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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69

It was past eleven o’clock, but Emmanuel was not

home yet.

Mackenzie could no longer remain calm and


“That man is truly hateful! Didn’t I tell him that he’s to

be home by eleven o’clock?”

Gritting her teeth, she decided to seek him out and see

what exactly he was doing that he had not turned on

his phone after such a long time.

Emmanuel had no idea that Mackenzie would seek him

out. He was still hugging Xylie with an arm.

“T–Thank you!” Xylie thanked Emmanuel after he wiped

the floor with the ruffians, her gaze trained on his arm

around her.

In a flash, Emmanuel dropped his hold on her and

urged, “It’s difficult to remain untouched when you’re

working in a bar. Be careful next time. Others may not

respect your wishes when you turn their advances


“All right…”

Xylie nodded, her eyes sparkling as she stared at the


Never had she imagined that such a trope of a knight

in shining armor saving the damsel in distress would

happen to her.

Not only was the man before her tall and handsome,

but he also radiated maturity. Coincidentally, he

happened to be her cup of tea.

“What is this? What happened here?”

At that precise moment, Samuel arrived with a group

of men.

Seeing that, all the patrons in the bar started taking off.

Even the manager was scared witless.

Oh God, what should I do if they fight in the bar when

there are so many of them?

However, Samuel stopped short when he had drawn

close to the scene.

What on earth is happening here? The man on the

ground is my sworn brother, Rat. Meanwhile, the

person who defeated them turned out to be

Emmanuel! He’s the ruthless man who wiped the floor

with us alone at The Paradise that night!

“You’re here just in time, Mr. Webber! I’m never going to

rest until I’ve ripped this brat to shreds today!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Fury blazed in Rat’s eyes, and he struggled to his feet in

excitement upon seeing that his backup was here.

Such a scene frightened Xylie so much that she

trembled incessantly. She voluntarily leaned against

Emmanuel, only to discover that he was still as calm as


Whoa! What a real man!

“What are you planning to do if you’re never going to

rest?” Emmanuel retorted with a sneer, shielding Xylie.

“Damn it! You’re never going to realize your mistake

until you’ve seen what I’m capable of!”

With rage staining his features, Rat snagged a beer

bottle to smash it at the man.

“Stop it!”

Never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined that

Samuel would personally stop him.

Everyone present was stunned to the core.

“What are you doing, Mr. Webber? Quick, help me kill

this brat!” Rat roared.

Unexpectedly, Samuel snatched the beer bottle away

from his hand.

Rat bellowed, “What are you doing, Mr. Webber? If your

tarry any longer, I’ll sever my relationship with you!”

A conflicted expression manifested on Samuel’s face.

How can I possibly allow him to make a move against

Emmanuel? That’s impossible! Putting aside the fact

that I’m acquainted with the latter, even if there are no

ties between us both, we might not be his match if we

were to attack him together! I’m helping Rat out of the

kindness of my heart, yet this idiot has no idea and

even threatens to sever his relationship with me!

“Quick, return the beer bottle to me! Otherwise, I’m

going to beat you up! Make it fast! Damn it!”

Enraged, Rat started pushing at Samuel.

That scene stumped the onlookers around them.

“F*ck you! How dare you make a move against me!”

Even more surprising was the fact that Samuel

snapped. In his towering rage, he smashed the beer

bottle on Rat’s head.


Following that, the entire bar plunged into an uproar.

Everyone had thought that Samuel had rushed over to

back Rat up, never having expected the man to teach

the latter a lesson instead.

Bewilderment was written all over Rat’s face. His finger

trembled violently as he pointed at his sworn brother.

“Y–You actually hit me?”

“I’m going to kill you if you continue running your

mouth!” Fed up with that idiotic man, Samuel hastily

added furiously, “He’s Emmanuel Lowe, the skilled

fighter who defeated thirteen of my men that night!”

