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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 69
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The arm across my middle shifted and he started to lightly pluck at my nipples. I bit back the moan in my throat as he fondled my chest.

“I find,” he said low into my ear, “my left hand to be more accurate for detailed work…like this. Other men have no such preference. My brothers have no preference.”

Squirming under his ministrations I grasped at his arm and felt the play of muscle beneath my hands

“You are very talented with both of your hands, Master Damien,” I whispered.

The chuckle rumbled from his chest and into mine and that tormenting hand thankfully ceased it’s chore.

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“Go to sleep, Ciara,” he said tucking the blankets around us.

I sighed and settled down quite satisfied with myself. Master Damien wasn’t angry I had noticed, perhaps it would even make him happy I paid them that much attention. Tomorrow I would continue at the task I had set myself. It was a plan.


It was strange, but it was the Little things they Likedto see. They wantedto notice the details of their lives and personalities. It was like they wantedto read their minds and react to whatever they were feeling.

I understood why the girl in the restaurant had been staring at her owners. It was the only way to keep up with them. With five to Look after, their changing moods and desires, absolute attention was necessary.

Once I learned what the men needed to be happy with me, life settled into a rhythm. Being at my new hin the compound was consuming, but I enjoyed my tat the Keepers. It was my tto relax. Most days were like that: relax at the Keepers during the day and please my owners at night.

My musical talents madevery popular when I was at the Keepers because the other girls really liked to dance. Fuji toldwe would probably end up entertaining our men together. Her men Loved to see her dance and she wanted to make them happy.

Fuji said I should dance, too. She started helpingpractice while someone plucked at a stringed instrument. It seemed the right thing to do, although dancing embarrassed me.

I did have sexperience. Mom and I had taken a belly dancing class for exercise one year. It was one of those New Year’s Resolutions about losing weight. I’d never been particularly good, the teacher said I was too shy. I loved the feel of the moves, though.

When I showed Fuji belly dancing I thought she’d hit the roof she was so excited. We worked on it every day, since I started to practice I got a lot better. I wasn’t as shy about my body and that made a difference, too.

Still I preferred to dance with just Rose and Fuji. They thought my modesty was kind of silly. Considering what was expected regularly ofwhen I was home, I knew they were right. Modesty was something I no ‘longer had the Luxury of.

At home, I was the embodiment of sex. For the men that owned me, I was a living, breathing sex doll. It was obvious I was their favorite toy.

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My owners were meticulous in caring for me. I had my daily vitamin drink, which I had heard them say was expensive. They washedwith the finest soaps and rubbed my body with creams, so my skin was soft and pliant.

Thanks to their care I looked like a different girl. My hair was healthy and shone in the light. Even my palms, which had stared out looking so bad, were now satiny to the touch. They spent money and time onthe way no one ever had.

My care did not stop with that. Although my outfits were mostly gauze and see thru, I had a Limitless supply of them. The room they stored their clothes was now packed with my flimsy ornamentation. Every day I was dressed up in a different outfit and paraded around like a prize.

They took good care ofand were proud I belonged to them.

They shared in all my care and my use, except Christof. He seemed to keep to himself and didn‘t fit in with the other men. The difference was most apparent during sex. He didn’t usewith them.

Christof never took part in the wild group sex I was the focus of. He would wait and watch quietly, deferring when they asked him to join in.

It upset my other owners, but they couldn’t seem to talk to him about it.