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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 128
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#128 “We can’t Afford Any Slip-ups.
As soon as Megan left Alexander’s office he sighed. Conversations with Megan always put a strain on him, and he doesn’t know
how long he can push her away without her having a problem with it.
Alexander texted Kyle that he was waiting for him in his office to talk. Not long after, the journalist entered his office with a big
“Hey, boss man, what’s up?” Kyle greeted, plopping down in a chair across from Alexander’s desk.
Alexander leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled. “Cut the small talk, Kyle. What’s the deal with the investigation? Do you
learn something?
Kyle scratched his head, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, about that. I’ve started poking around the core business,
but digging up the real dirt is gonna be a bit of a slow burn.”
Alexander leaned forward, his expression serious. “Time is of the essence, Kyle. We need to wrap this up quickly. What’s the
Kyle shrugged, “You know how these things go. It’s like peeling an onion. Layers, man. But don’t worry, I got this. Alexander
sighed, rubbing his temples. “Just get to the bottom of it. We need key information, and we need it fast.”
The two men delved into the details of the investigation, strategizing and dissecting the intricacies of the case. As they talked,
Kyle couldn’t resist injecting a bit of levity into the conversation.
“Speaking of risks, man, you’re out here playing detective for Sophia while she’s probably living it up in Vegas with my cousin.
Priorities, my friend,” Kyle chuckled.
Alexander’s face darkened at the mention of Sophia. The casual remark hit a nerve, aggravating an already somber mood.
“What is she doing in Vegas? And why is she with your cousin?” he asked.
“My girlfriend Evelyn and Sophia went to Vegas to ‘let loose’, and my charming cousin is playing guide. If I were you, I’d be
worried. Sandro is a squeamish flatterer.”.

“Watch it, Kyle,” Alexander warned, his tone sharp.

But Kyle, always one to push boundaries, continued with a smirk, ” I’m just saying, you’re taking the risks, and she’s sipping
cocktails in the city of lights. Life’s funny, huh?”
A heavy silence settled in the room as Alexander’s expression hardened. The news of Sophia’s escapades in Las Vegas cast a
shadow over him, worsening his already sour mood. Yet, rather than escalating the situation, Alexander reined in his emotions.
“Enough of the jokes, Kyle. Focus on the task at hand,” he urged, his voice low and controlled. “Megan might be catching wind
that something’s off. We can’t afford any slip-ups.”
Kyle nodded, sensing the shift in the room’s dynamics. “Got it, boss. I’ll hustle and get this done.”
As Kyle bounced out of the room, leaving Alexander alone, a sudden longing for Sophia hit him like a ton of bricks. He couldn’t
shake off the memories-the way she laughed, the warmth she brought into the room – damn, he missed her.
A feeling of urgency crept in, a realization that time was slipping away and every moment without Sophia felt like she was
distancing herself even more. The whole investigation thing mixed with the fact that she was miles away just made him restless.
And it wasn’t just the fact that she was with another man there that bothered him. He was just always worried about her. If he
hadn’t tracked her down to London now who knows what would have happened to her.
Slouching in his chair, Alexander stared out of the window at the city lights below. The twinkling skyline reflected the chaos inside
his head. It wasn’t just about solving the case; it was about fixing the emotional mess between him and Sophia.
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the bustling streets as Sophia and Evelyn plunged into the heart
of the city for a shopping spree. Sandro, opting for a lazy day, stayed back at the hotel.

The air was thick with anticipation as they wandered through the vibrant stalls and glittering storefronts, their laughter echoing
through the crowded mall.
“Evelyn, if we keep going at the same pace, we won’t be able to walk through the doors with all these purchases soon, “Sophia
chuckled, eyeing their growing collection of bags.
“I think so too,” Evelyn replied, sharing in the amusement. Little did they know that their carefree laughter was being observed.
Sophia’s gaze caught a man behind her, a figure that sent a shiver down her spine. His attire bore an uncanny resemblance to
the man they had encountered at Lisa’s restaurant. Sophia’s brows furrowed as the man’s eyes lingered on Evelyn.
“What’s wrong? Your smile melted suddenly,” Evelyn observed, her tone laced with concern.
“Nothing, let’s go, ” Sophia responded, her mind already at work, piecing together the unsettling puzzle.

They continued through the shops, Sophia leading Evelyn with purpose. The man continued to tail them, and Sophia’s
suspicions heightened as she noticed two more figures, dressed identically, joining the pursuit.
Entering a third store in a row and still being followed, Sophia decided it was time to clue Evelyn in on the unfolding situation.
The gravity of the moment hung in the air as she whispered,” Evelyn, we’re being followed. Stick close and follow my lead.”
As they maneuvered through the labyrinthine mall, Sophia devised a plan on the fly. A master of strategy, she led Evelyn through
a maze of shops, doubling back and changing directions in a seamless dance to shake off their pursuers. The tension in the air
thickened with each evasive maneuver, a sense of suspense building like a storm on the horizon.
In the shadowy corners of the mall, Sophia’s mind raced. What had they stumbled upon? What was the threat lurking behind
them? The urgency of the situation fueled her determination to protect not just herself but Evelyn too.

As Sophia and Evelyn stepped out into the fading daylight, the tension of the mall chase lingered in the air. The bustling streets
outside offered no solace, only a cloak of uncertainty that shrouded their recent encounter.
“What was that all about?” Evelyn queried, confusion etched on her face as they made their way out of the mall.
“I don’t know, but let’s head back to the hotel. I doubt they’ll let us go that easily,” Sophia replied, hailing a taxi with a quick wave
of her hand.
“Why are you calling a taxi? The hotel is not far,” Evelyn wondered, a furrow forming on her brow.
“I’ll try to fool them,” Sophia said with a hint of determination.
As the taxi pulled up, Sophia and Evelyn quickly hopped in. Sophia leaned forward, instructing the driver to drop them off at the
back entrance of the hotel. The engine roared to life, and as the taxi sped away, Sophia hoped they had successfully eluded their
Walking past the lobby, they tried to make their way to their room, but to their dismay, the trackers had already anticipated their
move. The suited figures sat stoically in front of the reception, eyes scanning everyone who passed by.
Sophia, not surprised they had guessed their destination, felt Evelyn cling tightly to her hand, unwilling to let go.
“Calm down, they won’t do anything to us in front of so many people,” Sophia reassured her.
At that very moment, the pursuers spotted them. The lead tracker, maintaining a facade of politeness, approached Sophia, his
request carrying an undeniable air of insistence. “We need you to come with us,” he stated, his tone measured yet unwavering.
Evelyn’s fear palpably hung in the air, but Sophia, displaying an unnerving calm, showed no signs of panic or surprise. She
turned to Evelyn, her voice steady and reassuring. “Evelyn, go and find Sandro. Tell him what’s happening.” Her gaze locked
with Evelyn’s, silently conveying trust and determination.
As Evelyn hurried back to the hotel, Sophia calmly stepped into the trackers ‘car, leaving behind a cloud of uncertainty. The city
lights flickered on as the car disappeared into the night, taking Sophia into the unknown.