Chapter 70

“What?” Rat exclaimed in surprise as clarity washed

over him. No wonder he’s so skilled at fighting. I can’t

believe I just messed with someone out of my league.

Damn you Mr. Webber for not informing me earlier. I

even gave you a beer bottle

“Manny, I’m sorry. It was just a friendly fire. I apologize

to you on behalf of Rat.” Samuel bowed slightly,

regarding Emmanuel with the utmost respect.

“Apologize to her if that’s what you want to do.”

Emmanuel pointed at Xylie. “Forgive my bluntness, but

all of you are only capable of bullying women. You’re

not up to the mark to lay even a finger on me.”

The crowd around them gasped in surprise.

Those words weren’t particularly hurtful, but they were

extremely humiliating, and yet Rat and his party didn’t

dare to utter a word.

Samuel even bowed and laughed. “You’re right. Thank

you for showing mercy, Manny.”

Taking in that scene, Xylie admired Emmanuel even

more. This man is so formidable!

“Come. Since we’re all here, let’s have a few more

drinks tonight. Out of blows, our friendship grows.

Haha!” Samuel pulled Emmanuel to sit down and enjoy

alcohol together.

Emmanuel was a man who valued loyalty. Since

Samuel had shown him respect earlier, he had to


After a few drinks, Samuel learned the entire story. It

turned out Emmanuel and Rat had a big fight over a


“Haha! Manny, you have good taste!” Samuel

immediately pushed Xylie next to Emmanuel, causing

her tender body to press tightly against him. “Serve

Manny well, and I’ll reward you with ten thousand!”

“I-” Xylie hesitated and didn’t refuse at once.

“Mr. Webber, you’ve misunderstood. I-” Emmanuel

wanted to decline, but Samuel and the other men.

started clamoring.

“Misunderstood? Don’t tell me you’re not satisfied with

just one girl? Haha! In that case, let’s have two girls to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

accompany him! Manager, make the arrangement!”

Worried they would complicate things, Emmanuel

quickly waved his hand and stood up.

As he got to his feet, Xylie subconsciously followed suit.

The manager was also a competent and tactful

person. If it hadn’t been for Emmanuel, their bar would

have surely been thrashed.

Moreover, seeing how Emmanuel was able to be on

such good terms with Samuel at such a young age,

the manager figured Emmanuel must be influential

and needed to be treated well.

“Mr. Lowe, the private room is ready for you.” The

manager swiftly approached Emmanuel and Xylie.

Xylie kept her head down, blushing but not refusing.

Milani, standing at one side, mocked Yoel, “Ha! Your

goddess is gone. How should I describe this? It’s like

sending the girl you like to a lion’s den!”

Yoel was brokenhearted and deeply upset.

Nevertheless, he wasn’t someone as foolish as Milani.

He could tell Emmanuel wasn’t a lecher.

Besides, since Xylie didn’t rebuff Emmanuel, that

implied she felt safer with Emmanuel. That was

certainly better than her being bullied by those


“Haha!” Samuel hurriedly shoved Emmanuel and Xylie

into the private room. “Manny, enjoy yourself tonight!

Consider this a return of the favor for the time you

helped me earn three million!”

“Hey ” Emmanuel still wanted to resist, but Samuel

closed the door and locked it from outside.


The door was shut, leaving Emmanuel and Xylie alone

inside the room.

The atmosphere instantly turned ambiguous.

Xylie instinctively clutched her chest as her clothes

had been torn earlier.

“Are you all right?” Although Emmanuel had a lot of

alcohol, he was actually more composed than Xylie

because he had never harbored any improper

thoughts toward women.

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for saving me!” she replied


“I’m glad to hear that.” Emmanuel smiled. “Let me

introduce a friend to you. In fact, he’s the one who

asked me to help you…”

He took out his phone as he spoke, wanting to contact

Yoel to come in.

However, when he looked at the screen, Emmanuel

realized his phone had run out of battery.