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A Whirlwind Marriage with the Beautiful CEO

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 Mackenzie led the way while Beatrix trailed behind her, and the two of them could hear everyone greeting them respectfully.

Although Mackenzie was an aloof woman, she vias not cocky. In response, she would incline her head at the more important figures in the corporate world out of courtesy.

Men who received her response would puf up their chests in pride.

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Inthe meantime, as Emmanuel and Roselyn could not see who everyone was excited about, they decided to continue enjoying the food before them.

On the other hand, when Mackenzie went up the stairs and raked her gaze across the room, she noticed her husband in the comer.

What's going on? That man is sharing food with another woman, and they re even chatting so merrily? The polte smile on Mackenzie's face faded, and the temperature around her dropped drastically Why is that man here? Is he cheating on me? D*mn it Although Mackenzie told Emmanuel that it was fine for him to date other women after they got married, she realized she was stl perturbed when she actually saw him with another woman.

Fortunately, their marriage was a secret, and no one knew that Emmanuel was her husband. Otherwise, his appearance with another woman would have ruined her lustrous reputation “Hmph” Following a sudden scoff, Mackenzie stopped greeting the others and left tne ballroom on the first floor.

Beatrix, who could not read Mackenzie's mind, was baffled. Mackenzie's expression changed in the biink of an eye! What's going on?

However, a thought popped into her head when she followed Mackenzie's gaze to the spot in the comer and noticed Emmanuel.

Beatrix had never seen Emmanuel before, So she.

quickly pulied Mackenzie's personal assistant closer to her and asked, “Greta, who's that man?” “Ms. Beatrix, that's Emmanuel Lowe.” Oh" Beatrix exclaimed as realization dawned upon him How bold can he be to court other women here? Mackenzie even caught him red-handed! Hoho, if Mackenzie gets mad, she'll have a thousand and one ways to kil im! “Lexi, keep an eye on that man for me, and come to me right away if anything happens © ‘Of course, Ms. Beatrix” Lexi replied, but she was confused.

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He's not your husband. If anything, | should be reporting to Ms_ Mackenzie instead Lexi did not dare to voice those thoughts out oud, however.

Meanwhile, Emmanuel and Roselynn had no idea they had been spotted by Mackenzie and her cousin, et alone how Mackenzie had misunderstood Emmanuel's relationship with Roselyn twas a strange situation, to sum it up “Roselyn, | don' see any handsome guys around. Why don't we go to another floor?” Emmanuel stil remembered the task his mother had assigned him to He was already married, and it was tme for him to get Roselyn married too. Otherwise, it would be risky for Roselyn to give birth if things dragged on for a few more years Id ove to enjoy more delicacies on different floors, but

the invitation | received only allows me to remain on the fist floor Roselynn shrugged, the lock inher eyes seemingly telling Emmanuel that there was nothing she could do.

Right then, a sweet voice rang out behind them.

Roselyn Dr. Lower" The sibings tured to see a woman in a ight green gown and a smile on her face ambling toward them The look in the afracive woman's eyes was a calm one, and she was wearing a diamond necklace around er slender neck. The diamond twinkied under the lights, and it was so biliant it looked as ff the entire universe had been kept in the precious rock Claudette? Roselynn jumped fo her feet in excitement before launching herself over to the ofner woman and hugging her. My boss came at fhe right time!