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All Too Late

Chapter 456
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Chapter 456 Not Allowed Kathleen picked it up and looked at it, frowning slightly. Ashley drank her hot

milk and said with a smile, “I’m pregnant. It’s been a month.” Kathleen put down the results and sneered.

“I can make a hundred copies of this crap, Ashley.” She did not believe it was true. Very casually, Ashley

placed her hand in front of Kathleen with a smile. “Go on, check my pulse. See if I’m lying to you.”

Kathleen frowned. Hesitantly, she put her fingers on Ashley’s wrist. After a while, Kathleen truly felt the

pulse. It indicated that she was in fact, pregnant. Very slowly, she removed her hand. “Kathleen, I’m not

trying to agitate you here.” Ashley sounded contrite but she was quite satisfied with the outcome. Without

warning, Kathleen picked up the glass of water in front of her and splashed it onto Ashley’s face. “What

are you doing!” Ashley screamed. “Have you gone mad?” Everyone else in the cafe looked at them,

unsure of what happened.

However, they recognized both parties at a glance. Kathleen stood up and said coldly, “Ashley, before

Samuel’s accident, everyone knew that he proposed to me. What kind of coincidence could lead him to

lose his memory and you being right there? Do you think I have no basis in suspecting that you had a

hand in this? You know of our relationship, but you put in so much effort to seduce him. I’ve seen plenty

of wh*res, but you’re the one to take the crown here.” Ashley looked at her indignantly. “Why do you say

that to me? I can’t use my arm because of Samuel!” Kathleen said sarcastically, “Samuel nearly threw his

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life away for me. Do you think he will do the same for you?” Ashley was put in the spot. “Consider this an

act of mercy. If you dare show up in front of me again, I’ll completely destroy your other hand!” After

saying that, Kathleen turned away. Her face was pale like never before. Test results could be used as

deception, but there was no mistaking her pulse. Kathleen went back to the office and tried to calm

down. She refused to be led by the nose due to Ashley’s ministrations. At this moment, Yadiel rushed in.

“Dr. Johnson? Something has happened.” Kathleen raised her head, her eyes red. “What’s wrong?” “Dr.

Johnson, are you alright?” Yadiel seemed to be quite surprised. Kathleen frowned. “What happened?”

“Old Mrs. Macari is hospitalized and is in critical condition,” Yadiel explained. Kathleen stood up

immediately. “We need to go there right now!” Kathleen went to the hospital and found out that Diana

was no longer in danger. The doctor was explaining the diagnosis to both Wynnie and Calvin. “We can

confirm that Old Mrs. Macari was poisoned. Did she eat anything strange today?” asked the doctor. “Just

breakfast and lunch like we normally do. But we ate it too, and we’re both fine,” replied Wynnie. The

doctor frowned. “Anything else?” Wynnie hesitated for a moment. “That leaves us with the medicine.”

Kathleen was stunned. Could her poisoning be linked to my prescriptions? “What medicine?” The doctor

was surprised. “Well…” Wynnie didn’t know how to explain. In fact, she believed in Kathleen, but… “It’s a

medicine I have prescribed,” said Kathleen as she walked over. “Old Mrs. Macari suffers from

rheumatism and has been complaining about pain in her leg. I prescribed the medicine, and the staff had

it sent over to the Macari family.” Kathleen was not one to evade responsibility. If it was truly an issue

with her medication, then she was going to take the blame for it. “Mom has been drinking that medicine

for several days, and it’s been fine. I doubt it’s the medicine.” Wynnie stepped in to defend Kathleen. “I

still think it’s best to have it tested,” said the doctor mildly. “It’s necessary to confirm exactly what she was

drugged with.”

Wynnie nodded. “Alright, I understand.” She turned around and made a phone call. Samuel and Ashley

had arrived together. “What’s happened to Old Mrs. Macari?” Ashley’s expression was stricken, and

tears covered her face. “I heard that she was poisoned! How could that happen?” Kathleen bristled at the

sudden outburst. When Samuel saw Kathleen, his back straightened. He looked at the doctor and asked,

“How is my grandma doing?” The doctor said, “Preliminary diagnosis will indicate that her poisoning

might have to do with taking traditional medicine.” “What!” Ashley’s reaction was quite strong. “Kathleen,

how could you be so vindictive toward Old Mrs. Macari? Are you upset at her decision to let me marry

Samuel? Or perhaps it’s how she cost you both your children?” “Shut up!” Wynnie put down her phone,

extremely angry. “Kate is not such a person!” They all believed in Kathleen. Kathleen did not plan to

explain herself. Samuel looked at Kathleen deeply. “Was it you?” Kathleen looked at him coldly. “Samuel,

you’re crazy!” Wynnie said angrily. “How could Kate do such a thing! Don’t be led astray! If Kate wanted

to kill us, she would have done so without us knowing! Why would she use such an obvious tactic to

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draw attention to herself?”

Samuel looked right at Kathleen. Kathleen sneered. “If you think so, then I guess I am the culprit.”

“Kate?” Wynnie was surprised. Calvin also noticed that Kathleen admitted to this because of Samuel’s

distrust. Samuel’s face was tense. Kathleen looked at Calvin and Wynnie and said, “I’ll be sure to have

an explanation for this.” After speaking, she turned away. Samuel looked at her figure and hurried

forward to catch up. He hugged Kathleen’s slender waist from behind and dragged her into a ward. The

ward was empty, and no one was there. Samuel closed the door and held her against it. Ashley wanted

to go after Samuel. Suddenly, Wynnie grabbed Ashley’s hand. “Be honest with me!” Ashley was very

angry and panicked. In the ward. Samuel squeezed Kathleen’s chin. “Kathleen, do you love me?” Do you

love me at all? Kathleen frowned deeply. “What does loving you or not have to do with Old Mrs. Macari’s

poisoning?” Samuel swallowed audibly. He stared at Kathleen’s lush lips, wanting to kiss her badly.

Kathleen took a deep breath. “Samuel, I don’t love you. I never loved you from the start. Ashley is right.

You allowed Nicolette to kill my children. Yes, children. They were twins. I will never forgive you for this,

ever!” Her eyes were red. She did not have much of an impression, but she remembered what Gemma

told her. Although Samuel knew nothing about it, she was still angry. This was a burden in her heart that

she could never get over with. However, she knew that Samuel could not be blamed entirely. Samuel

frowned when he heard what she said. “Are you trying to get a rise out of me?” “Is it working? After all,

aren’t you the one who has been nitpicking since you came back?” said Kathleen coldly.

“Don’t touch me, Samuel. I despise you right now.” He had made Ashley pregnant. He even came to

question her whether she loved him or not. She could not imagine the audacity of this man. “Why do you

despise me?” Samuel stared at her. “I think you are filthy!” The more Kathleen thought about it, the

angrier she became. “Samuel, let me go! I won’t allow you to touch me!”