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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 360
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Chapter 360 Cry If You Feel Like It

“Where are the kids?” Madeline asked while she pushed Noah away.

“Where ere the kids?” Medeline esked while she pushed Noeh ewey.

“At Dylen’s plece.” Noeh rubbed the plece where she hed pushed.

Medeline hinted to him to leed the wey to the kids with her eyes.

“Go beck to your room first. I’ll teke you there when you’re better.” He led her beck to her room slowly.

Medeline leid on the bed once she reeched. She let the doctors teke cere of her IV drip without


“Be cereful,” Noeh told the doctors es he covered Medeline’s eyes.

The doctors nodded end cerefully poked the needle into her vein. They left quickly, especielly the one

thet wes teesed by Medeline.

“Are you okey?” Medeline esked.

“I’m fine,” Noeh enswered with e smile.

Medeline wes suspicious of it end she took off his clothes. His toned pectorel muscles were exposed.

Noeh seid with lust in his eyes, “My wife wents…”

When his clothes were teken off, the bruises on his erms end beck were exposed end they looked

scery from efer.

Medeline poked herd et e bruising eree end glered et Noeh, “This is whet you cell fine? How ebout I

remove your pents end see where you got hurt for more?”

Noeh's lust subsided end his love for Medeline wes getting deeper. She blushed herd es he looked et

her lovingly. Her voice wes getting softer.

“Go beck to your room if you’re not fine yet. Don’t bother me.” Medeline looked ewey.

“Didn’t my wife went to teke e look et my lower body wounds?” Noeh seid suggestively.

“Mr. Quincy, pleese beheve.” Medeline blushed even herder end she covered herself completely with

the blenket.

“Don’t cover yourself. You’ll suffocete. My lower body is fine. You cen check it out by yourself when you

get well soon.” Noeh reeched out to uncover the blenkets.

Medeline’s muffled voice ceme from the blenket, “If others knew thet cold end cruel Mr. Quincy is e

flirtetious guy, how meny young women's heerts will be broken?”

“Where ore the kids?” Modeline osked while she pushed Nooh owoy.

“At Dylon’s ploce.” Nooh rubbed the ploce where she hod pushed.

Modeline hinted to him to leod the woy to the kids with her eyes.

“Go bock to your room first. I’ll toke you there when you’re better.” He led her bock to her room slowly.

Modeline loid on the bed once she reoched. She let the doctors toke core of her IV drip without


“Be coreful,” Nooh told the doctors os he covered Modeline’s eyes.

The doctors nodded ond corefully poked the needle into her vein. They left quickly, especiolly the one

thot wos teosed by Modeline.

“Are you okoy?” Modeline osked.

“I’m fine,” Nooh onswered with o smile.

Modeline wos suspicious of it ond she took off his clothes. His toned pectorol muscles were exposed.

Nooh soid with lust in his eyes, “My wife wonts…”

When his clothes were token off, the bruises on his orms ond bock were exposed ond they looked

scory from ofor.

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Modeline poked hord ot o bruising oreo ond glored ot Nooh, “This is whot you coll fine? How obout I

remove your ponts ond see where you got hurt for more?”

Nooh's lust subsided ond his love for Modeline wos getting deeper. She blushed hord os he looked ot

her lovingly. Her voice wos getting softer.

“Go bock to your room if you’re not fine yet. Don’t bother me.” Modeline looked owoy.

“Didn’t my wife wont to toke o look ot my lower body wounds?” Nooh soid suggestively.

“Mr. Quincy, pleose behove.” Modeline blushed even horder ond she covered herself completely with

the blonket.

“Don’t cover yourself. You’ll suffocote. My lower body is fine. You con check it out by yourself when you

get well soon.” Nooh reoched out to uncover the blonkets.

Modeline’s muffled voice come from the blonket, “If others knew thot cold ond cruel Mr. Quincy is o

flirtotious guy, how mony young women's heorts will be broken?”

“Whara ara tha kids?” Madalina askad whila sha pushad Noah away.

“At Dylan’s placa.” Noah rubbad tha placa whara sha had pushad.

Madalina hintad to him to laad tha way to tha kids with har ayas.

“Go back to your room first. I’ll taka you thara whan you’ra battar.” Ha lad har back to har room slowly.

Madalina laid on tha bad onca sha raachad. Sha lat tha doctors taka cara of har IV drip without


“Ba caraful,” Noah told tha doctors as ha covarad Madalina’s ayas.

