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All Too Late

Chapter 377
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Chapter 377 They Are Not

Yoegers Kathleen nodded. Charles instructed, “It’s getting late. Go on and head to sleep. Don’t forget

thatyou’re still injured.’ I’m all right” replied Kathleen with a shake of her head.

She added, ‘My injuries have long healed. Charles. Why don’t you let me stay up to keep watch? You

should rest: ‘There’s no need. You can get some rest I’m still around: Given that he was her brother,

there was no way that he could allow her to stay up and watch over him all night. “All right then:

conceded Kathleen as she yawned widely. She added. “I’ll drop by again tomorrow: “Okay: He nodded

his head in acknowledgment. With that Kathleen rose to her feet and declared, ‘I’ll be heading off to bed

then: Following that, she proceeded up the stairs without sparing so much as a second glance at

Samuel. For his part. Samuel merely sat there motionless and did not react to her departure. “What do

you want to talk to me about?’ asked Charles slowly. However, Samuel merely shook his head silently.

He had only stayed back as he wasn’t feeling particularly sleepy. Faced with such silence, Charles finally

rose to his feet and walked over to sit next to Samuel. After a brief pause. Charles asked. ‘I don’t think

you need me to explain what my granny was getting at with her words earlier, do you? Deep down, you

should know as well: As per before, Samuel did not say a single word in response. Charles was egged

on and slowly added, “Since you understand. then from today onward, shouldn’t you—’ ‘What if she isn’t

disappointed in me?’ countered Samuel suddenly. Charles was caught off guard momentarily. He gazed

at Samuel with a long and meaningful look before he replied. ‘Are you seriously suggesting that you

haven’t given up by naw?”I’ll never give up for the rest of my life.” replied Samuel in a low voice. “I’ll keep

at it until I meet my end. It’s just that I don’t want to force her anymore: “Well. I can’t force you. The

choice is yours. After all, I’m sure Kate won’t fall in love with you: replied Charles casually. ‘She’s not like

how she was before. Haven’t you realized that she doesn’t care too much about you these days?’ don’t

need you to remind me of that. You can stay up by yourself.” replied Samuel tersely as he suddenly

stood up in defiance. Charles paused for a moment in surprise before he lightly commented. “I couldn’t

tell at first but it seems like you wanted to accompany me just now: Samuel’s expression was icy cold as

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he replied, “You’re thinking too much. I just wanted some time to myself so I could organize my thoughts.

Its just that you’re too irksome: With that. he turned and proceeded to take his leave. As he did so. his

gaze suddenly flickered upward, and he saw a figure swiftly disappear from sight on the second floor. He

pressed his thin lips together lightly as he wondered if Kathleen had been eavesdropping on them the

entire time. On the second floor, Kathleen quickly returned to her room and shut the door behind her.

She pressed her back firmly against the door as she strained her ears to pick up any sound of movement

from the other side of the door. Soon enough. she picked up on the increasingly vivid sound of

approaching footsteps. Samuel

came to a stop right before her door and spoke in his usual low voice. “You can just ask me directly if you

would like to know what I’m thinking. You don’t have to be so furtive or sneaky about it’ She maintained

her silence and pretended as if she hadn’t heard anything. Samuel paused for a moment in thought

before he finally said, “Good night” With that he turned and headed into the neighboring room. The

second he disappeared. Kathleen immediately heaved a heavy sigh of relief, and her shoulders sagged

as all tension left her body. She knew that there were moments when a direct conversation would not

reveal the truth. and this was one of them. Two days later, Frances’ funeral was successfully conducted

in an extremely low-profile manner. Once the funeral proceedings had come to an end. Charles turned to

Zachary and Yareli and said ‘We’ll head over to the Yoeger residence with the lawyer later on so that we

can commence with the reading of Granny’s will: Zachary asked coldly. ‘Do you really intend to disband

and break up Yoeger Group?’ Charles smiled wryly as he replied, ‘You’ll find out when we head over to

the Yoeger residence.” With that he strode away coolly from the pair. Kathleen prepared to take her leave

as well. Elsewhere. Yareli strode over to stop right in front of Samuel, where she quietly began. “Samuel.

about the wedding._” I don’t want to many you,” he replied flatly. She was taken aback and demanded,

‘What did you say? You clearly promised me just yesterday.’ That was before. Don’t you know that things

changer questioned Samuel icily. At this. a glimmer of hate suddenly flashed across Yareli’s eyes.

