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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 62
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#62 “I Love to See You Mad.”
Alexander was feeling terrible. He knew he had promised his mother he’d invite Sophia to her birthday party, but the idea
weighed heavily on him. Their recent interactions hadn’t exactly been smooth, and he was unsure of how she’d react to the
invitation. Especially after last night’s conversation.
Alexander knew that Sophia would misinterpret his words because she did not know Michael as he did. She didn’t know what his
half-brother was capable of. He buried his face in his hands and let out a loud sigh. He hated the situation he was in and the trick
Michael had played on him.
Meanwhile, Megan had asked him to meet up and help pick out a birthday gift for Caroline, his mother. She suggested they meet
at a luxury store in the mall, knowing that Alexander had impeccable taste when it came to gifts.
Megan was very pleased to find out that Alexander’s mother had invited her to her birthday. She hoped this would lead to more
time to spend with Alexander in the future.
In the next moment, Sophia and Evelyn went to the same store that day. Perhaps it was the magnetism of high- end shopping
that drew them both in or maybe it was just serendipity. But all four ended up there.
As they entered the store, their scanned the luxurious displays of jewelry, clothing, and accessories. It didn’t take long for their
gaze to lock onto Alexander and Megan. Both parties recognized each other immediately but chose not to acknowledge the
presence of the other. eyes
Megan, sensing the opportunity, intentionally maneuvered closer to Alexander. She struck up a conversation about potential gifts
for Caroline, expertly steering the discussion towards what she knew he liked. It was a subtle attempt to remind him of their
connection, hoping he would become more receptive to her advances.
However, Sophia remained indifferent, focused solely on her shopping with Evelyn. After yesterday’s situation, Sophia had
decided to distance herself as much as possible. She was irritated by Alexander’s interference and therefore chose not to greet
him at all.
Megan observed the apparent shift in dynamics between Sophia and Alexander, she couldn’t help but feel intrigued. Once, they
had seemed close, but now, they appeared like strangers to each other. Megan believed that there might still be a chance for her
to win over Alexander, and she was determined to seize that opportunity..

Meanwhile, Evelyn, curious about Sophia’s recent interactions, leaned in closer to her friend. Her voice was barely above a

whisper as she asked, ” Sophia, I heard you’re going on another date with Michael. Is that true?”
Sophia nodded, her gaze thoughtful. ” Yes, it is. We’ve been spending time together lately.”
Evelyn raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. “Wow, you guys really like each other,” she commented.
Sophia chuckled, her eyes glinting mischievously. “I don’t know about that, Evelyn. Sometimes, I just let fate decide,” she replied
with a playful wink.
As they continued their quiet conversation, Alexander’s ears strained to catch every word, leaving him with a growing sense of
unease. He didn’t hear Sophia admit that she liked him, but that didn’t make him any calmer.
She had agreed to a second date and it was driving him crazy. Alexander realized that if he didn’t act immediately, their
relationship could deepen, and then there was not going to be a chance to separate them.
That evening, Alexander waited downstairs at Sophia’s apartment building, his heart pounding with anticipation. He knew he had
to seize this opportunity to speak with her, even though his intentions were far from clear. His thoughts swirled with conflicting
emotions as he spotted the mailman approaching.
As the mailman reached Sophia’s mailbox and began inserting an envelope, Alexander approached with a friendly demeanor,
masking his true identity. He falsely claimed to be a friend of Sophia’s, a ruse he had concocted on the spot. He told the mailman
that he would personally deliver the envelope to her, sparing him the trouble.
With the envelope now in his possession, Alexander made his way upstairs to Sophia’s apartment. He hesitated for a moment
before knocking on her door, his heart pounding in his chest. When Sophia opened the door and saw him standing there, her
expression shifted from surprise to guarded curiosity.
“Alexander,” she said. “What are you doing here?”
Alexander cleared his throat, his resolve firm despite his inner turmoil. ” I... uh, intercepted an envelope from the mailman
downstairs. It was addressed to you, and I thought I’d bring it up.”
Sophia’s eyes narrowed slightly, but she accepted the envelope and glanced at it briefly. “What were you doing downstairs,
anyway?” she asked annoyed.

Alexander took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on Sophia’s face as he braced himself for the conversation ahead, ” Sophia,” he
began, “I heard something today. Is it true that you’re planning to go on a second date with Michael?”
Sophia’s guard went up instantly. ” Why do you care, Alexander? We’re divorced now. My personal life is none of your business.”
Alexander felt a surge of frustration but pushed through it. “You’re right; we’re divorced, and I respect your freedom to date
whomever you please,” he admitted. “But, Sophia, please, not Michael.”

Sophia’s brows furrowed, and her gaze bore into Alexander’s, demanding an explanation. “Why not Michael? What does it
matter to you?”
Alexander hesitated, the weight of his emotions pressing down on him. “I can’t explain it fully,” he admitted, his voice softening.
“But... just trust me about him. He’s not a good person to be around.”
Sophia crossed her arms. “That’s not a valid reason, Alexander. You can’t dictate who I should or shouldn’t date.”
“Please, Sophia,” he pleaded, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. “I’m not trying to control you. I just... I care about your
safety and well-being.”
Sophia’s eyes flashed with irritation. ” Safety? Well-being?” she repeated incredulously. “Alexander, we’re not even together
anymore. You don’t get to be the guardian of my safety or well- being.”
Alexander’s frustration deepened as he realized the gap between their perspectives. He knew that he couldn’t force her to see
things his way, but he also couldn’t stand by and watch her potentially get hurt.
“I know we’re not together,” he repeated, his voice heavy with regret. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you, Sophia. I
don’t want to see you hurt, especially by someone like Michael.”
Sophia sighed, her expression tired. “I appreciate your concern, Alexander, but I can’t do it anymore. It’s time for both of us to
move on and live our lives separately. Please, don’t worry about me,” she said with a hint of annoyance.
Before Alexander could respond, Sophia closed the door firmly, bringing an abrupt end to their conversation. It left him standing
Alexander desperately wanted to make Sophia understand his concerns, but he also knew he couldn’t control her choices. In
that case, he decided he would talk to Michael.

Alexander’s anger and frustration which had been accumulating for days boiled over as he pulled out his phone and dialed
Michael’s number..
“Listen carefully, Michael,” Alexander’s voice was cold and determined. “I don’t want you anywhere near Sophia. If you don’t
back off and leave her alone, I’ll use every means at my disposal to destroy your precious company.”
“Hello to you too, Alexander,” Michael chuckled, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “I was wondering when you would call.”
Alexander’s voice grew colder. “I won’t repeat myself, Michael. Game over,” he growled into the receiver. Michael’s laughter was
infuriating. Oh, no, my dear brother. I won’t leave her. I love to see you mad.”
Alexander’s patience was wearing thin. “She’s not a toy, Michael.”
Michael’s tone turned mocking. “Well, I am not sure about that. Let’s see, you’re angry, I’ve successfully humiliated you, and so
far she’s doing a great job for me.”
“I’m going to ruin everything you own, do you understand me?” Alexander’s voice was a dangerous whisper.
Michael’s response was filled with malice. “I understand, but not before I destroy your doll by making her mine. We have a date
soon, and I hope to send you a recording of her moaning my name. Bye, Alexander.”
With that parting shot, the call ended.