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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 550
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I smiled up at my men and shook my head. I had no intention of opening that door, ever. This hunting thing might last a while and I wanted to eat dinner eventually. Kissing each of their Lips, I pushed them out the door.

For the first tin a long time, I was left alone. I stood for a moment before the fire and relished the feeling. No one was talking and the room was quiet. I wasn’t supposed to be keeping up with all of them, all at once. Flopping on the chaise, I laughed.

Blessed silence surroundedand I sat staring at the fire. The ride here had been long and tiresome. I enjoyed just sitting and relaxing for a moment.

Leaning back I curled up and closed my eyes. I started to doze and roused myself. Evan would never understand if he foundsleeping when I wasn’t pregnant. He’d probably think I was ill.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

My needles and yarn sat in a cupboard in the kitchen. I had watched Christof put them away. Setting back down I started to make a blanket. Even though they didn’t really need them, my girls did seem to Like things I had made. It madefeel good.

I was concentrating on what I was doing when the door creaked. I looked up expecting Damien or his Brothers.

“Did you forget something?” I asked happily as the door opened completely.

It wasn’t Damien or the new young family. The men that entered all had shaggy, bulky outfits on. I screamed and reached for my sword laying several handspans away.

One man moved quickly towardand I scrambled away. Darting away from him was foolish, he was obviously stronger, but I tried as I screamed. He leapt across the room in a surprising burst of speed and grabbed me.

The man snagged my arm and pulled my back to his chest. Without a second thought I screamed for Damien again. A hand clamped hard over my mouth and nose, effectively silencing me.

The rules, I had to remember the rules. I Looked down and quieted myself. These men would not hurt Damien’s property if I acted appropriately. I just had to pray these were honorable men and not bandits.

“Kev, release your hold, that is too tight for a human. She is silent now,” the man in front ofsaid.

The hand on my arm relaxed and I felt the feeling flow back into my hand. The man’s grip had been so powerful it had cut off my blood supply. As his hand relaxed on my face it felt sore. He might have left a hand shaped bruise over my Lips and cheeks.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Rachel, we are sorry to have frightened you,” the man in front said.

“You do not need to fear us, Kennedy sent us.”

I looked up into his eyes and he smiled at me. He Looked familiar, but it was hard to tell. His face was coated in a fine layer of dirt. He was dressed from head to toe in an outfit the color of the land outside. It was shaggy and made him look slightly like a dirty gorilla.

I was reminded suddenly of pictures from the television. Snipers on Earth wore camouflage like this. I’d seen pictures on the military shows my uncles watched. Uncle Bob had called them Ghillie suits.

My eyes travelled across the outfit and took it in. It was very much like the pictures they’d shown on the television. It surprisedto think they had these here, too. This man would be invisible lying outside.

“We cannot spend Long, Rachel,” the man said politely.

“This land is not safe for us. We have been waiting for you. Your daugh-ter asked us to bring this package to you. The girls could not cthemselves. It is important that they appear to be doing as they are supposed to. Both of your offspring travel as the older females demand they do.”

I nodded and the men Laughed lightly. Hannah and Kennedy had taught them what that meant. It was good I understood.

A tall man stepped forward and motioned to the door. “We have to go now,” the man in front said pushing a box into my hands.