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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO

Chapter 556
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Chapter 556

Meanwhile, the sound of conversations grew louder in the hall. As the day

progressed, many medical professionals invited by the Lenoir family began

to feel antsy. They wanted to leave but lacked the courage to do so because

Adolph had not spoken a word. They had been waiting since the morning,

and Emmanuel and Rhea had not exited Claudette’s room.

“He must’ve killed Ms. Lenoir, right? Why else would he be too afraid to come


“That has to be it. We should send someone in to take a look!”

“You’re absolutely right. We can’t let that brat escape!”

They sounded completely confident that their hypotheses were correct. After

all, they assumed that Claudette was beyond saving.

On the other hand, some of the sleazy men suspected that Emmanuel was

using this opportunity to take advantage of both Claudette and Rhea. Since

he’s a goner anyway, he might as well go out feeling good!

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The commotion became increasingly loud, and Laura became restless, so

she turned to Adolph, whose eyes were closed, and suggested, “Why don’t

we go in and take a look, General?”

When he heard this, his eyes popped open, and he leaped to his feet. “Come

with me, Colonel Yancy, and bring some men along!”

“Yes, General!”

The colonel in question, Gordon Yancy, immediately assembled a group of

twelve armed men who marched behind Adolph.

In the meantime, Elizabeth was so anxious upon seeing her father march

toward the room that her fists squeezed together. What should I do? I can’t

let Dad kill Manuel!

Nonetheless, the crowds were eager to see the whole thing go down in

flames. They couldn’t save Claudette, and in their twisted hearts, they hoped

no one else could either. They would even be pleased to see someone lose

their life for this cause. That way, they would appear competent and wise

rather than incompetent and foolish.

Soon, a large crowd marched toward Claudette’s room.

“Get out here, Emmanuel Lowe!”

When Rhea heard the commotion and shouting outside the door, she left the

room immediately. “What are you doing?! The patient needs a peaceful

environment to rest, don’t you know?” she scolded Gordon coldly, who was in

the lead.

–“Hah! Rest, huh? I’ll bet she’s resting, and probably for good! Get out of the

way!” After saying this, he shoved her aside without a care.

“Hey-” She lost her balance and fell, and when Juan noticed this, he rushed

over to help his daughter up. “Hey! You can’t go in yet!” she continued to

shout loudly.

“Stop it, Rhea! General Lenoir is already furious!” Juan quickly stopped his

daughter since he didn’t want her to be the subject of Adolph’s anger.

“This way, General!” After clearing the path, Gordon stepped aside for Adolph.

Adolph snorted and was about to head in when Elizabeth quickly stood in his

way and begged through her tears, “Dad, even if Manuel failed to save

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Claudette, please don’t kill him! I’m begging you, please!”

“Move!” Adolph shoved her daughter aside. The more she was bewitched by

Emmanuel, the more he wanted to kill him!

“Haha! We’re in for a good show now!”

“That’s right. Do you think General Lenoir will kill that Lowe brat right on the


“Serves him right. Who told him to be so full of himself? He asked for it!”

The quack doctors were all secretly celebrating among themselves.

However, as soon as Adolph entered the room, he froze in shock!

On the other hand, Laura was also thunderstruck and couldn’t believe her

eyes. “H–How’s this possible?!”

Meanwhile, Gordon’s jaw dropped so low that it looked like he had seen a


At this instant, the other people outside the room were taken aback by his

reaction. What’s going on in there?