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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 97
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#97 “An Unexpected One.”
Sophia listened to Benjamin, who assured her that he had set things in motion according to her carefully devised plan. For her
part, she began to update Benjamin on the progress of their plan to acquire shares in Enlighten Press.
She detailed the intricate steps taken, weaving a narrative that showcased the complexity of the corporate chess game they
were engaged in.
“Benjamin, we’ve made considerable strides in acquiring the shares. The groundwork is starting to yield results, “Sophia
Benjamin, leaning forward attentively, absorbed the information. “That’s excellent news, Sophia. The plan seems to be unfolding
as anticipated.”
Alexander, though visibly invested in the conversation, maintained a guarded demeanor. His mind, ever analytical, was likely
calculating potential pitfalls and contingencies.
Sophia, however, hesitated before continuing. “There’s a complication, though. An unexpected one.”
Benjamin’s brow furrowed, concern etching lines on his forehead. “What happened? Is the acquisition at risk?”
Sophia shook her head. “No, the acquisition is progressing smoothly. The complication comes from Megan. She has resources
we didn’t anticipate. Her ability to frame me for a crime, manipulate the narrative – it revealed a level of influence we hadn’t
Alexander, his jaw tightening, voiced the unspoken concern. “If she has the means to frame you and tarnish your reputation,
what else is she capable of? What else are we missing?”
Sophia leaned back, fingers interlaced, contemplating the gravity of the situation. “Bringing Megan down requires more than just
acquiring shares. We need to expose her fatal flaws and unveil her secrets. But, Alexander, Benjamin, acquiring that information
seems impossible. Megan guards her vulnerabilities with formidable precision.”
Benjamin pondered the dilemma. “We knew taking down someone like Megan wouldn’t be easy. The question is, how do we get
to the core of her defenses? What vulnerabilities is she hiding, and who holds the key to unlocking those secrets?”

Alexander, his gaze focused and intense, spoke with a hint of frustration. “We need an insider, someone close to Megan, who

provide us with the information we need. But finding such a person, gaining their trust – it’s a monumental challenge.”
Sophia, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts, looked from Benjamin to Alexander. “We’ve come this far. We can’t afford to back
down now. We need a plan, a strategy to infiltrate Megan’s inner circle and expose her for who she truly is.”
As the trio delved into the complexities of their predicament, the room echoed with the weight of their collective determination.
Each revelation about Megan’s formidable tactics only fueled their resolve to uncover the truth and dismantle the carefully
constructed façade she had woven.
The conversation evolved into a brainstorming session, a collaborative effort to strategize the next steps. Benjamin, with his
sharp business acumen, suggested leveraging connections within the industry to gain insights into Megan’s operations.
Alexander, with his penchant for meticulous investigation, proposed digging into Megan’s past, searching for clues that might
lead to the discovery of her vulnerabilities.
Sophia absorbed their input and began sketching the framework of a plan. “We need to think like Megan, anticipate her moves,
and find the weak points in her defenses. Our success depends on staying one step ahead of her.”
Before continuing, Sophia looked at Benjamin and Alexander separately, she wanted to make sure they both understood her and
agreed with what she was saying.
“We need to consider all our options. We’re up against someone who has proven to be formidable, and we can’t afford any blind
Benjamin nodded in agreement. ” Agreed. Our priority is to uncover Megan’s vulnerabilities, but we must also be cautious about
who we involve in this. The wrong ally could lead to our downfall.”
Alexander, though silent, listened intently. His mind, a labyrinth of strategic calculations, silently pondered on the best course of
“What about Michael? He’s connected to Megan, and he might have valuable insights into her operations.” Sophia suggests.
Benjamin’s expression tightened, revealing a trace of skepticism. “I can’t shake off the feeling that Michael might have been a
conduit for information to Megan. His sudden interest in our joint project with Sophia is too coincidental.”

Alexander, breaking his silence, spoke with a measured tone. “I share Benjamin’s concern. Michael has his own agenda, and we
can’t afford to trust him blindly. If anything, involving him could backfire.”

Sophia, though initially considering Michael as a potential ally, absorbed their insights. “So, we’re ruling out Michael as an option.
Even though I share my plan with him?”
“I think it’s for the best. Just think about it, Sophia. The day you shared the plan with the three of us, someone framed you for
murder shortly after. We suspect Meghan and if she really is behind it that means she had a reason. And maybe Michael wasn’t
so loyal to you after all.”
“That narrows our choices. We need someone with insider knowledge, someone who can navigate Megan’s world without
arousing suspicion.”
Sophia said with a sigh. Benjamin, leaning back in contemplation, added, “It’s a risky path. We’re essentially looking for a mole
within Megan’s organization. Finding such a person won’t be easy, and even if we do, the risk of exposure is high.”
Alexander, his mind now fully engaged, proposed a different perspective. ” Rather than searching for an outsider, what if we
exploit the divisions within Megan’s own team? If there are disgruntled members, those who might have their reasons to
undermine her, we could leverage that discontent.”
Sophia, intrigued by the suggestion, sought clarification. “How do we identify these potential dissenters, and how do we ensure
they won’t betray us?
Alexander explained, “We need to discreetly probe within Megan’s organization, perhaps through indirect channels. It could be a
disgruntled employee, someone who might have witnessed Megan’s questionable practices and is willing to expose her. We
ensure their loyalty through mutual interests and assurances of protection.”
Benjamin, nodding in approval, acknowledged the strategic merit of Alexander’s proposal. “It’s a more controlled approach. We
minimize the risk of exposure by working within the existing fault lines in Megan’s structure.”
Sophia, grasping the complexity of the plan, expressed her concerns. “But how do we ensure that the information we receive is
reliable? Megan is cunning, and she might plant decoys or misinformation to mislead us.”
Alexander, his gaze unwavering, replied, “Verification is crucial. We cross-reference the information with our existing data,
ensure its consistency, and validate it through multiple sources. It’s a meticulous process, but it’s the only way to safeguard
against manipulation.”

The trio, now aligned in their approach, delved deeper into the nuances of Alexander’s proposal. They outlined the steps to
discreetly gather intelligence, identified potential avenues for infiltration, and established protocols for maintaining the anonymity
of their informant.
As the conversation unfolded, Alexander, though not overtly expressive, silently committed himself to this cause. His mind
sought ways to contribute beyond the tactical planning. Sophia, recognizing the unspoken determination in his eyes, felt a subtle
reassurance that they were not alone in this endeavor.