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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 519
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Chapter 519

“Itis difficult,” Christof said handingour sleeping and bundled daughter, “but we speak with Basin and Stayne. We try to help them see the horrors of slavery. The way they act is no different from...”

He let the statement hang, but | knew who he meant. Having a slave meant being Like the women and no one wanted that.

“They will see the truth one day, as we did,” Damien said guidingto the sleeping chamber. “We will make sure that all Paterians see the truth,” he said softly as they Lay Kennedy anddown.

My family rested the remainder of the night until the sun rose. They tried to be quiet, but despite being less than a day old, Kennedy woke curious about what they were doing. She didn’t want to stay in the quiet bedroom with me, she wanted to see what was going on.

The men were left to tend totoday. Food was delivered to us by Basin’s family. While | nibbled, Christof held our daughter. She dozed in his arms as he talked to her. It was different than it had been with Hannah, so unbelievably different.

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Where Hannah had been all fire and venom, Kennedy was my sweet girl and | started calling her that. She Loved her family and wanted to be with us constantly. Her eyes constantly swayed between herfatherand his Brothers when they were around.

Kennedy would have preferred Christof stay with us all day every day and she made that very clear. The day he went back to work, she wailed all morning. He had to gently, but firmly, reprimanded her at lunch. She just couldn’t have everything she wanted. It was not his choice to follow Nu-reeh’s commands or not. While staying with his daughter would make him happy, Nu- reeh’s wishes always cfirst.

It was the first t| saw the look of determination on Kennedy's young face. She didn’t Like that her father was owned and controlled. The resolve I'd gotten used to seeing in Hannah settled over Kennedy. | suddenly realized what | was doing.

| was breeding the resistance

Most of the time, Kennedy was calm and content. She rarely cried and screamed. My second girl liked to be held and rocked. She was passed between all of us, enjoying the attention of the whole family. She liked to be awake and interacting with us.

Unlike Hannah, | soon found | had to remind her to feed regularly. Nursing made her sleepy and she liked to be awake and part of the conversation. Evan remembered how often Hannah had fed and he made a schedule for me. We did our best to make sure she’d grow strong and powerful.

Rose and Fuji helpedswith her care. They would play with her in the morning while | cleaned our rooms. She and Rose shared a special bond once Rose understood her name. Evidently the Kennedy Rose had been named after she left Earth.

My instructions with Kennedy were much the sas they had been before. The only difference was that | was to read to her every morning. My afternoons were always spent walking in the mountain's tunnels and giving Kennedy fresh air.

Damien and his Brothers no Longer feared my walks. They understood the control Nu-reeh had on the men. No one would touch me. Much Like before

| was ignored like a piece of rock. No one ever sawas | moved around. Angela’s Library

Hannah showed up when Kennedy was twenty two days old. Kennedy and | were walking and talking. | had taken us toa winding cave that eventually led to an opening out of the mountain.

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The opening was small, barely enough forto squeeze out of. | Liked the wide ledge that w just outside hoyghethes beat down obit and kept it nice and warm. We had a lovely view of the surrounding mountains and the sky above. Kennedy and | had found it on her fifth day. The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Kennedy rode withthe sway I'd carried Hannah. A long sash could be used to tie her ackritd my fron teddy the sash was tied like a sling and Kennedy lay in thehammockshaped cradle on my chest. The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

| liked this position. Kennedy could talk withor look up at the sky. It also allowedto bundle her and keep her close to me for warmth.

We found a spot and settled down. Kennedy Liked to be out here under the open sky. She chjustyiraweelih the

; C sumpistehingtotalk to her. Quite early on I'd found she had a fascination with the sun, she hated the dark. The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Talons hitting the ground startledbadly and | jerked Kennedy to my chest. Without looking, | ran for the opening but Hannah’s voice stopped me.

“Mama, it’s just us,” she said sounding exasperated. | took a moment to glance at the new arrivals and realized it was just my older daughter and her Sister.