cowardly.”

“No,” I said. “No, I understand.”

A sigh rose up from my chest, and again I thought of Cas sandra, and furthermore, Cora.

“You shouldn’t do this based on your own assumptions,” I said, and I rested my hands in my lap. “It’s

unfair to Becky, and it could also hurt her. I know you’re doing your best to protect her, but you’re

risking hurting her feelings, as well. Some hurts will never heal, even if you try to apologize for it later.

Regret only goes so far.”

“I understand,” Silas replied thoughtfully. “If it’s alright with you, I’ll take this conversation into

consideration. I don’t know what I want to say to her, but I need to gather my thoughts. I want to be

honest with her, but I can’t risk her safety.”

“Of course,” I replied. “Do what you must. Just know that should you need anything, I’m here to help.”

“Thank you, Your Maje- Asher,” he corrected himself. “I appreciate your

of wisdom.”

“Any time,” I said.

I hadn’t meant to sound like the young man’s father, nor had I intended t him a lesson. I simply wanted

to help Cas sandra and her friend. So, I quickly shifte the conversation back to business.

“Now, is there anything else you’d like to report?” I wondered.

Silas nodded, and suddenly, his expression grew even more serious. He took a


moment to gather himself and then spoke.

“When I was inspecting the border, I came across someone,” he said quietly, and he glanced around as

if he were worried about being overheard. “Someone I didn’t expect to find. Ector Felix.”