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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 123
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#123 “Kyle never Shared Anything.”
In the morning, Sophia and Evelyn indulged in a delightful room service breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the
tantalizing sight of their balcony’s panoramic view created the perfect start to the day. They exchanged smiles, silently agreeing
that starting every day with such a view was a future goal.
“Can you believe our luck yesterday?” Evelyn remarked, savoring a bite of her toast. “We didn’t even have to look for Kyle’s
cousin; he found us himself.”
Sophia chuckled, sipping her coffee as the warm morning sunlight bathed the room.
“And now, on top of that, he’s going to take us around Vegas,” added Sophia.
“I can’t wait to find out more about Kyle,” Evelyn said with a mischievous tone.
“Don’t you think that will make him angrier?” Sophia teased.
“I think he should have told me the information himself. He may be a journalist, but I can dig up information myself if I need it.”
Sophia laughed as the hotel phone rang, surprising them both.
“I’ll pick up,” Sophia announced.
She gracefully made her way to the phone and answered the call.
“Hello,” she greeted.
“Good morning, Sophia,” Sandro’s familiar voice warmly greeted her. “I hope I’m not interrupting your breakfast.”
“No, of course not. We just finished, actually.”
“Great, because I promised to show you around Vegas, and I’m ready to go.”
“Great, we’re going down to the reception in a little while.”
“Actually, you should get on the roof.”
“On the roof? Why?” Sophia inquired, her curiosity piqued.

“Come, and you will understand. I’m waiting for you,” Sandro cryptically conveyed before hanging up the phone.
Evelyn was glued to the receiver, listening to the conversation.

“Oh, that’ll be cool,” she said happily.
“Come on then,” Sophia invited her. The two girls gathered their bags and entered the elevator, pressing the button for the top
“Any guesses?” Sophia asked.
“The view is probably even better there than on our terrace,” Evelyn speculated with a shrug.
As the elevator ascended, anticipation hung in the air, and the mystery of what awaited them on the rooftop added an extra layer
of excitement to their Vegas adventure.
The elevator doors opened with a soft chime, revealing the rooftop of the swanky Las Vegas hotel. As Sophia and Evelyn
stepped out, the expansive view of the city unfolded before them, bathed in the soft morning light. The warm desert breeze
tousled their hair as they approached the rooftop’s edge, taking in the breathtaking panorama.
Their eyes widened in amazement as they saw Sandro sitting casually in front of a sleek helicopter, an adventurous glint in his
eyes. He greeted them with a charismatic smile, gesturing toward the helicopter.
“Welcome to the next chapter of your Vegas adventure!” Sandro exclaimed, rising from his seat.
Sophia and Evelyn exchanged excited glances, barely containing their joy. Sandro began to unfold the grand plan.
“First, we’ll get a bird’s-eye view of the city, and then, my friends, we’re soaring over the Grand Canyon. But trust me, this is just
the beginning!” Sandro announced a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
Sophia and Evelyn erupted into happy laughter, their anticipation building with each passing moment. The prospect of flying over
the iconic Grand Canyon added an unexpected thrill to their Vegas escapade.
As they approached the helicopter, Sophia’s phone buzzed with a social media notification. Curious, she checked it, only to find
news of Alexander and Megan’s impending” wedding of the century.” The message carried an air of formality that contrasted
sharply with the carefree atmosphere on the rooftop.
Sophia’s brows furrowed involuntarily. Sandro, noticing her reaction, asked, ” Everything okay?”

Sophia quickly composed herself, offering a reassuring smile. “Oh, it’s nothing.”
Sandro, perceptive and charming, nodded understandingly. “Well, let’s make today even more memorable. Helicopter ride, here
we come!”

As Sandro extended his hand to help Sophia onto the helicopter, she discreetly tucked her phone into her bag, momentarily
pushing aside the thoughts about Alexander and Meghan’s extravagant wedding. The vibrant hum of the helicopter’s rotors filled
the air as they prepared for takeoff.
With a surge of excitement, the helicopter lifted off the rooftop, ascending into the clear Las Vegas sky. The sprawling city
unfolded beneath them, a dazzling tapestry of lights, iconic landmarks, and the distant hum of the vibrant Strip. Sophia and
Evelyn exchanged wide-eyed glances, their expressions mirroring the awe- inspiring sight below.
As they soared over the city, Sandro pointed out notable landmarks, sharing interesting tidbits and stories about each. The
atmosphere inside the helicopter was filled with laughter, exhilaration, and the thrill of experiencing Vegas from an entirely new
The journey was just beginning, and the promise of flying over the Grand Canyon loomed on the horizon. Sophia couldn’t help
but feel a sense of liberation as the helicopter cut through the air, carrying them towards a day filled with adventure, surprises,
and the boundless possibilities that Vegas had to offer.
Amidst the vibrant buzz of the helicopter’s rotors and the breathtaking cityscape below, Sophia couldn’t escape the occasional
glimpse of news and social media reports about Alexander and Megan’s wedding.
The glitzy details, the star-studded guest list – it was all there, infiltrating her carefree Vegas escapade. Yet, the joy of the
journey, the whirr of the helicopter, and the promise of exploring the Grand Canyon managed to cast a spell that momentarily
overshadowed any displeasure.
As the helicopter neared the Grand Canyon, Sandro, with a theatrical flourish, pointed out the colossal natural wonder. “Behold,
ladies! The Grand Canyon, where nature shows off its masterpiece. And trust me, the view from up here is just a sneak peek.”
Sophia, her momentary concerns about social media dramas set aside, marveled at the awe-inspiring sight. The helicopter
descended, giving them an up-close and personal view of the majestic canyon. The sheer magnitude of the geological wonder
left them momentarily speechless.

Amidst the breathtaking beauty, Sandro, ever the entertainer, quipped, You know, I once convinced Kyle that the Grand Canyon
was formed by a giant dragon burrowing through the earth. He believed it for a week!”
Evelyn burst into laughter, captivated by the absurdity of the tale.
“Tell me more stories like that. Kyle never shared anything,” pleaded Evelyn.
“Oh, with pleasure. I suggest we land here and have lunch. I have arranged everything. That way we will be able to talk more
“I can’t wait,” Evelyn replies as the helicopter heads for its landing spot..