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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 92
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#92 “It Could be A Game-Changer.”
After reading the email, Alexander decided to contact Benjamin to tell him what he had found and to ask him how things were
going with the investigation Benjamin was conducting.
“Tell me you found something Alexander,” Benjamin says by way of greeting.
“I have something. I’m emailing you what my secretary found,” Alexander says. Alexander’s fingers click quickly on the keyboard
as he forwards the email.
There was a long pause while Benjamin read all the information. Alexander also went through the ranks again and again.
“Interesting...” Benjamin drawls.
“What’s interesting?” Alexander hurriedly asks. “Tell me you got something too.”
“I checked the cameras near the apartment where the murder happened, “Benjamin begins.
“And?” prompts Alexander.
“I traced the mysterious man’s movements. He appeared in the vicinity before Sophia entered the abandoned apartment. The
surveillance footage shows him with a black bag, and it’s clear that he was orchestrating events from the shadows.”
The words hung in the air, a revelation that unraveled the tightly wound threads of deception. Alexander’s mind raced,
connecting the dots. “This wasn’t some random encounter. They planned this – the mysterious man and the deceased’s
girlfriend. They wanted to frame Sophia.”
Benjamin’s response was laden with conviction, “Exactly. This goes beyond mere coincidence. They set a trap, and Sophia
walked right into it.”
A surge of determination ignited within Alexander. “We need to expose them. I will make sure that this evidence goes to the
police station.”
Benjamin echoed the sentiment, “OK, keep me updated.”
Alexander and Benjamin discussed a few more details before hanging up. Alexander knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing
how close he was to finding proof of Sophia’s impeachment.

He picked up his jacket and left the hotel room once again that day. He no longer felt tired or hungry. He just wanted to end this
horror as quickly as possible. But before going to the police station he wanted to gather more evidence.
The air hung heavy with tension as Alexander approached the home of the deceased. He took a moment to steady himself, the
gravity of the situation pressing on his shoulders. He raised his hand and knocked firmly on the door, uncertainty and
determination warring within him.
The door creaked open, revealing Cassie. Her eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected visitor.
“Can I help you?” Cassie asked a feigned innocence in her voice. Alexander met her gaze, his expression serious. “I’m looking
for answers, Cassie. Answers that could save an innocent life.”
Cassie’s guarded demeanor faltered, and she arched an eyebrow. “You were the man from the police station, right?”
“I’m a friend of Sophia Johnson,” he replied, his tone unwavering. “She’s detained as a suspect, and I know she’s being wrongly
accused. I believe you have information that could change everything.”
Cassie’s eyes flickered with surprise and apprehension. “I’ve already told the police everything I know,” she insisted.
Alexander, refusing to be swayed, stepped closer. “I’m asking you to reconsider. Sophia is innocent, and your testimony is
crucial. Whatever your motives were for providing false information, now is the time to set things right. Go to the police station
and correct your statement. Help us find the real culprit.”
Cassie hesitated, her composure slipping. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve told them the truth.”
Unyielding, Alexander seized the moment and peered past Cassie into the dimly lit interior of the apartment. Luxury shopping
bags lay scattered on the floor, a stark contrast to the rundown surroundings.
His gaze lingered on the incongruity, and without another word, he turned to leave. The door creaked shut behind him, leaving
Cassie alone. Alexander left happy, he got the confirmation he wanted. He knew that Cassie was lying and he knew how to
expose her now.
His mind buzzed with the weight of revelations and the responsibility that now rested on his shoulders. Swift and purposeful, he
made his way to the police station, the echoes of his footsteps mirroring the racing thoughts within.
The police station loomed ahead, a bastion of justice that now held the key to Sophia’s freedom. Alexander’s breath caught in his
throat as he entered, the familiar scent of bureaucracy and diligence permeating the air. He approached the front desk, his eyes

locking on the uniformed officer.

“I need to speak with someone in charge,” Alexander declared, his voice unwavering. The officer, ever vigilant, directed him to
Detective Turner’s office. As Alexander navigated the labyrinthine corridors, anticipation mingled with anxiety. The door to
Detective Turner’s office stood ajar.
Entering, Alexander found the detective engrossed in paperwork. He cleared his throat, drawing Turner’s attention.
“What can I do for you?” Detective Turner asked his tone a blend of professionalism and curiosity. Alexander wasted no time.
“I’ve got information that could change the course of this investigation. I need you to act on it immediately.”
Detective Turner motioned for Alexander to sit, his pen poised above the notepad. “Go on.”
“Sophia Johnson is innocent,” Alexander began his words carrying the weight of conviction. “I’ve discovered that the deceased’s
girlfriend, Cassie, provided false testimony. She’s hiding something, and I believe she’s involved in framing Sophia.”
Detective Turner leaned back, skepticism etched on his face. “What makes you think that?”
Alexander proceeded to unravel the tangled threads of deceit he had uncovered. The contentious relationship between Cassie
and the deceased, their financial troubles, and the suspicious interaction with the mysterious man painted a portrait of
manipulation and conspiracy. As he spoke, Turner’s expression shifted from skepticism to contemplation.
“So, you’re saying this ‘mysterious man as you call him and Cassie conspired to frame Sophia?” Detective Turner queried,
searching for coherence in the web of details.
Alexander nodded. “The evidence points in that direction. I need you to investigate Cassie immediately. If the mysterious man
exists, Sophia is no longer the prime suspect.”
Detective Turner sighed, the burden of a high-profile case weighing on his shoulders. “We’ll look into it, Mr. Stone. But
understand, we need concrete evidence. If this turns out to be another dead end, it won’t bode well for Sophia.”
Alexander acknowledged the challenge ahead. “I understand, Detective. I’m just asking for a chance to uncover the truth.”
As he exited the police station, hope and apprehension lingered in the air. The city sprawled before him, indifferent to the
unfolding drama within its confines. Alexander’s mind churned with the unpredictability of justice, the thin line between
exoneration and condemnation.

Hours passed like an eternity as Alexander awaited news from the police. The city lights flickered to life, casting long shadows
across the urban landscape. Finally, a call broke the silence.
“Mr. Stone, this is Detective Turner. We’ve initiated an investigation into Cassie’s involvement. If your information checks out, it
could be a game-changer.”
Relief washed over Alexander, a momentary respite in the storm. “Keep me updated, Detective. Sophia’s future depends on it.”
As the call ended, Alexander’s mind raced ahead. The night stretched before him, fraught with uncertainty, but he refused to
succumb to the shadows..