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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 162
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#162 “God, No...” Alexander had been seated at the airport, eagerly anticipating Sophia's arrival. The prospect of a vacation away from the city had fueled his excitement, and he couldn't wait to spend quality twith her.

They had agreed to meet at 10:00, but by 10:15, Sophia was nowhere in sight. Knowing Sophia’s preference to go through her office in the morning before heading out, Alexander patiently waited for her. He even took the initiative to grab coffee for both of them, hoping she’d arrive soon.

As minutes ticked away, Alexander found himself growing more anxious. The plane was theirs, and it wouldn't take off until they boarded, but the absence of Sophia was starting to gnaw at him. He glanced at the gate, scanning for any sign of her.

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Twenty more minutes passed, and the coffee intended for Sophia had long gone cold. Concerned, Alexander decided to give her a call. To his dismay, the phone rang only to be met with the disheartening message that Sophia's phone was switched off.

Frowning, Alexander found it odd for Sophia to have a dead battery, especially when they had plans to meet.

Another ten minutes passed without her appearance, intensifying his worry.

The fact that she hadn't called him the night before, breaking their routine of exchanging good night wishes, added an extra layer of concern. Something didn’t feel right, and Alexander's imagination started to run wild with possibilities.

With a knot in his stomach, Alexander considered the various scenarios that could explain Sophia's absence-was she caught up in a work emergency, facing spersonal issue, or worse? His attempts to reach her continued to be met with the frustrating message that her phone was off.

Concerned, Alexander decided to call Evelyn, but her phone yielded the sresult as Sophia's - switched off.

He decides not to waste any more tand calls Kyle. He had left him an emergency number and Alexander took advantage.

As the phone rang, each tone echoed with increasing anxiety for Alexander. He waited nervously, the soft hum of the airport around him a stark contrast to the turmoil within. Finally, Kyle's voice broke through, tinged with a touch of amusement, “You needalready?” Feeling apologetic, Alexander responded, “Sorry to bother you, but I think something is wrong.” “What's happening?” Kyle inquired, ready to address the unfolding situation.

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“I tried calling Sophia, but her phone is off. It's not like her, Kyle. We were supposed to go on a trip, and Sophia wouldn't just vanish like this without lettingknow,” Alexander explained.

“Did you have a fight with her?” Kyle asked, still amused by Alexander's concern.

“No. | am telling you something is not right.” Kyle paused, contemplating the implications of Alexander's worry. After a moment, he said, “I was informed here that another gang kidnapped slawyer...” “God, no...” The exclamation carried Alexander's visceral reaction to the possibility of Sophia being in trouble.

“Alexander, calm down. I'll check, and if it’s her, I'll take care of it.” Kyle's reassurance aimed to calm the rising tension in Alexander's voice.

“There is more, Kyle. | tried calling Evelyn, and her phone was off too.” The revelation about Evelyn intensified the complexity of the situation.

Kyle instantly tensed at this information but forced himself to breathe deeply and stay calm. Kyle's effort to remain composed hinted at the gravity of the unfolding events.

Kyle's tone shifted. “I'll look into it, Alexander. | have sconnections that might help us figure out what's going on. Stay where you are, and I'll get back to you as soon as | have any information.” As the call ended, Alexander couldn’t shake the worry gnawing at him. The anticipation of a vacation had turned into an unsettling mystery, leaving him restless at the airport. He anxiously waited for Kyle's update, hoping for sclarity and assurance regarding the safety of Sophia and Evelyn.

Kyle paced across the room, his mind grappling with the urgency of the situation. He dialed the familiar number, his relative’s voice picking up on the other end, “What's going on, Kyle?” An edge of frustration crept into Kyle's tone, “You tell me. | just got word that the Alberto’s gang kidnapped a lawyer. It’s by any chance Sophia Johnson? “How do you know?” “Why the hell is she involved?” The relative, well-versed in navigating the intricacies of the underworld, responded, “I don’t know, Kyle. You know | don’t mess in other gangs’ business. Maybe she stumbled upon things she shouldn't have.” “Tell them to release her immediately, “Kyle commanded, his voice brooking no argument. “And tellwhere they are keeping her. I'm on my way.” Before hanging up, a note of hesitation lingered in the relative’s voice. ” There's another problem, Kyle. A woman's been asking questions about you. We've got her, and soon we will interrogate her.” Kyle's brow furrowed in suspicion. ” Who is she?” The relative’s answer hit him like a hammer blow. “Swoman named Evelyn Crimms.”