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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 65
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#65 “It’s You, Sophia.”
Alexander looked into Sophia’s eyes, his gaze filled with sincerity and vulnerability. He knew that what he was confessing was
unconventional and unexpected, but he couldn’t keep his feelings hidden any longer. With a deep breath, he reached out and
gently took her hand, hoping to convey the depth of his emotions.
“That’s right, I have feelings for you, Sophia,” Alexander began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “And I’ve been struggling
for a long time to show you that I’m not who you think I am. I care about you, and it’s often hard for me to convey my thoughts
exactly, and I think we often fight because we don’t understand each other.”
Sophia’s eyes widened in shock, and she instinctively pulled her hand away from Alexander’s, shaking her head in disbelief.
“This is crazy, Alexander,” she said. ” We’re divorced. Do you realize how crazy this is?”
Alexander leaned in closer, his voice soft but resolute. “Sophia, our marriage was a joke. We haven’t even met each other for 3
years, and I know I apologized to you for that, but I’ll apologize as many times as I need to. Now, you say we’re divorced, but
were we ever really married?”
Sophia sighed and took another sip of her beer, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions and thoughts racing through her
“Come on, Alexander,” she said, her tone a mix of exasperation and confusion. “Don’t make it more complicated than it already
But Alexander was undeterred, his eyes locked onto hers as he continued to lay his heart bare.
“Sophia, I was captivated by you from the moment I saw you,” he confessed.” Back then, I didn’t care if you were the daughter of
the president or the daughter of a humble farmer from the countryside. The way you walked and carried yourself was magnetic.
You are magnetic, Sophia. And I think that if it weren’t for our supposedly marriage, if we had met as normal people, things would
have been different.”
Sophia was torn between the shock of Alexander’s confession and her own inner turmoil. She had never expected to hear these
words from him, and it left her reeling with emotions she couldn’t quite put into words.
“Sophia,” Alexander implored, his eyes searching hers for a sign of understanding. “I know our history is messy, but I truly
believe we can make things right. We have a chance to start anew.”.

Sophia shook her head gently. ” Alexander, I appreciate your honesty, and I don’t doubt your sincerity. But the past is the past,
and we can’t change it. Our relationship has always been complicated, and I think it’s best if we leave it behind us.”
Alexander felt a pang of disappointment, but he respected her decision. He had taken a risk in sharing his feelings, and he
couldn’t fault Sophia for wanting a fresh start, free from the weight of their shared history.
Reluctantly, he nodded. “I understand, Sophia. I just hope that someday, you can find it in your heart to forgive me for everything
that’s happened.”
Sophia met his gaze, her expression softening with a hint of regret.” Alexander, forgiveness doesn’t always require rebuilding
what’s broken. Sometimes, it means letting go and finding our own paths.”
Alexander understood what Sophia was telling him, but he wasn’t ready to let her go. He would continue to try and prove to her
that he wasn’t the jerk who treated his ex-wife terribly. He knew that she was the one for him and nothing could shake him, not
even her current refusal.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” Sophia suggested. “I’m out of beer.”
Sophia was desperately trying to get away from the subject and hoped they could spend the rest of the carnival enjoying
“Sure, a walk sounds great,” he replied, his tone noticeably lighter. “Lead the way, Sophia.”
As they meandered through the carnival grounds, the vibrant atmosphere began to work its magic on them. The colorful lights
painted the night sky, distant laughter filled the air, and the scent of various carnival treats wafted around them, creating a
delightful backdrop for their stroll.
Alexander finally decided it was time to invite Sophia to his mother’s birthday. It was now or never.
“Sophia, my mother’s birthday is coming up soon, and I’d like to invite you to the party. It would mean a lot to her, and to me.”
After a moment of contemplation, she replied with a gentle smile, “Alexander, I appreciate the invitation, but I already have plans
for that day. I hope you understand.”
Alexander nodded, his disappointment concealed behind a polite demeanor.” Of course, I understand. Maybe some other time.”

Alexander realized that no matter what he was doing, he was hitting a rock. He didn’t want to pressure Sophia anymore and
decided to let things happen naturally. He wanted to give them both a chance to get to know each other and he believed that fate
would do the rest.
“Well, anyway, we’re here, Sophia, do you want to go on a ride?” he suggested. This sounded dangerously like a date, Sophia
thought, but when would she ever get the chance to go to the county fair.
“Okay, where do you want to take me?” she asked and looked around.
“How about bumper cars?” he grinned. “Aren’t you going to get your superb suit dirty like that?” Sophia teased him.
“Don’t worry, I have spare clothes at home, so I’ll get through these,” Alexander reassured her. “Okay then, which cart do you
want us to get into?” Sophia asked as soon as they got to the front.
“Oh no, we won’t be in one. I’ve seen you shoot, I’m sure you’re not afraid of breaking a nail. We will be against each other.”
“That sounds like kinky therapy for our marriage,” Sophia laughed. They got into different carts, and Sophia was glad that
Alexander didn’t treat her like Michael had, like she was delicate and could break at any moment.
As the bumper cars began to whiz and spin around the track, Alexander and Sophia found themselves in the midst of a chaotic
and fun-filled collision course. Laughter and shouts filled the air as they expertly maneuvered their cars, dodging incoming hits
and launching counterattacks.
Sophia was surprisingly competitive, her determination to win shining through as she expertly navigated the small arena.
Alexander, equally determined, didn’t hold back either, relishing in the playful rivalry between them.
At one point, their paths converged, and with mischievous grins, they locked eyes for a moment before simultaneously slamming
their cars into each other’s. The impact sent them both into fits of laughter as they ricocheted off in different directions.
As the ride came to an end, they parked their bumper cars with triumphant grins. Disheveled and exhilarated, Sophia couldn’t
help but admit, “Okay, that was surprisingly fun.”
Alexander chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from his face. “Told you it would be,”
Sophia glanced around at the other fairgoers, her eyes lingering on couples and families enjoying the festivities. Despite her
reservations, she couldn’t deny that spending time with Alexander had been enjoyable.

