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All Too Late

Chapter 412
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Chapter 412 Guess Whose Face This Is “It’s not wise for you to appear before them right now. Why don’t I go instead?” Charles grimly stated.

That was when Clarissa immediately offered, “I’ll go with you since I’m more adept at determining

whether Zachary is truly dead.” Charles glanced at her with deep intent before finally nodding. “Okay,

let’s go.” The two promptly took their leave. A dark emotion flickered in Kathleen’s narrowed eyes just

then. Doesn’t Clarissa seem a little too proactive? Oh well. I guess it’s best to let Charles realize some

things on his own. After all, who’s to say Charles is interested in Clarissa? Plus, she might not want him

to know her feelings. If I tell Charles that I think Clarissa’s interested in him, it might make things

awkward. The only thing keeping Kathleen together these days was Samuel.

However, a week had already passed, yet he showed no signs of waking up. He would previously

twitch a little when dreaming, but that did not happen anymore. How frustrating! With that thought,

Kathleen turned to go upstairs and check on him. Samuel lay unconscious on the bed. His breathing

was stable, but his chest barely rose or fell. Kathleen approached him, sat on the bed, and held his

hand while speaking. “I used to think you were too quiet and wondered if you talked more when around

Nicolette. Now that I’m seeing you like this, I can’t help but miss the way you used to be. “Please wake

up, Samuel. Haven’t you slept enough? Please just come around, okay? Let’s not fight anymore. Can’t

we spend the rest of our days peacefully?” Despite her efforts, Samuel did not respond. That sparked

annoyance in Kathleen, who instantly snapped, “I’ve already asked you nicely! Why won’t you wake

up? Ugh, you’re so mean!” There was still no response. Subsequently, Kathleen leaned closer to him

while frowning. “What’s so good about staying unconscious anyway? Don’t tell me that you’re dreaming

about Nicolette!” It was then that she pointed at Samuel’s chiseled face. “Do you not love me anymore?

I bet the Nicolette in your dreams is super gentle toward you, huh?

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I bet she’s so much better than me. Is that why you’re unwilling to wake up?” Only silence came from

Samuel. “Jeez, fine. I’ll stop joking around. You go ahead and rest up then,” said a sighing Kathleen.

She adjusted the blanket over Samuel before walking out of the room. By the time she went

downstairs, Tyson had just entered the manor. “Mrs. Macari,” Tyson greeted. He never stopped

addressing Kathleen with that title, but the latter did not mind. “What’s the matter?” Kathleen asked.

“News about Mr. Macari being unconscious hasn’t got out yet. However, there’s this event that Mr.

Macari needs to attend, no matter what.” Tyson seemed like he was in a dilemma. “What event is it?”

asked a curious Kathleen. “The birthday party of the daughter of Mr. Macari’s mentor.” “Oh.” Kathleen’s

brows arched in confusion as she repeated, “Samuel’s mentor?” That was when Tyson realized

something. “Oh, my apologies. I forgot that you lost your memories, Mrs. Macari. But yes, that mentor

named Stephen Yackley significantly aided Mr. Macari when the latter was younger. It’s now the

twentieth birthday of Stephen’s daughter, and their family has extended an invitation to Mr. Macari.

They insisted that he attend.” With that, he handed the invitation card to Kathleen. The latter glanced at

it briefly before asking, “We can’t decline at all?” Tyson nodded. “Indeed. Not at all.” A frown crept up

Kathleen’s face. “I need to think about what to do.” Following that, Tyson stood wordlessly beside her

as she brainstormed for what felt like forever. She eventually stated in a helpless tone, “If there’s

nothing we can do about it, then let’s just get someone to pose as Samuel for the event.” “What?”

Tyson’s eyes rounded in utter shock. “Pose as Mr. Macari?” Kathleen nodded with the utmost

seriousness. “Don’t you recall how easy it was for me to disguise myself back then?” Her words only

fueled Tyson’s alarmed response as he exclaimed, “Still, won’t it be too difficult?” “What’s difficult is

finding someone with the same height and aura as Samuel.”

