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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 589
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“He will cto you when he is hungry.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I said watching Jonathan boldly approach the other children.

My Little one had no fear, only curiosity. He went from child to child, babbling and touching. Sof the other children interacted with him and sshied away. He was smaller than most, but he had a mighty personality.

Dinah ledto where Nu-reeh and Tosu were. I was directed to rest on a larger cushion. Tosu pointed out that they had broughtrefreshments should I need them.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Jonathan inspected every child at the gathering. He played longer with some, but he never stayed with anyone. It was like he was Looking for someone.

Eventually, he was spent. He sat in the middle of the floor and Let out an ear splitting cry. It didn’t matter that I shouldn’t, I went to him immediately.

Weaving between the boys and their toys I picked up my wailing son. He was so upset; he didn’t want to be held and rocked. Food was not a concern and he refused the breast petulantly. Jonathan just continued to scream.

“Nurse, Baby,” I begged him, but he wouldn’t.

I carried his wailing, squirming body back to the pile of cushions Nu-reeh had directedto. Singing softly, I tried to comfort my boy, but he was uncharacteristically irritable. Pacing in front of the cushions I rocked him until he calmed.

Tosu reassured me, her only male offspring had done the sthing. His brothers had not been at the gathering the first day and it frustrated him. That Little boy had done the sthing Jonathan was currently doing.

It took time, but my boy relaxed slowly. I put him on the cushion besideand he just stayed there. He sat and played absently with things Nu-reeh brought to him. The other little boys would wander by, but he ignored them. Jonathan knew what he needed and these children were not it.

“More women arrive for the next many days Tosu told me. “This gathering will last here for five day cycles.”

Nu-reeh and her sisters talked. They hoped at Least sof Jonathan’s Brothers would be brought to this gathering. At lease one of them should be having the ssensations manifesting. Their female breeders should be delivering them soon.

The hall we were in was loud. The women met and talked as the boys screamed and played. It was constant noise and stimulation. I feared it would be too much for Jonathan, since he was unused to this much activity. He didn’t seem bothered by it all.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I do not believe it,” Nu-reeh said suddenly as the women in the hall all turned.

I looked where they were looking and saw a woman limping into the room. The woman was large and looked powerful, but she was gravely injured. Even from where I sat I could see the streaks of blood down her legs. Her stomach had been slashed open and viscera could clearly be seen.

My hand went to my mouth as I saw what she carried. A small boy with brown hair was nestled in her arms. He was still, from my perspective, and his color was…off.

The woman moved further into the Light and I saw the flash of colored beads that had been used to decorate her fur. She stood silently watching the other women.

I wondered what they would do. She was seriously injured, would they complete the job? Would they torture her? She could not fight back effectively the way she Looked now.

I had no more tto consider the issue. Trapped in my musings I had not seen Jonathan get up. He had crossed the room and I didn’t see him until he was at the woman’s legs.

“Gimme,” he demanded loudly in English reaching toward her boy, “mine no yours!”

The woman’s brow quirked and Jonathan repeated the phrase over and over again, still reaching for her boy.