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A Mortal’s Medicinal Elixirs

Chapter 144
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Chapter 144 Dragon's Cradle 75% Finished Winton smiled. "And now that makes you our leader. Tell us if you need anything, Mr. Barrett.” William nodded. "Just about to get to that. I'd like to look into the cases of a few people. They're the bigwigs of their turf.

Winton said, "No one too powerful is going to stay in a county. Just tell us what to do, sir.” "Look into the cases of Zachary Frost and Dumpty Franklin. I want to find out their connections and take the shares of the resort back from them." Winton stood up. "Right away, sir." Once they were gone, William went to see Dorian. Dorian's tablet was in the Franklin ancestral hall. They'd have to go back to Leila's place if they wanted to pay him a visit. The village Leila grew up in was called Dragon's Nest. Back during the early days of the first empire, there used to be a snake that resided here, and it evolved into a dragon one day. This village had a long history, and a lot of the buildings were a thousand years old.

The Franklin ancestral hall was located in the western part of the village, and there was a plaza in front of it. It was where the elderly and the kids hung out. An M8 stopped on the plaza, and out cLeila and William.

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The villagers looked at the car, and they were all shocked to see Leila. Squickly went back home. Leila looked at the ancestral hall with tearful eyes, and William patted her shoulder. "Takethere." They entered the ancestral hall, and a mountain of tablets stood before them. Leila found the one belonging to her brother, and she cried inconsolably.

Matthew lit scandles and stood before his friend's tablet, and he bowed. "I'll avenge you, my friend. And I shall take care of your sister. Go in peace," And he bowed again.

Sounds of footsteps cfrom the entrance, and a group of villagers huddled around outside. An old an in his sixties hissed, “How dare you cback?" Leila was still crying, but she turned around and glared at the old man. Loudly, she said, "Why can't I cback? I did nothing wrong. Dorian did nothing wrong!" The clan leader harrumphed. "Your brother took the clan's wealth, and Felicia took them away once he died. Felicia is not one of us. You and your brother have betrayed us!" Leila was shivering in fury. "Nonsense! My brother did right by everyone, and he was the one who took a loan to invest in the business! He bought his shares fair and square, unlike your son! You are the one who betrayed us!" The clan leader flew into a rage. "Insolence! Men, take her away! Punishment is due!" A few burly men cahead and tried to capture Leila, but William stopped them. "You cannot touch.

her." The old man stared at William and shrieked, "This is our clan's business. Stand aside, outsider." 1/3 Chapter 144 Dragon's Cradle the reason for Dorian Franklin's death. Dumpty Franklin and Zachary Frost are on the list as well The clan leader was shocked, and then he got skeptical. This is fake, isn't it?" "Find it our yourselves. My nis William Barrett. Check the net." He held Leila up. "Let's go." No one tried to stop him, since the police were terrifying after all.

When they got into the car, Leila said, “I'd like to go hfor a bit to take sstuff." Finished William nodded and drove to a three-story house in the eastern part of the village. The gates were locked, and the yard was deserted. Leila went into the house to get simportant items, while William ascended to the top floor, where he could see the river.

It was there he saw a beam of light glowing in the river. He turned on the third eye, and the light shone brighter still, breaking through the water's surface and forming the silhouette of a lotus. A few minutes. later, the light disappeared. Curious, he stared at the river, but the light didn't show up anymore, and Leila cto see him.

"Say, Leila, this village goes by the nof Dragon's Nest. Is it related to a dragon?” Leila nodded. "Back in the first empire, there was a big snake that took up residence here, and a lot of people saw it evolve into a dragon. Thinking that this place brings luck, people started gathering here, and eventually, the place beca village." "Do you know where the snake resided, precisely? The place where it evolved into a dragon." Leila pointed at the place where William saw the light. "There. There's a shoal on the left, and it's written in the village's logs." William was interested. Could it be? That light might be related to the dragon. But he had no tfor this. It was Zachary and Felicia's wedding, and he must attend it.

They went back to Asopus, and Winton texted William halfway through. The investigation was underway, and they had sevidence on hand. Zachary had a lot of allies, including the captain of the Criminal Apprehenders, the mayor of Asopus, and spowerful guys. He was the ruler of this place, so to speak.

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And he also had a close relationship with a powerful man in Yamata who went by the nof Daley Howe. Daley was a Divine Realm, and the Howe Family was a family of martial artists. They had a lot of powerful fighters working for them.

Winton said, "If we attack Zachary, we might cross Daley." William said, "Keep digging. I want you to find out everything there is to Daley and his family." "Yes, sir." Leila looked at William. "It's a hassle, isn't it?" "Have you ever heard of someone called Daley Howe?" Leila thought about it. "Dorian mentioned him before. Said he's infamous and powerful." 'Daley's a friend of Zachary. We might have to face him in battle." 2/3 08:01 Wed, 19 Jun Chapter 144 Dragon's Cradle 75% Finished

Leila's heart sank. “We can take this slowly, William." She didn't want to drag William into a mess because of her vengeance. It was good enough that he saved her.

William arched his eyebrow. "T'd still avenge Dorian even if you were fine.

a They'd best be prepared for a big gift." According to county.

Winton's intel, the wedding was held in Riverasima Residence, a wealthy district in the

Riverasima Residence encompassed the riverside and a mountain. There was a bridge leading in and out of the residence. If anyone wanted to cross the bridge, they must get one of the estate owners' permission. William cto a stop, and the guard litely asked, "Are you here for the wedding, sir?" "Yes. For Zachary and Felicia's wedding. Please let us through." Okay, the names are correct. The guard quickly opened up the gates, and William drove into the residence.