Kathleen massaged her temples before asking, “Do you know anyone who could fit the bill?” Tyson

shook his head, thinking it was truly impossible to locate such a person. It was then that Yadiel walked

past Kathleen with the medicinal ingredients that he helped her purchase from Lewis Enterprises. He

was moving them into the office. “Stop right there!” Kathleen boomed all of a sudden. Yadiel froze in his

steps, asking, “Is something the matter, Dr. Johnson?” Kathleen walked over and got on her tiptoes to

examine his height. Moments passed before she nodded satisfactorily. “Not bad. Not bad at all. You’re

perfect.” Perplexed, Yadiel’s brows scrunched together as he wondered what she was up to. “Wait

here! Don’t move a muscle!” Kathleen instructed while patting his shoulders. Hence, Yadiel remained

stiffly in that position while Kathleen ran upstairs. The latter brought down a set of Samuel’s suits from

the room upstairs and handed it to Yadiel. “Put these on,” she said. Yadiel cautiously eyed the luxury

brand suit in Kathleen’s hands. His frown eventually deepened as he asked, “What is all this about, Dr.

Johnson?” “Quit asking questions, and get to it!” Kathleen urged. “Come to the office once you’re done.

As for you, Tyson, I want you to follow me.”

“Okay.” Tyson obediently joined Kathleen in the office right away. At the same time, Yadiel brought the

suit set to the washroom and got changed. Minutes passed before he walked into Kathleen’s office in

Samuel’s clothes. That was when Kathleen took out her tool kit and asked Yadiel to sit down. Seeing

the tool kit, Yadiel was alarmed and instantly questioned, “What are you planning to do, Dr. Johnson?”

“Stay still. I’m going to put you in a disguise. Now, remember, you’re going to be Samuel tonight.”

What? Yadiel’s eyes went wide upon learning what he had gotten roped into. “Tyson, I want you to tell

him all of Samuel’s quirks and habits,” Kathleen instructed. “Understood,” replied a nodding Tyson. He

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then relayed every bit of information regarding Samuel’s habits and behaviors when attending events.

“Firstly, Mr. Macari never drinks in public.” That sound of that left Kathleen dumbstruck. “Doesn’t he

drink?” “Nope.” Tyson explained, “You have no idea, Mrs. Macari, but he stopped drinking ever since

you left. He didn’t want other women to get him drunk with ulterior motives. Thus, he would refuse even

if others handed him a mere cup of water.” Silence befell Kathleen at that point. She had never

expected such a thing to happen. Tyson shot a wary look at Kathleen before resuming, “There’s more.

Mr. Macari refuses to dance with other women, regardless of who they are. It doesn’t matter even if it’s

his own mother.” Yadiel nodded, patiently digesting all the information.

“Of course, if someone asks you something you can’t answer or don’t feel comfortable answering, you

can always remain silent.” Tyson was helpful in advising, “This way, the other party can’t guess what

you’re thinking and won’t dare to ask further.” “I see,” Yadiel replied. “All right. You’re going to stop

talking now.” With that, Kathleen began inserting a pipe into Yadiel’s mouth so that he could breathe.

She then poured some plaster onto his features to form a face cast. Two hours later, a completely

different-looking Yadiel stood before Kathleen and Tyson. Seeing that made Tyson clap eagerly while

exclaiming, “My God, Mrs. Macari, you’re incredible!” “Oh, hush.” Kathleen humbly explained, “I merely

learned a few things about disguise-making that are enough to get us through this.” “Don’t worry, Mrs.

Macari. I’ll make sure to diligently watch over Yadiel tonight,” Tyson promised. That was when Kathleen

pulled out another hyper-realistic mask. “No need. I’ll be attending the party with Yadiel.” Tyson was

stunned by that but asked, “You’re going too, Mrs. Macari?” Kathleen raised the mask but obstructed its

facial features with her hand. “Guess whose face this is?” Unsure, Tyson shook his head and

shrugged. “Yareli’s,” was all Kathleen said before letting out a ruthless chuckle.