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All Too Late

Chapter 458
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Chapter 458 I Will Not Overthink “Charles, forget about it. There won’t be anything between Samuel and

me anymore.” Kathleen pulled Charles’ hand. Furrowing his brows, Charles asked, “What do you mean?”

Kathleen gradually released her grip. “Perhaps, we shouldn’t have gotten back together from the start.”

Feeling sorry for her, Charles asked, “What did Samuel say to you?” “Nothing. Charles, I have ways to

prove my innocence, so you don’t have to worry about me,” Kathleen assured calmly before she asked,

“Didn’t Wyatt come back with you?” Knowing that Kathleen had changed the topic, Charles knew she did

not want to talk about Samuel, so he replied, “We met and talked for a bit before he left.” “What did he

say?” Kathleen was curious. “He didn’t say much but only asked me if I’m willing to side with him. But

you know I don’t want to get myself involved in the matter between him and his brother.” Apparently,

Charles had turned Wyatt down.

“What happened after that?” “After that, he left without saying anything,” answered Charles. After

pondering for a brief moment, Kathleen remarked, “Charles, whether Wilbur or Wyatt becomes the

leader of Blissful Sect in the future, it won’t do us any good.” “You’re right. Unless we take over Blissful

Sect, but that would cause more trouble.” Charles’s gaze darkened. At that point, Kathleen and Samuel

only wished to live a peaceful and stable life; a rather ordinary life. “Charles, besides the two sons,

Raymond has a daughter too,” came Kathleen’s implicit remark. Knitting his brows, Charles asked, “Are

you going to help Clarissa to snatch over the role as the sect leader?” Kathleen nodded. “Both Wilbur

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and Wyatt will be threats to us, but Clarissa is different. If she becomes the sect’s leader, she won’t come

to us to look for trouble.” “Is she willing to become the leader, though? When her mom sent her to Blissful

Sect, she said she wished Clarissa could live a peaceful life without worries.”

Charles’ frown deepened. “We can ask for her thoughts then. Let’s not force her. If she is unwilling to do

so, I’ll stop bringing this matter up,” Kathleen suggested. Charles thought about it and replied, “Okay. I’ll

talk to her.” “All right.” Kathleen nodded. “I’ll go back now.” Charles then turned around and left. Charles

came out of Kathleen’s house and drove back to his own place. As soon as he stepped into his house,

Clarissa walked out of the room. “Charles, have you found Wyatt?” Clarissa asked concernedly. “Yes. I

found him,” Charles responded with a nod. “Did he tell you when he’s going back?” Clarissa was curious.

Without much emotion showing on his face, Charles merely replied, “He doesn’t plan to go back. Also,

Wilbur had married Adina, so he said he had already lost to Wilbur once. As such, he doesn’t want to

lose to him again.” Clarissa was bewildered. “Who does he want to marry? Does he think of marrying

some fairies then?” “I have no idea. But I can tell he’s growing more anxious, so I’m worried Wyatt might

opt for a way that leaves him no chance to turn back.”

“Charles, it’s pointless for you to worry here. The fight between Wilbur and him is inevitable, and this was

why Wilbur insisted on marrying Adina even though he knew her personal life was a huge mess,”

Clarissa explained. Charles said in a low voice, “If you’re given a chance to choose, who would you side

with?” Clarissa was taken aback. It was the first time Charles had asked her this question in all these

years. “I side with no one,” Clarissa replied sternly. “None of them can manage Blissful Sect well.

Besides, Blissful Sect was initially…” As she spoke, a glint seemed to flash across her eyes. In a deep

voice, Charles questioned, “Do you want to take over Blissful Sect?” Clarissa knew she could not stop

her ambition from growing. “Yes! I want to! Charles, this is the first time I’m opening up to you. Back then,

I was the one who asked to go to the Watson family. My mom helped Raymond to establish Blissful Sect,

so why should I hand it over to someone else in the end?”

Charles stared at her intently without replying a word. Clarissa’s eyes were bloodshot. “My mom is not

the mistress! Just because she failed to give birth to a son, Raymond dumped her. No one would’ve

expected him to go to that extent of looking for my mom and doing such a thing to her. When my mom

discovered she was pregnant, she felt like the sky was falling apart. She didn’t want to give birth to me

because I reminded her of all the humiliations and sufferings she had experienced. Even though she

hasn’t been treating me well since I was a child, I don’t resent her for that. She has given me life, after

all.” Looking at how she was crying miserably, Charles reached to pat her on the shoulders. Clarissa

flashed him a pitiful look. “Can’t you hug me? I will not overthink anyway.” Charles was tongue-tied. He

let out a sigh of resignation and took her into his arms.

Clarissa buried herself in his embrace as she wailed. After so many years, it was the first time Charles

saw her crying that sorrowfully. In fact, it was also the first time Clarissa cried in front of someone. Since

she was young, she had been exceptionally good at suppressing her emotions, so she could always hold

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back her tears no matter how much she felt like crying. However, this time, she could not hold herself

back at the mention of her past. After a long while, even though no more tears were left to cry, she was

still weeping. She let go of Charles and stared at that expensive suit he was wearing. “Charles, I’m sorry.

I’ve stained your suit with my tears.” “It’s okay. As long as you feel better after crying.” Charles seemed

unbothered. “I’m not a child.” Clarissa sniffled. “I don’t cry all the time.” She had always been tough. “Yes,

I know.” Charles stared at her deeply. Hearing that, Clarissa could not help muttering inwardly. You know

nothing! “Clarissa,” Charles called out. Clarissa looked up and asked, “What’s the matter?” “If you wish to

take over Blissful Sect,” Charles continued after a momentary pause, “let me help you.” Clarissa was


“You can no longer stay out of it if you wish to help me. Also, there’s no way you could escape once you

meddle with this matter.” She did not want to trouble Charles, as she knew Charles wished to live a life of

his own. Hence, he should be chasing after a life that he truly wanted. Charles flashed her a faint smile.

“Do you expect me to stand by and watch when you’re caught in a predicament?” Clarissa felt her heart

racing. “But I’m going to land you in trouble.” “If I leave you alone, I couldn’t live in peace too. Since you

have this wish, I’ll help you to achieve it. No matter how tough the process will be, leave it to me without

worries,” Charles stated. Clarissa’s cheeks turned rosy as soon as she heard that assurance from him.

“You’d better not take me as a trouble by then.”

Charles grinned subtly. “It won’t happen. Don’t worry.” “Where should we start?” Clarissa wondered. “It’d

be hard for Wyatt to look for a suitable partner here. In truth, he isn’t really a big threat to you, as he has

no one to rely on at the moment.” Charles took a deep breath before he continued, “Adina is the biggest
