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After Dirvorce I become a SheEO by Vada Weeks

Chapter 874
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Chapter 874 Be Brave

In autumn, twins were born. One of them was a boy and the other was a girl. Lincoln didn’t even look at the child,

and went straight to Zayla. The two nurses hugged the baby and was finding the twins’ father for a long time, but

no one responded.

Theodore felt that the two little nurses were pitiful because their voices were almost hoarse. He said with a smile,

“My son-in-law only has my daughter in his eyes.” The two nurses suddenly understood! They got it! After a month,

the names of the two children were decided. The boy was named Jamison Vargas, and the girl was named Christine

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Nash. As for the nickname, they hadn’t decided yet.

Lincoln felt that his daughter was the apple of his eye, and she must have a nickname. So, he had to consider it

carefully. As for his son, Lincoln thought that he didn’t need a nickname. Theodore also agreed. A month had

passed. Lincoln was still worried. After all, he loved her so much! Zayla said, “Lincoln! I’m not so delicate!” “You

have to listen to me.” Lincoln was still worried about Zayla.

Zayla stretched out her arms to wrap around Lincoln’s neck, and whispered in his ear, “Well… Originally, I wanted

to give myself to you tonight. Since you think I’m squeamish, then, forget it.” “Okay.” Lincoln readily agreed, which

surprised Zayla. Zayla was shocked. She thought, “Am I heard correctly?” Zayla didn’t expect that he would agree

so quickly. Seeing his desireless appearance, Zayla was confused. Zayla thought about it seriously. She thought,

“Maybe, he is really worried about me?”

However, after another five days, Lincoln was still indifferent. Linda came to see the twins and asked Zayla about

the party to celebrate their birth. She wondered whether she told it to the media. However, Zayla was absent-

minded all the time. Linda felt that something was wrong. She asked, “Zayla, I’m talking to you. What’s wrong with

you today?” “I…” Zayla hesitated to speak. Linda was a little anxious, guessing and said, “Isn’t it because you found

out that Lincoln cheated on you?” “No!” Zayla immediately said, “When I was pregnant, he took care of me very

well. How could he have time to cheat?” Linda calmed down and thought about it. “That’s right. He loves you so

much. It seems impossible to cheat…”

Zayla nodded. In this respect, she absolutely believed in Lincoln! “Then what’s wrong with you?” Under Linda’s

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repeated questioning, Zayla still told her very cryptically. When Linda heard this, she suddenly understood and said,

“I understand! People have said that when a man is over 30, their sexual ability will be weak! Lincoln must be… I

told you a long time ago. A rich woman like you should find a handsome young man!” Zayla thought what Linda

said made sense. Lincoln had just turned 30 this year! After sending Linda away, Zayla experienced being shocked

at the beginning to accept it calmly, and now she was ready to study the recipe.

When she was pregnant, Lincoln took care of her meticulously. Now that he had a problem, Zayla thought that she

had to take good care of him too. Husband and wife shared weal and woe! Zayla decided to have a good talk with

Lincoln at night. She wanted to persuade Lincoln to face it bravely! Late at night, Lincoln ended the video

conference and found that Zayla was still awake. In the huge bedroom, only one floor lamp was on. As soon as

Lincoln lay down after washing up, Zayla hugged him from behind with great distress… “Lincoln.” She whispered,

“It’s okay. Let’s take our time.” She said tentatively. After all, it was about a man’s self-esteem!