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All Her Secrets By Chestnut

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 Llar

The classroom was filled with noise, but it quickly fell silent as Catherine arrived.

At that instant, all eyes were focused on her.

Moreover, her attire stood out among her classmates, who were wearing the school uniform.

Even in a simple white T-shirt and jeans, she exuded the presence of a movie star walking on a red


Despite the intense scrutiny from her peers, Catherine remained unresponsive, her expression. cold

and indifferent, as she made her way directly to her seal.

Before she even arrived, Bryan, standing nearby, pulled out a chair and gestured toward Catherine.

“Please,” he said.

Catherine glanced at him and nodded, possessing both delicate features and a touch of masculine


When Bryan received a response from Catherine, a slight smile appeared on his face.


In his view, he felt that he had taken another step towards becoming friends with Catherine.

Bryan was the most popular boy in the school, and many girls in the class had a crush on him.

To their delight, the typically aloof Bryan suddenly smiled, causing some of them to squeal with


“Oh my god, did you see that? Bryan smiled! He’s so cute!” they exclaimed in thrilled tones.

“I saw it too. He’s the cutest guy ever. But why did it seem like he was smiling at that jinx, Catherine?

What does she have that deserves it?”

“Lower your voice! Don’t let him hear you, or you’ll get in trouble!”

The person stopped talking right away.

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After settling into her seat, Catherine placed her backpack on the desk, leaned forward, and buried her

face in her arms, promptly falling asleep.

The gossiping students noticed her lack of response and resumed their chattering.

“Didn’t Catherine get expelled from school? She wasn’t here in the morning, but now she’s back in the


“Who knows? Maybe the Swanns donated another building to the school…”

Everyone’s gaze toward Catherine was filled with mockery. If it weren’t for Bryan’s protection,


they might have caused a scene in class.

Unfortunately, the first class of the afternoon was math. There had also been a math class in the

morning, and the math teacher was quite pleased to find Catherine’s seat empty when she entered the

classroom. She knew a lousy student like Catherine wouldn’t survive in their class. However, she didn’t

expect to see Catherine again in the afternoon, sleeping as usual.

Anger surged within her, and she slammed the lesson plan on the stage, creating a loud noise.

“What’s going on? How can such a lousy student be in my class?”

The whole class fell silent, except for Bryan, who thought the math teacher had gone too far. He was

about to speak up for Catherine when she pressed his hand, indicating that he

shouldn’t intervene.

Catherine, who had been sleeping, slowly sat up and reclined in her chair, assuming a nonchalant


She had lunch with Branden, which meant she had half an hour less sleep than usual, leaving her

feeling drowsy.

She hadn’t expected the teacher to be as irritating as a buzzing fly.

Bryan glanced at Catherine and noticed her exquisitely beautiful face. Her furrowed eyebrows and the

hint of hostility in her gaze sent a chill down everyone’s spines.

For some reason, he had a feeling that the math teacher was about to face a tough time.

The math teacher locked eyes with Catherine, who exuded a cold and arrogant demeanor, intensifying

her inner anger.

“Catherine, don’t think I’m afraid of you! Acting tough won’t work with me. Weren’t you expelled this

morning? How dare you shamelessly return in the afternoon? You’re the black sheep everywhere. Oh

well, don’t take it personally. I understand that you struggle to comprehend things since you’re only in

elementary school with limited knowledge. I doubt you even understand what I’m saying.”

The math teacher’s words were undeniably mean, and all the students present struggled to maintain a

straight face.

Observing the reactions of her students, the math teacher felt a sense of pride. She raised an eyebrow

and directed a scornful gaze at Catherine. “If you have any self-awareness, you shouldn’t stay in this

class. You dropped out in the morning, and now you’re back in the afternoon. Why bother? Be warned!

If I have security escort you out, it will be embarrassing for you!”

Catherine rolled her eyes, a mischievous charm appearing on her delicate face as she raised an

eyebrow and directed her gaze towards the stage.

“Who told you I was expelled from school this morning?”

Yesterday, the math teacher had asked her father-in-law to call the principal and convince him to

remove Catherine from the school, threatening to withdraw their funding otherwise. She didn’t believe

that such an underachieving student could continue studying at the school

under such circumstances.

There would be no good outcome for anyone daring to oppose her.

“Don’t act tough. Weren’t you expelled? Or did you conveniently take a leave?” The math teacher

sneered at Catherine, her face oozing sarcasm. “If you’re going to make excuses, least come up with

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better ones!”

“I don’t need any excuses. I did take a leave!” Catherine maintained a calm expression, unruffled by the

situation, as she spoke slowly and nonchalantly.


Upon hearing Catherine’s words, the math teacher burst into laughter, her mocking gaze becoming

even more evident. “Hahaha! You truly lack education. I’ll give you an out, and you’ll readily accept it,

won’t you?” Her eyes widened, and a burning fury was on her face.” Catherine, if you haven’t been

expelled and only took a leave, I’ll eat this piece of chalk here and now.”

Catherine suddenly stood up, determination in her gaze as she walked towards the stage. With her

hands casually resting in her pockets, she exuded an air of dominance. “Very well, you

asked for it!”

Catherine signaled to Bryan, who discreetly left the classroom and fetched the homeroom


Bryan promptly returned with the teacher and asked him if Catherine took a leave this morning.

The homeroom teacher nodded in front of the class, a perplexed expression on his face. “Yes, she did

take a leave this morning. Wasn’t it due to family issues?”

The math teacher’s face immediately turned embarrassed. She glared at the homeroom teacher, her

flared nostrils revealing her anger. “Don’t try to protect Catherine. Wasn’t she expelled? And now you

claim she took a leave. Is this how a teacher should behave in public?”

Her impolite remarks caused the homeroom teacher’s expression to darken. “What do you mean? I am

the homeroom teacher. Do you think I wouldn’t know if my student had been expelled? Catherine did

take a leave this morning, and I approved it. Her parents called and explained that there were family


The homeroom teacher’s explanation left the math teacher pale. “Did Catherine truly take a leave this

morning?” she wondered. “Well, that means…”

Liana suddenly stood up, sensing the impasse. She pointed at the homeroom teacher and spoke

loudly, “She’s lying!”