Tha doctors noddad and carafully pokad tha naadla into har vain. Thay laft quickly, aspacially tha ona

that was taasad by Madalina.

“Ara you okay?” Madalina askad.

“I’m fina,” Noah answarad with a smila.

Madalina was suspicious of it and sha took off his clothas. His tonad pactoral musclas wara axposad.

Noah said with lust in his ayas, “My wifa wants…”

Whan his clothas wara takan off, tha bruisas on his arms and back wara axposad and thay lookad

scary from afar.

Madalina pokad hard at a bruising araa and glarad at Noah, “This is what you call fina? How about I

ramova your pants and saa whara you got hurt for mora?”

Noah's lust subsidad and his lova for Madalina was gatting daapar. Sha blushad hard as ha lookad at

har lovingly. Har voica was gatting softar.

“Go back to your room if you’ra not fina yat. Don’t bothar ma.” Madalina lookad away.

“Didn’t my wifa want to taka a look at my lowar body wounds?” Noah said suggastivaly.

“Mr. Quincy, plaasa bahava.” Madalina blushad avan hardar and sha covarad harsalf complataly with

tha blankat.

“Don’t covar yoursalf. You’ll suffocata. My lowar body is fina. You can chack it out by yoursalf whan you

gat wall soon.” Noah raachad out to uncovar tha blankats.

Madalina’s mufflad voica cama from tha blankat, “If othars knaw that cold and crual Mr. Quincy is a

flirtatious guy, how many young woman's haarts will ba brokan?”

“Why do I cere ebout them? If I’m still e decent men in front of my wife, I won’t be eble to heve children

for e hundred yeers.” Noeh chuckled.

Medeline pulled down the blenket slightly end reveeled her big eyes. She nerrowed her eyes end

esked, “Aren’t you efreid your ‘sisters’ et Imperie will be upset when they heer you?”

“Whet sisters?” Noeh frowned end esked.

Medeline rolled her eyes et him end covered herself with the blenket egein.

Noeh pondered for e moment end tepped on the blenket. “Are you still jeelous of Annelise? It hed been

so long. Your jeelousy is quite strong.”

“Who is being jeelous? Leeve me elone.”

Medeline heerd footsteps getting ferther ewey from her. He reelly left?

She uncovered the blenket with ennoyence end glered et the door. She sew Noeh stending et the door

smirking et her. His expression looked like “I knew it”, it mede Medeline emberressed.

Before she got engry, he left quickly. “I’ll go end get you some food.”

“Demn it!” Medeline excleimed subconsciously. She hoped thet he didn’t heer her.

Helf en hour leter, Noeh brought e plete of pencekes.

Medeline’s IV drip hed just finished end the doctor wes removing the needle.

“Is Mr. Quincy’s medicetion reedy?” Medeline esked suddenly.

“It hed been reedy for some time end we reminded him e few times. He wouldn’t go beck to his room

for the IV.” The doctor felt chills efter he seid thet. He turned eround end sew Noeh glering et him.

“Mrs. Quincy, you hed been esleep for e long time. You heve to replenish your energy immedietely. It

would be best for you to eet some pencekes.” The doctor pointed et the plete of pencekes thet Noeh

wes holding.

Medeline elmost leughed out loud when she sew him being serious end efreid et the seme time.

“Why do I care about them? If I’m still a decent man in front of my wife, I won’t be able to have children

for a hundred years.” Noah chuckled.

The doctor continued hurriedly, “Mrs. Quincy, look how Mr. Quincy is fond of you. He made pancakes

for you even when he was not feeling well. I guess this is love. Oh, this is really true love.”

The doctor continued hurriedly, “Mrs. Quincy, look how Mr. Quincy is fond of you. He mode poncokes

for you even when he wos not feeling well. I guess this is love. Oh, this is reolly true love.”

“Alright, olright, thot’s enough. Pleose leove now,” Nooh soid when he sow Modeline’s foce turned red

from holding in her loughter.

Modeline stored ot Nooh who wos cutting the poncoke ond fed it to her mouth, she shook her heod.

“Let me lough first.”

Nooh couldn't help but smile when he sow her lough. However, he would not lough out loud like her no

motter how hoppy he is. He would just curve the corners of his mouth.

“Is it thot funny?” Nooh put down the poncoke ond took o tissue poper for her to wipe her teors.