However. Samuel simply strode off alone. Yareli glanced to the side and looked at Kathleen with pure

hatred in her eyes. The latter sarcastically asked. ‘What are you glaring at me for?” Yareli scoffed before

she pursed her lips and replied, ‘You must have said something to Samuel.” Kathleen merely rolled her

eyes and looked at Yareli’s legs before she turned to leave. Kathleen’s sudden movement caught Yareli

utterly by surprise. and a tinge of panic appeared on her face. Did she discover something? Ah… I’ll

think about this later. I have to rush back to the Yoeger residence first to find out exactly what was written

in that will! Over at the Yoeger residence. Zachary sat nervously on the couch as he pondered exactly

how much of the assets would be allocated to him. At that moment he felt rather helpless, for he had

always failed in his business ventures and simply paled in comparison to Vanessa when it came to raw

capability. Zachary knew full well what he truly amounted to, which was why he was this desperate to find

out precisely how much he could stand to gain from the division of assets. Meanwhile. Yareli was the

picture of calmness despite the worry that clouded her heart. On the other hand, both Kathleen and

Charles were perfectly composed. They simply didn’t care about what they could potentially gain

following Frances’s passing. Wynnie was the lawyer placed in charge of reading Frances’s will. This was

something that Kathleen didn’t find particularly strange at all. Wynnie gazed out at everyone seated in

the living room and lightly cleared her throat. Following that she began. “I’m here to read out the last will

and testament of Old Mrs. Yoeger. also known as Frances Schott As per her request the following six

individuals are required to be present Charles Johnson, Kathleen Johnson. Eilam Macari, Desiree Maori,

Zachary Yoeger. and Yareli Yoeger.’ Eilam Macari and Desiree Macari were the actual names of Eil and

Desi respectively. Kathleen was a little surprised as she blurted out ‘Desi and Eil as well?’ You’re their

parent so it’s all right for you to listen in on their behalf since they aren’t around,’ stated Wynnie. Kathleen

nodded and replied, ‘All right” Wynnie cleared her throat and continued. “According to the prenuptial

agreement signed by Frances Schott and Hector Yoeger back then, she was allowed to freely allocate all

the assets and miscellaneous items she owned prior to the marriage. She had decided to leave that full

sum of money to Kathleen Johnson. As for her portion of the assets she co-owned with Hector Yoeger.

Frances Schott had decided to entrust it fully to Charles Johnson and Kathleen Johnson The remaining

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portion will be left to a family trust fund. and each of the six individuals named earlier would be entitled to

about two million in allowance every month. If Zachary Yoeger or Yareli Yoeger were to engage in any

activity that places the remaining four individuals in harm’s way during these proceedings, the two would

automatically be revoked of all privileges to receive the allowance: ‘What?’ exclaimed Zachary as he

leaped to his feet in displeasure. He continued to rail. ‘They’ve already taken so much for themselves!

How dare they fight with us for the portion that’s going to the Mist fund? They’re not even Yoegers! What

right do they have to have the allowance?’ Let me inform you. Mr. Zachary Yoeger. From a legal

standpoint their mother, Rebecca Johnson. is the daughter of Frances Schott and Hector Yoeger. No

matter if there are any direct blood relations to speak of this is still recognized and legally binding. As

Rebecca Johnson’s children. Charles Johnson and Kathleen Johnson have every right to be heirs to the

inheritance. If you have any other concerns, please feel free to lodge an appeal. If it comes to that I hope

that you’re able to foot the legal bills that come your way: stated Wynnie coldly. As it wasn’t cheap to fight

a lawsuit for a squabble over inheritance issues. Zachary shut his mouth the second he heard that he

would need to spend money. Given that he wasn’t even allocated that much to begin with, he knew that

he would be left with nothing if he continued to pursue the matter and get embroiled in a lawsuit that

entailed hefty fees. He had no choice but to silently swallow his resentment and accept his loss. Yareli’s

expression had turned icy cold the moment she heard Wynnie’s words. She didn’t expect that she would

merely be entitled to two million a month. It was an extremely frustrating moment for her. especially since

she was the daughter of the Yoeger family. Furthermore, the entire reading of the will had no mention of

Vanessa and Nicolette at all. It seemed like the pair had been utterly overlooked and forgotten by

Frances. Wynne closed the document she held in her hands and declared, ‘If there are no further

questions. please proceed to sign atop this document. Once all the signatures are present. the document

will take effect and be legally binding. Following which, all of the money will be credited directly to your

respective accounts.’ The more Zachary thought about it the more he couldn’t keep his anger

and frustration under control any longer. Finally. he burst out ‘Charles! Kathleen! Have both of you no

shame? How can you just stand there and shamelessly take away all this money that belongs to the

Yoeger family?’