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A Sex Slavee To Alien Masters

Chapter 154
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Chapter 154

“Five Warriors,” | whispered, “and the five shopkeepers, she wasn’t even deterred. Rose stroked my head in her lap and tried to calm me. “The women here are...” she said and couldn't finish.

They were the most powerful creatures I’d ever seen. The men here were strong, but the women...| couldn't conceive a creature that mighty.

Rose’s owners cand got Fuji andthat night. They were in a hurry and showered in their rooms after dinner. They undressed the three of us and treated my nipples, which was good because they had started to ache. Although the sun had barely set, they told us it was tfor bed.

| Lay in the bed on my back and tried to think of things that would putto sleep. | jumped when | felt a hand on my breast. One of Rose’s owners was playing with one of the rings gently. Now there was no way | was ever going to sleep.

“Slave, did this hurt?” he asked me, finally leaving the jewelry alone. “No, Keeper, the man put something on them that numbed them first,” | answered him. Rose’s owner laid back down and it tooka long tto go to sleep after that.

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We woke the next morning to the shrill sound of an alarm going off three times. It was still dark out. | was barely awake for my morning ritual, which was good because it still embarrassed me. The men fed us hurriedly and then rushed us off to the Keepers.

When we got to the Keepers we went to our normal spot and blankets were laid out. | stretched out next to Fuji and Rose and we all went back to sleep on the cushions.

Rose and Fuji were laughing when they wokelater in the morning. | had been sound asleep.

Rose was all questions about the new jewelry. Her owners wanted to pierce her but she had somehow managed to beg them out of it. Now that they knew it wouldn’t hurt her, she thought they might go through with it.

“Lots of women on earth have piercings like this now,” | told her trying to comfort her. “Sometimes they even pierce...you know... down there,” | said pointing to my genitals.

Rose and Fuji both squealed and several other girls joined us for the conversation.

“My uncle dated a girl at home,” | told them. “He talked about her all the tshe had piercings in her fleshy lips down there and through the hood of her clit.”


Once everyone understood what that would mean sensation wise for an earth girl they all were yelping and laughing. The noises got Louder when | told them about the piercings the men on earth could have through their genitals. Even the Keepers stood by and Listened to that discussion.

“| would never allow metal to piercethere intentionally,” | heard one of the Keepers say.

He blanched when | told him how smen on earth Liked nipple play. That was where long needles were inserted into the breast to sensitize the nipples. “How do you know of such things?” he asked hotly. “Did you do this to men there?”

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“No, Keeper,” | told him, “one of my uncles, a male related to my mother, he liked to have seawten itinvdived ppingHNived with us and would spend all his money going places where they would hurt him and have sex with him The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“He should have been born here,” the Keeper said ‘ay agd the dm"!

\. es \ reared. Ai\thatcomment. The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

We spent the entire day inside. We danced, sang, and played regywith one anat es, whe kdebers id not want!to be out by the beach in case of another raid. The content is on Drama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!