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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 113
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#113 “Better Half, Huh?”
As Sophia dropped the bombshell about heading to Boston for Benjamin’s new venture, the surprise on Alexander’s face was
unmistakable, and he couldn’t resist a sarcastic quip.
“Oh, I just didn’t expect a high-profile lawyer like you to be handling such small tasks personally,” he remarked, his tone dripping
with thinly veiled mockery.
Sophia, aware of the unnecessary personal involvement in the matter and the relatively modest scale of the new office, felt a
twinge of self- awareness. Deep down, she knew that she had no reason to be hands-on with this venture. It was a small
operation that could easily be managed without her direct intervention. So why did she choose to divulge this information?
Alexander’s sarcastic remark hung in the air, and Sophia responded with a casual shrug. “Why not, right? A change of pace, a
different challenge. Keeps things interesting.”
Megan chimed in, “Boston sounds nice.
Sophia shot Megan a brief, unreadable look. “Sometimes, you need to step out of the familiar to discover something new. Like
you Alexander, you are getting married, hopefully, you will be able to keep it this time.”
Sophia sipped from her glass with a wide smile directed at Alexander. She wasn’t going to let him make fun of her and her
decisions. He gave her a cold look but returned her smile.
Caroline sensed that the conversation was not going in the direction she wanted and intervened.
“You were in London together, weren’t you?” she asked.
Sophia hesitated for a moment, glancing at Alexander, who was silently observing the unfolding exchange. Yes,” she finally
agreed. “And Alexander actually helps me a lot all the time.”
Sophia felt compelled to mention it but deliberately avoided Alexander’s gaze, aware of the complex emotions that lingered
between them. In the span of moments, the atmosphere shifted, leaving Alexander puzzled by their interaction. Just a second
ago they were bickering like little children, and now she looked grateful for his help.
“I’m glad he was there for you. It should be,” Caroline affirmed, her eyes switching between Sophia and Alexander. “Tell me more
about the case.”

Sophia launched into a detailed account of the intricate legal matters in London, skillfully navigating the narrative to focus on the
professional aspects rather than the personal dynamics. She emphasized Alexander’s supportive role without delving into the
nuances that lay beneath the surface.
Sophia recounted some of her experiences in London, eliciting genuine interest and amusement from Caroline. Alexander,
despite his initial skepticism, found himself engaged in the banter, caught between Sophia’s charm and his mother’s warmth.
However, amidst the laughter and camaraderie, Megan felt like a mere spectator. She tried to interject, throwing in comments
and trying to steer the conversation in her direction, but it was like swimming against the current. The rapport between Sophia
and the Stones felt so natural that Megan couldn’t find an entry point.
Sophia, unaware of Megan’s discomfort, continued to converse effortlessly. At times, she would exchange knowing glances with
Alexander, as if they shared some unspoken connection. Megan couldn’t shake the feeling that Sophia was seamlessly
integrating into the Stone family, overshadowing her presence.
As the evening progressed, Megan’s attempts to engage in the conversation became more strained. She felt like an outsider
trying to break into an exclusive circle. The realization hit her with a pang of discomfort – Sophia was becoming a part of this
family, a role Megan had envisioned for herself.
After dinner, Caroline excused herself, mentioning that she needed to rest, and she suggested that Alexander take Sophia to see
the new decorations in the villa. Sophia, not entirely comfortable with the idea of being alone with Alexander, quickly interjected,
“Why not bring Megan along too? It would be more fun that way.”
Alexander, glancing at Sophia curiously, shrugged nonchalantly.” Sure, why not? The more, the merrier.”
Megan, who had been eyeing the exchange between Alexander and Sophia, chimed in with an air of faux innocence, “Oh, I’d
love to see the decorations. Lead the way, Alexander.”
The trio embarked on a tour of the villa, with Alexander playing the role of a reluctant guide, Sophia maintaining a polite but
distant demeanor, and Megan injecting bits of unnecessary enthusiasm into the mix.
As they strolled through the elegantly decorated rooms, Sophia couldn’t shake the feeling of awkwardness that permeated the
At one point, Megan suggested, “Why don’t we check out the garden? It must be beautiful in the moonlight.”
Sophia managed a tight smile and nodded, “Sure, I’d love to see the garden too.”.

As they stepped into the moonlit garden, the tension escalated. Megan, feigning admiration for the flora, strategically positioned

herself closer to Alexander. Sophia, not one to be outplayed, maintained a composed facade while internally navigating the
emotional labyrinth that this unexpected evening had become.
In the enchanting ambiance of the greenhouse, Megan excused herself momentarily, leaving Alexander and Sophia temporarily
The fragrant blossoms surrounded them, casting a delicate perfume in the air as if nature itself conspired to heighten the
intimacy of the moment.
Alexander, unable to contain his curiosity, turned to Sophia with a playful glint in his eyes. “So, what’s the real reason for wanting
Megan to join us? Are you avoiding the impending matrimonial talk, Soph?”
Sophia, ever the picture of composure, looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 11 Don’t flatter yourself, Alexander. I have no
interest in your wedding plans.”
He leaned against a tree trunk, narrowing the proximity between them, his voice adopting a teasing tone. “Are you sure about
that? You seem pretty interested in avoiding the topic altogether.”
Sophia, feeling the magnetic pull of his presence, stood her ground. “I have my reasons. None of which involve your impending
Alexander inched closer, trapping Sophia gently against the sturdy tree. ” Come on, Soph. You can tell me. Is it jealousy?
Concern? Or maybe just curiosity about who’s stealing me away from our late-night drinks and deep conversations?”
Sophia, caught off guard by the sudden proximity, couldn’t help but feel a flutter of emotions. “It’s none of those. I just think
Megan should be a part of everything if she’s going to be your better half.”
Alexander, his gaze intense, questioned with a hint of mischief, “Better half, huh? Do you think she’s a better half for me?”
Sophia, refusing to be drawn into a debate, retorted, “That’s for you to decide. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
But before Sophia could step away, Alexander, with a smirk, gently pressed her against the tree trunk, the teasing banter
transforming into a charged atmosphere. “Tell me, Sophia, do you care about me getting married? Does it bother you at all?”

Caught in the magnetic pull of his gaze and the proximity that danced on the edge of something more, Sophia hesitated. The
unspoken tension hung in the air, charged with unexplored emotions. As they leaned in closer, on the precipice of a moment that
could redefine their dynamic, Megan’s voice shattered the spell.
“Alexander! Sophia! Where are you?” Megan’s voice called from nearby, abruptly pulling them back to reality.
The spell was broken, and the momentary intimacy dissolved. Sophia, slightly breathless, shot a pointed look at Alexander.
“Saved by Megan, who would’ve thought?” she remarked.
Alexander, chuckling, stepped back, restoring a semblance of distance between them. “And who will save you from the thought
that you were inches away from kissing me?”
With that, Alexander backed away completely and walked in Megan’s direction.