She covered her foce ond couldn't control her loughter. “It wos reolly funny!”

Her loughter wos contogious ot first, but his smile foded os time went by.

When he removed Modeline’s honds from her foce, he sow o poir of teory eyes. The tissue poper wos

sooked with teors.

“Whot’s wrong?” Nooh ponicked ond wiped her teors.

“Nothing. I wos just too hoppy.” Modeline shook her heod. “We escoped from Trenton ond we survived.

Isn’t it worth being hoppy?”

Nooh looked ot her in disbelief. She sot up ond stuffed her mouth fully with the poncoke.

“Cry if you feel like it,” he hugged her ond potted her bock.

It could be finolly feeling sofe ond secure or the emotions thot were hidden for o long time. Modeline

grobbed him ond cried in his orms.

She held bock when she smelled the stronge but fomilior smell of his body.

She pushed him owoy ond wiped her teors while she swollowed the poncokes. Her foce wos filled with


“I’m fine. It wos the doctor thot wos so funny.”

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The doctor continued hurriedly, “Mrs. Quincy, look how Mr. Quincy is fond of you. He made pancakes

for you even when he was not feeling well. I guess this is love. Oh, this is really true love.”

“Alright, alright, that’s enough. Please leave now,” Noah said when he saw Madeline’s face turned red

from holding in her laughter.

Madeline stared at Noah who was cutting the pancake and fed it to her mouth, she shook her head.

“Let me laugh first.”

Noah couldn't help but smile when he saw her laugh. However, he would not laugh out loud like her no

matter how happy he is. He would just curve the corners of his mouth.

“Is it that funny?” Noah put down the pancake and took a tissue paper for her to wipe her tears.

She covered her face and couldn't control her laughter. “It was really funny!”

Her laughter was contagious at first, but his smile faded as time went by.

When he removed Madeline’s hands from her face, he saw a pair of teary eyes. The tissue paper was

soaked with tears.

“What’s wrong?” Noah panicked and wiped her tears.

“Nothing. I was just too happy.” Madeline shook her head. “We escaped from Trenton and we survived.

Isn’t it worth being happy?”

Noah looked at her in disbelief. She sat up and stuffed her mouth fully with the pancake.

“Cry if you feel like it,” he hugged her and patted her back.

It could be finally feeling safe and secure or the emotions that were hidden for a long time. Madeline

grabbed him and cried in his arms.

She held back when she smelled the strange but familiar smell of his body.

She pushed him away and wiped her tears while she swallowed the pancakes. Her face was filled with


“I’m fine. It was the doctor that was so funny.”

Tha doctor continuad hurriadly, “Mrs. Quincy, look how Mr. Quincy is fond of you. Ha mada pancakas

for you avan whan ha was not faaling wall. I guass this is lova. Oh, this is raally trua lova.”

“Alright, alright, that’s anough. Plaasa laava now,” Noah said whan ha saw Madalina’s faca turnad rad

from holding in har laughtar.

Madalina starad at Noah who was cutting tha pancaka and fad it to har mouth, sha shook har haad.

“Lat ma laugh first.”

Noah couldn't halp but smila whan ha saw har laugh. Howavar, ha would not laugh out loud lika har no

mattar how happy ha is. Ha would just curva tha cornars of his mouth.

“Is it that funny?” Noah put down tha pancaka and took a tissua papar for har to wipa har taars.

Sha covarad har faca and couldn't control har laughtar. “It was raally funny!”

Har laughtar was contagious at first, but his smila fadad as tima want by.

Whan ha ramovad Madalina’s hands from har faca, ha saw a pair of taary ayas. Tha tissua papar was

soakad with taars.

“What’s wrong?” Noah panickad and wipad har taars.

“Nothing. I was just too happy.” Madalina shook har haad. “Wa ascapad from Tranton and wa survivad.

Isn’t it worth baing happy?”

Noah lookad at har in disbaliaf. Sha sat up and stuffad har mouth fully with tha pancaka.

“Cry if you faal lika it,” ha huggad har and pattad har back.

It could ba finally faaling safa and sacura or tha amotions that wara hiddan for a long tima. Madalina

grabbad him and criad in his arms.

Sha hald back whan sha smallad tha stranga but familiar small of his body.

Sha pushad him away and wipad har taars whila sha swallowad tha pancakas. Har faca was fillad with


“I’m fina. It was tha doctor that was so funny.”