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A Mortal’s Medicinal Elixirs

Chapter 99
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Chapter 99 The Sacred Insect Aidan was already under a lot of stress, to begin with. Things were looking bad for the Wrights. Their assets had shrunk massively-they went from having billions to just a few hundred million. Furthermore, they had to deal with the pressure the Lloyds and Kane were putting on them. These two parties were William's friends, so they did everything within their means to stomp on the Wrights.

Thus, after hearing what William wanted, Aidan glared icily at Zach.

Thanks to Aidan's support, Zach managed to sign quite several renovation projects a while back. The projects were still ongoing and he stood to profit hundreds of thousands from them, The look in Aidan's eyes made Zach tremble. "Don't listen to him, Aidan. It's not as if he's anyone. important. How would he be able to do anything to the Wrights?" "Shut up!" Aidan snarled. “I no longer have a stake in Prosperity Villa. You won't be involved in the project. any longer, and I won't be able to give you the initial payment for the work you've already done." Zach was gob-smacked. I'm not getting paid? I mortgaged the house to get the funds to work on this project! "You can't do this, Aidan!" he quickly exclaimed. "We're good buddies-" "When have we ever been buddies?! Aidan's expression was cold and unrelenting. "From now on, don't ever appear in front ofagain! Leave! Get out of Justford, or else, you won't even get a single cent! ☐ Zach was shocked and furious; but he couldn't lash our Aidan had him in a chokehold. If Aidan didn't give him any payment at all, his entire family would be tossed out on the streets with nothing left.

He took a deep breath and said, "Fine! I'll leave! I'll leave Justford and go back to my county." Zach felt humiliated, but for the sake of the money, he dared not protest. He walked off, but not without glaring at William with his bloodshot eyes first.

William abruptly stopped him and asked, "Did you just glare at me?" Zach's heart skipped a beat. “I didn't!” he hastily fired back before hightailing it ut of there.

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Once he was gone, Aidan turned to William and said, “William, there's no reason for us to be enemies." "My enemy, huh? You're not worthy to be that yet, William declared curtly. "Go and take a seat at the back. I don't want to see you." Aidan clenched his jaw and headed to the back row, making sure he was out of William's sight.

Queenie and Tanner who were sitting nearby saw the whole thing and were stupefied. What's going on? Why is Aidan so afraid of William? "Is William holding something over Aidan?" Queenie muttered.

Tanner nodded. "It's possible. Otherwise, why would someone as rich as him be scared of William?" William didn't bother with any of them and continued talking to Rayna Just then, Hutch got a call from a middle-aged man who bellowed at him, "You b'stard! What have you 1/4 86% punk! You're going to be the death of me!" The moun Hutch was dumbstruck. of Justford is investigating Dad? Does that mean William really called the mayor just now? He turned to William with a look of horror. All the color drained out of his face! He was no longer listening to his father's voice which was still coming through the phone.

After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and walked over to William. He fell to his knees with a loud thump. "I was wrong. William. I shouldn't have insulted you. I shouldn't have told you to get lost. I made a grave mistake, William. I'm willing to kneel for forgiveness. Please don't take it out on my father.

William eyed him indifferently. "We barely knew each other back then, save for a passing greeting now and then, so why did you choose to provoke me? Have you got nothing better to do?" Hutch was on the verge of tears. Tm sorry, William, Can you please not cause trouble for my father?" William nodded. "Sure." He pointed at Tanner. 'See him? His nis Tanner Byrne." Hutch swiftly nodded. "We're from the scounty. I helped him with the documentation when his family moved." "Uh-huh. Well, he's getting on my nerves right now. Teach him a lesson for me, William said.

Hutch leaped to his feet right away. "You got it!" He marched right over to Tanner who had been listening in all along. The latter was utterly flabbergasted when he heard what William said.

As soon as Hutch cover, he began slapping Tanner repeatedly on the face.

Blood started peeking through the corner of Tanner's lips. Enraged, he hollered, "Hutch! Have you gone mad?! Why are you hitting me?!" "Because I can!" The two men got into a scuffle. Queenie tried to get between them, but Hutch kicked her away.

William was satisfied with the result and turned to Rayna to ask with a smile, "Why did you decide to attend the graduation dinner?" However, Rayna was still intrigued by William's tricks. "I'll tell you that later. Can you tellwhat happened between you and Aidan?" Thus, William gave a simple account of what happened. Once he was done, Rayna let out a soft sigh. "I never thought he'd do something like that." "It's not surprising, William said. "When the Wrights weren't doing well for themselves, he was a normal person just like me, so we were able to be good buddies. However, when the Wrights rose back to prominence once more, he was once again a wealthy young man. It stands to reason that he would look down on someone like me." "That's because he's a fool, Rayna declared. "He can't see the value of someone as remarkable as you." Chapter 99 The Sacred Insect "I wouldn't call myself that." William chuckled. "Let's talk about you. You haven't answered my question." Rayna smiled. T'm just here to see my old classmates." William fell silent for a moment before abruptly saying, "If you're in any trouble, you can talk toabout it. As your old classmate, I'll do my best to help you." Rayna felt a jolt. Did he pick up on something? She surveyed William and remarked, “Oh? You'll help me?" William looked into her eyes. "Of course. For example, if someone planted an insect in you or something like that. I can help you." Rayna's expression shifted ever so slightly. She took a good, long look at William and asked, "You noticed that? William nodded. "If you trust me, let's discuss it somewhere else." Rayna nodded back at him and the two left the hall.

All the men ground their teeth when they saw Rayna leaving with William. One of them scoffed in contempt, "I still don't see it! What's so great about William anyway?!" "Exactly! He must've tricked Rayna with tall tales and a glib tongue," another man grumbled.

Hutch and Tanner were still engrossed in their fight, so neither of them noticed that William had left.

William and Rayna got into the elevator and went to the cafe on the ninth floor. He ordered coffee while she got a glass of juice.

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"Go on." William looked at Rayna. "Tellwho planted the insect in you." "How did you notice it?" Rayna asked.

"That's my business," William replied. “Just tellwhy you have an insect inside your stomach." of Rayna lowered her head with a look of sorrow. Tears trickled out of her beautiful eyes as she explained the whole situation.

It turned out that Rayna descended from the Morans' community of sorcerers. Before she turned am eighteen, she lived the normal life of a Moran girl. However, when she cof age and got into college. her father suddenly cto her and told her she needed to make ssacrifices for the safety of their people.

The community of sorcerers inherited their knowledge and legacy from their ancient ancestors. It Was rumored that they had been around ancient since the dawn of civilization, and even after millennia since then, the community was still in existence.

They were able to survive this long because of their mastery of entomancy. They had a sacred insect of protection that was known as Divinus Every three centuries, the Divinus insect would undergo metamorphosis, and during that time, Divinus would only survive the process and live for another three centuries if it was planted inside a person to feed off the person's blood and essence. Divinus was extremely selective about its host. The clan had gone twenty years without a suitable candidate until Rayna was born.

12:49 Thu, 13 Jun 86% Chapter 99 The Sacred Insect As soon as she was born, she was chosen as Divinus' host, and at last, when she turned eighteen, Divinus was inserted into her using the clan's secret techniques.

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