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As they walked through the fairgrounds, Alexander’s steps grew slower, and he turned his gaze towards Sophia. He cleared his
throat, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“Sophie, there’s something I’ve been meaning to say,” he began, and Sophia turned her attention to him, curiosity flickering in

her eyes. “I hope that we can take our relationship to the next level.”
Sophia blinked, taken aback by his statement. She couldn’t help but find it a bit cheesy, and the use of “Sophie” particularly irked
her. She chuckled lightly, shaking her head. “Alexander, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’re just two people having a good
time at a county fair, remember?”
Alexander looked slightly crestfallen but nodded in understanding. “of course, Sophia, I just thought...”
But before he could finish his sentence, Sophia interrupted with a mischievous smile. “You know, Alexander, there’s someone
else who might be a better fit for you. Megan, for instance.”
Alexander’s eyes widened at the mention of Megan’s name, and he quickly shook his head. “No, no, I have no contact with
Megan after our breakup, and honestly, I no longer have feelings for her. It’s you, Sophia, that I’m interested in.”
“I already told you that...” Sophia began, but Alexander put his finger over her mouth to hush her. “I understand, I was just
clarifying. Let’s keep going; I don’t want to miss anything from the carnival,” Alexander said.
“Look at that interest all of a sudden,” Sophia raised a suspicious eyebrow. “I’ve never been to a place like this; I’m interested,
come on.”
Alexander went forward like a little child, and Sophia laughingly followed him. He thought again about how ridiculous he looked in
his costume against the background of the carnival, but his enthusiasm made up for it.
Sophia couldn’t help but chuckle at Alexander’s sudden burst of enthusiasm. She found it endearing how he could shift from
being so serious to childishly excited.
“Alright, Mr. Stone, lead the way,” Sophia teased, matching his playful spirit. Alexander grinned, taking her hand as they
navigated through the colorful lights and bustling crowds of the fair. He seemed genuinely excited to explore this unfamiliar world
with her..
Sophia’s eyes lit up with excitement when she spotted a store selling deep- fried candy bars by the roadside. Without hesitation,
she rushed over to the vendor’s booth.

“Oh, these! I used to love these as a kid! Sophia exclaimed, her voice filled with nostalgia, as she ordered one of the sweet
treats. She handed a deep- fried candy bar to Alexander, an eager smile on her face.
Alexander looked at the fried concoction with curiosity and hesitation. “Is it any good? It looks, uh, unhealthy,” he remarked.
Sophia chuckled, taking a bite of her candy bar. “Trust it’s delicious. me, Childhood memories right here,” she said between
She observed Alexander’s hesitation and couldn’t resist teasing him. “You know, our backgrounds and habits are quite different,
Alexander. You come from a wealthy ‘aristocratic’ family, and me from a rural area. We couldn’t be more different.”
Alexander, seemingly determined to prove that he could adapt, took a tentative bite of the deep-fried candy bar. However, his
expression immediately shifted to one of mild discomfort. Clearly, he wasn’t a fan of sweets.
Sophia couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. “I guess this isn’t your thing, “she remarked, offering him a sympathetic smile.
Taking another bite and grimacing slightly, Alexander replied, “Definitely not. But, Sophia, I’m willing to try new things, even if
they’re not to my taste. As long as you give me a chance and stop disliking me, I’ll do whatever it takes to get to know you
Sophia sighed, feeling frustrated. ” Alexander, it’s not about new experiences or trying to impress me with fried candy bars. I just
don’t have feelings for you, and I don’t think that’s going to change. I appreciate your efforts, but I’m not sure there’s anything
you can do to change my mind.”
Alexander’s expression wavered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. “I won’t give up, Sophia. I’ll keep trying,
no matter what.”
As they continued their walk through the lively carnival, Sophia couldn’t help but feel a sense of resignation. She believed that as
long as she remained indifferent, Alexander would eventually come to terms with the impossibility of their connection.
Although she was having a great time with him right now, which she couldn’t deny, she couldn’t just put the past behind her.