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Alpha Dom and His Human Surrogate by Caroline Above Story

Chapter 119
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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha by Caroline Above Story Chapter 119

Chapter 119 – Ella Panics


The next thing I know, Sinclair is prowling forward across the room, backing me towards the bed. He

seems barely human, barely in control of his wolf – but I understand now why he hasn’t sought more

comfort from me. I’d gotten so used to his sultry innuendos and dark promises that I forgot how serious

these matters truly are to wolves. But now I see the truth. I pushed him, forced him to admit things he

was trying to shield me from, then challenged his authority, demanded that he let me do my job.

My inner wolf is a veritable basket case. She’s both excited and intimidated, thrilled and daunted, eager

to please and utterly defiant about the idea of submitting to anyone – even Sinclair. For weeks now

she’s been begging for Sinclair’s mark, and now that the ridiculous creature is about to get it – she

wants to play hard to get.

The backs of my knees collide with the bed, and Sinclair lifts me as though I weigh nothing, tossing me

back into the plush comfort of my nest. I scramble onto my hands and knees, baring my teeth at the

bossy wolf and emitting a soft growl. I don’t appreciate him messing up the safe cocoon I created for

our pup, and though something deep down inside of me is quivering with appreciation for his

dominance, I don’t care for his high-handed behavior.

Sinclair unslings the towel still wrapped around his waist, an ominous chuckle on his lips. “Such a fierce

little mate.” He observes, his eyes hooded with desire. “Have you already forgotten how desperate

you’ve been to bare my mark?”

I narrow my eyes as he crawls onto the bed, climbing over the overabundance of pillows and blankets.

He lashes out and catches my ankle, deftly sliding my legs out from under me and pulling me towards

him over the mattress. I yelp in surprise, but the next thing I know I’m on my back with Sinclair looming

over me, blissfully naked. My eyes scan his chiseled form: from his glorious bronze skin, which glistens

in the low light; to his devilishly handsome face; and all the way down to the huge, hard member

between his legs.

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Suddenly I find myself stretching out so he can appreciate my curves, shifting and writhing against the

silken sheets. It’s as if the mere sight of this man was able to steal my sanity, to make me forget my

resolve to make him work for his prize.

“There she is.” Sinclair croons, extending a single claw and dragging it down the front of my top, only

deep enough to tear the thin fabric without touching my delicate flesh. “All fire and feistiness until you

get a peek of something you like.” I gasp, feeling another flash of indignance even as heat pools low in

my belly. His claws eviscerate my sweatpants as well, and now I’m naked before him. His ravenous

gaze travels every inch of my exposed skin, and his pupils dilate with unbridled lust. “I have to say I

know the feeling.” He croons. “It should be a crime to be so gorgeous.”

His compliments make me preen and show off even more. I don’t understand why I’m behaving this

way, but my wolf is calling the shots now. I rise up onto my knees, sliding my hands up his bare chest

and nibbling his pecs. I planned on kissing him once I reached his mouth, fantasized about dragging

him down to the bed and making him forget his own name.

Then one of Sinclair’s powerful fists forms a handhold in my hair, and he tilts my head back, holding me

captive. His free hand trails down to the curve of my belly, settling over our pup. “I’m not going to claim

you, Ella.” He rumbles, sternly and a needy whine escapes my lips. Sinclair’s lips graze mine as he

speaks, his eyes boring into my own, absorbing every ounce of my frustration and desire. “But I am

going to take you up on your offer.” He informs me huskily. “I’m going to take control, Ella. And if you

test me, I will treat you exactly how I would treat any other naughty she-wolf.” He proclaims, softening

his tone but not his hold. “I need you to promise you’ll tell me if I cross a line.”

“And if I said you already have?” I challenge, not meaning a word of it, but wanting to see how far I can

push him.

“Then I’d remind you that I can smell your arousal.” Sinclair purrs, sliding the hand on my tummy

between my legs. His thick fingers immediately sink into the wetness soaking my cleft, and I can barely

restrain my moan of delight. “And your mischief,” Sinclair adds, knocking his nose against mine, “and

your fear.”

I snap my teeth at him, feeling wilder and more fearless than I can ever remember being. Sinclair only

chuckles, removing his fingers from my aching S** – despite my outrage. “So that’s the way it’s going to

be, hmm?”

