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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 139
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#139 “All Right Then, Woo Me.” Sophia and Alexander had traveled in a taxi to Lisa's restaurant.

“They kidnappedbecause | had decided to help them by putting them in touch with a lawyer friend of mine,” Sophia explained during the ride.

Alexander pulled her close, and she wearily rested her head on his shoulder.

“Sandro told me,” Alexander remarked. “And to be honest, | wasn’t at all surprised that you suggested it.” Sophia smiled sweetly at him.

“I was going to ask you for something when we got there,” Sophia continued.

“Anything,” Alexander replied, kissing her forehead.

“Lisa’s food is great, but this Daniel has ruined her business and driven away most of the customers,” Sophia began. “I'm sure she would have been very happy if you had written something nice about the place on your social media.” Alexander laughed and nodded.

“You didn’t even have to askfor that, Sophie,” he told her gently.

The taxi stopped in front of the restaurant, and Sophia was about to pay the driver when Alexander overtook her.

She frowned and glanced at him.

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“Don’t you dare,” Alexander said as he left a hefty tip for the driver. The two got out of the taxi and headed towards the entrance.

“And what now, Mr. Stone? You're going to pay for everything?” Sophia raised an eyebrow quizzically.

“Yes, and it is not subject to discussion. Letbe a gentleman,” he replied to her. B “I can pay for myself.” “I have no doubt, Sophia. You can turn the whole world around on your own, but | wanted to be gentle with you. | wanted to woo you. Lettake care of you, not because you can’t do it alone, but because | wanted to be your peace of mind.” “Peace of mind,” Sophia repeated thoughtfully. “I liked the way it sounded. All right then, woo me.” Alexander laughed at her and opened the restaurant door for her to pass in front of him. The moment they stepped inside, Lissa squealed cheerfully and rushed to hug Sophia.

“You were my savior,” Lisa told her. ” Your lawyer says we might win the case.

“I don’t doubt it,” replied Sophia with a smile.

As soon as Lisa let her go and saw that Sophia was not alone, she blushed slightly at the sight of the attractive man with her.

“Sophia, who is your friend?” she asked her.

Sophia thought for a second about how to introduce Alexander, but he interrupted and held out his hand to Lisa.

“I'm Alexander, Sophia's boyfriend. Nice to meet you, Lisa; I've heard great things about your food.” “Oh, not to brag, but my cooking is the one thing | can’t be modest about,” Lisa laughed. “Please cand feel free to callwhenever you need anything.” Alexander wrapped his arm around Sophia’s waist and led her to one of the empty tables. He pulled Sophia’s chair and motioned for her to sit down. She rolled her eyes playfully but didn’t object.

As soon as they settled in and ordered food, Sophia smiled at Lisa's son, who was clearing one of the tables. The boy smiled back at her and nodded in gratitude.

“Who's that?” Alexander asked, smiling at the boy.

“Jake,” Sophia said. “Lisa’s son. Remindeda lot of you.” “Is that so?” Alexander raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, when | spoke to him, his life story remindeda lot of the problems you had in your youth. You were both fighters.” Alexander smirked and shook his head.

“So you were thinking aboutthese days in Vegas after all,” he smirked.

“| tried not to, but you kept sneaking into my mind,” Sophia admitted.

“I intend to continue to do so,” replied Alexander with a charming smile, his eyes reflecting a promise.

At that delightful moment, Lisa skillfully piled their table with the dishes they had ordered. A mouth- watering aroma enveloped the air, tempting their taste buds.

“Wow. This is definitely competition for my life-saver sandwich,” Alexander exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

“Oh, you cook?” inquired Lisa, intrigued.

“Unfortunately, rarely, but | do enjoy preparing meals for my loved ones,” Alexander replied a hint of modesty in his smile.

“You should cto the kitchen sometand make something; | would be thrilled to diversify the menu, “suggested Lisa, her enthusiasm evident.

“A must on my next visit,” Alexander promised.

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Sophia beamed with warmth as they engaged in the conversation. She couldn't help but admire Alexander.

Perhaps they still had a journey ahead, but in that moment, everything felt perfect to her.

“Let's all take a picture together for my social media post; we can’t do it without the chef,” Alexander proposed, pulling out his phone.

The three of them gathered, sharing smiles and laughter as Alexander expertly captured the moment. Lisa thanked them once again and graciously stepped away, leaving the couple to savor their ttogether.

“This is the tastiest pizza I've ever eaten,” admitted Alexander, savoring each bite.

“I told you I know the exact place,” Sophia grinned, her eyes sparkling with playful satisfaction.

“With you, every place is right,” replied Alexander.

Sophia laughed, charmed by his words.

“You are a great flatterer, Alexander, | grant you that.” “You haven't seen anything yet.” “Then | can’t wait for what you have in store for me,” she replied, her eyes filled with anticipation and a touch of mischief.

As Alexander savored the delectable flavors of the pizza, Sophia couldn't help but admire the way he carried himself. His presencé exuded a quiet confidence, and each subtle movement seemed calculated to captivate.

Sophia took a sip of her wine, her gaze lingering on Alexander's strong, masculine hands as they expertly maneuvered the fork. The flicker of candlelight danced in his eyes, adding a mysterious glint that drew her in.

His laughter, a rich and melodic sound, filled the air, leaving an indelible impression on her senses.

Alexander, pausing mid-bite, met Sophia’s appreciative gaze. A playful smirk played on his lips as he said, ” Enjoying the view, are we?” Sophia chuckled, a blush gracing her cheeks. “Guilty as charged. You make even pizza-eating look irresistible.” As they continued their meal, Alexander's conversation beca seductive dance of words. His voice, a velvety timbre, had a magnetic quality that sent shivers down Sophia’s spine. The tales he shared about his adventures were told with a hint of mischief, and each word seemed to weave a spell around her.

“So, tell me, Sophia,” Alexander leaned in, his eyes gleaming with intrigue, ” what's the most adventurous thing you want to do?” Alexander's gaze held a spark of mischief as he leaned in, his eyes locking onto Sophia’s. “So, tell me, Sophia,” he inquired, “what's the most adventurous thing you want to do?” Sophia, sipping her wine, couldn’t help but laugh. “Actually, if | have to be honest, | can’t wait to get hfrom this ‘vacation,” she confessed. “I think I've had a lot of adventures since I've been here. And | even long for a quiet evening.” Alexander's eyes twinkled with amusement. “Then let’s get on the plane and get out of here,” he suggested, a playful grin on his face.

Sophia smirked, enjoying the banter. ” That sounds great, but not before I've said goodbye to Sandro.” Alexander leaned back, a contemplative look on his face. “Fair enough. We can’t skip the goodbyes.”