It wouldn’t be true control if you didn’t have to take it. My wolf answers in my head, apparently not quite

ballsy enough to speak to Sinclair directly.

Seriously? I demand. You brazen little –

Hey, don’t slut shame me. She answers indignantly. There’s nothing wrong with knowing what you want

and going after it.

Excuse me, but do you actually know what you want? I silently scoff. One moment you’re provoking

him and the next you’re writhing around under him like a cat in heat.

Hey, don’t call me a cat – that’s offensive. She snipes. Besides, It’s all part of the game, silly. I can

practically hear her rolling her eyes. You’ll see. He needs this, and so do I.

That’s easy for you to say. I complain. You’re writing checks but my a*s is the one who has to cash


Don’t act like you were some shrinking violet before you found out about me, she accuses. You were

getting yourself in trouble long before you knew your true nature.

Forcing myself back into the present, I realize that Dominic has been watching the emotions flitting

across my face, waiting for me to respond. Amusement is clear in his wolfish smirk, but he doesn’t

show me any mercy. “What’s the matter, baby? Your wolf giving you trouble?” His strong hands are

moving over my naked form, caressing me almost reverently, even as he taunts me.

This time my wolf does respond for me, “No, I’ve simply changed my mind.” I reply with a sniff. “I don’t

want your mark anymore. I think I’ll go out and try to find a different mate instead. One who’s not afraid

to claim what’s his.”

Horror floods me as I realize what I’ve just said, and suddenly Sinclair’s hands are anything but

reverent. He rotates his neck as if he’s having to physically force his instincts down, and when he

returns his gaze to me, he looks absolutely lethal. “Well in that case, I’ll just have to make sure you

can’t get away.”

Sinclair pounces, and the next thing I know, I’m flat on my back on the bed. His mouth crashes into

mine, and from then on the only sounds I make are whimpers and moans. I know this is just the

beginning. I know I pushed Sinclair so far that he’s going to find some diabolically S**y way of

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punishing me, and Goddess help me, but I can’t wait. I slide my arms and legs around him, holding his

body to mine as he steals kiss after kiss. When my lips are swollen and red, he moves on, kissing,

licking and nipping his way over my jaw and down my neck.

I rock my hips into his, thinking how incredibly easy it would be to slide myself onto his hardness right

now. After all, there’s nothing between our bodies anymore, and my slickness is already coating his

thick shaft from all our grinding. I try to lift my hips high enough to hook his tip inside my channel, but

Sinclair realizes what I’m doing and clamps his hands around my hips, forcing them back down.

Sinclair shakes his head, sounding amused but also as though he’s barely clinging to his own self-

control. “Such a bad girl.” He admonishes, laving the soft spot behind my ear. Sinclair’s fangs graze my

sensitive earlobe, followed shortly by the deep vibrations of his voice. “Tell me, sweet Ella. Has anyone

ever tied you up?”

With those simple words, the entire world is wrenched right out from under me. I’m no longer safe in my

nest with Sinclair. I’m twenty years and a hundred miles away, forced back into a past I never wanted to


I must have gone completely stiff in his arms, because Sinclair’s steady weight lifts away from me, and

his worried face appears above me. “Sweetheart, what is it?” I push him away, sitting up and heaving in

panicked breaths as the blood rushes in my ears. The room around me has disappeared, replaced by

the wretched halls of the orphanage. I’m shaking from head to toe, and no matter what I do, I can’t

seem to get enough air to breathe.

“F***,” Sinclair curses under his breath, and I feel his strong arms wrapping around me. “Ella, it’s okay.

You’re safe.”

I clamp my eyes shut, trying to banish the sights and smells a*saulting my mind, the memories I’ve

tried so hard to forget. Sinclair hesitantly shifts me into his lap, rocking me back and forth. He repeats

the same words over and over again. “You’re safe. I’m here.”

It takes some time but eventually I believe him. I come hurtling back down to earth at the speed of a

meteor, crashing into a crater of despair. Still Sinclair doesn’t stop telling me that I’m safe and that he

loves me. I cling to him like a liferaft, praying that this solace will never cease, but knowing it must.

There’s no avoiding it now. When I’m calm enough I’m going to have to explain – and that’s the very

last thing I want to do.